Enable application managed idle timeout


Application Managed Session time out (Enhancement 34954700)


A new global-level common profile switch entitled Enable Application Managed Idle timeout is provided in Single Sign On node. The new parameter is applicable for both OAM and Open ID Connect options used as re-authentication mode.

Irrespective of the status of the Enable Application Managed Idle timeout parameter, the Oracle Argus Safety and Oracle Argus Insight applications are timed-out when the idle time exceeds the time limit specified in the Session expiration time in minutes switch.

When the Application managed idle timeout is enabled and timed-out of the applications, the user is redirected to the URL that is configured in the Sign-On Logout URL section, and subsequent log in requires to re-enter the user credentials.

When the Application managed idle timeout is not enabled but timed-out of the applications, if the time-out has not happened at the authentication server level (IDM/IDCS), then subsequent log in to the applications in the same browser session, does not require to re-enter the user credentials.

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