
Oracle Health Insurance provides access to some functionalities and libraries by explicitly allowing packages, classes, or methods that can be accessed by a dynamic logic code.

Classes under the following packages are supported:

  • groovy (and its sub-packages)


    • With some restrictions on File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, FileWriter

  • java.lang

    • With some restrictions on System, Object, Class, ClassLoader, ProcessBuilder, Runtime, Thread

  • java.math


    • With some restrictions on ContentHandlerFactory, DatagramSocketImplFactory, SocketImplFactory, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket, URLStreamHandler

  • java.text

  • java.time (and its sub-packages)

  • java.util (and its sub-packages)

    • Except for java.util.concurrent

  • ohi.dynamiclogic (and its sub-packages)

From java.sql package, the following are supported. However, only the method valueOf is permitted to be called.

  • Date

  • Timestamp

From org.apache.groovy.json.internal the following is supported:

  • LazyMap

Although other packages and libraries that are not present in the above list can be used, they are not supported by Oracle Health Insurance, and such packages or libraries can be removed or replaced in future releases.