Person Details Restriction

This feature allows access to details of persons who need special protection to be restricted. Examples for the use of this feature include protection of VIPs, celebrities, and at risk individuals.

It is possible to apply an access restriction to a person to indicate that the person can only be accessed by users with a role that includes the restriction.

When a user searches for relations, protected persons that they are not allowed to see will not be returned at all.

Inference Prevention

A restricted person is restricted throughout the whole Oracle Health Insurance Value-Based Payments as if that person does not exist. So if person P is restricted for a user, searching for contract alignments of person P will not return any data for that user.

Related Entities

When access to a person is restricted, the following details are also restricted:

  • Person Titles

  • Addresses

  • Bank Account Numbers

  • Assigned Providers

  • Contract Alignments

Note: When searching with Generic API, Top-Level Resource, Sub-Resource and Concealing of Linked Resource access restriction are applied. For details refer to HTTP API Data Access Restriction Concepts