Credentials Migration Integration Point

The integration point migrates credentials stored in secret between different versions of the same application. This is an important step when upgrading an application to a newer version.



The GET request exports credential’s data from an older version of an application.

GET http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/credentials/export

The request returns a JSON file with secretly-stored credentials. The response file has a unique name say, <uniquefilename>.json.

  "credentialKey": "DataExchangeExportNotificationClient",
  "username": "TestUser3",
  "password": "<credentialpassword>"


The POST request imports credential’s data to the newer version of the application. The POST request registers all credentials from the older version of the application to the newly-configured credential store of the fresh application.


The request accepts a multipart/form-data and takes a file as input (for example, credentials.json). The parameter name for the request is credentials.

POST http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/credentials/import

The operation returns an HTTP 204 (No Content) response if the operation succeeds, else reports an HTTP 404 error.