Fulfill a shipment

You receive a notification when you need to fulfill a shipment. The notification contains the Shipment ID.

Before fulfilling a shipment, you must determine its contents. To determine the contents of a shipment, do one of the following:
  • Review the email message that is sent with the contents of the shipment. This option doesn't require you to sign in to Oracle Clinical One Platform.
  • Sign in to Oracle Clinical One Platform to see the contents.
  1. Navigate to the Shipments tab. For step-by-step instructions, see Access the Shipments tab
  2. On the Shipments tab, find the shipment using the filters, which are above the table of shipments and to the right.
    • If you copied the shipment ID from the notification, paste it into the Search by Shipment ID field, and press Enter.
    • If you don't have the shipment ID or want to see all shipments that need to be fulfilled, select Pending from the Filter by Status drop-down.
  3. In the table, select the shipment.
  4. On the right, view the contents of the shipment.
  5. Fulfill the shipment outside Oracle Clinical One Platform.
  6. After the shipment leaves the depot, you must specify a ship date for it. For step-by-step instructions, see Specify a ship date and tracking number for a shipment.