Archival PDF (for sponsor users)

Users assigned to a sponsor study role typically use this archive type for mid-study data analysis or to generate a final archive of study data. This makes the data available for auditors, sponsors, sites, and regulatory agencies.

Subject data in the output files match the data the user generating the archive can see in the user interface.

The archive output ZIP file contains the following:
  • A folder for each site containing PDFs for each subject. Subject transfer history files (.prth files) are also included for transferred subjects;
  • A set of blank PDFs containing active controls for each study version;
  • A table of contents PDF;
  • A request settings PDF outlining the settings used to generate the archive.


The archive does not contain any associations between repeating forms assigned to different visits or form types, or associations between a repeating form and a standard form.


Available only in Testing and Production mode. To get started, Access the Reports & Archives page.

Required permissions

Users assigned to a sponsor study role that includes the following permission can generate this archive.
  • Run and download all PDF request types and Audit reports. Enable Share with Sites, and Site Confirmation


Setting Details
Name Enter a unique name (alphanumeric characters only) that does not exceed 64 characters.
As of Date
  • Select Now (default) to include all data from the beginning of your study until the date displayed.
  • Choose Select Date/Time to enter a specific date.

    Note: The date entered must be after the date when the first study version was created.

Share with Sites
  • Select Yes (default) if you want the PDFs made available for download by site users.
  • Select No if site users do not need to download the request.

Confirm Site Downloads

Note: Only displayed if Share with Sites is Yes.

  • Select Yes (default) if you want site users to confirm downloading the archives shared with them.
  • SelectNo if you do not require confirmation from site users.

Included in Report

Note: The Select Subjects option is only displayed if Share with Sites is No.

  • Select All Subjects (default) to include data for all enrolled subjects in the request output.
  • Choose Select Subjects to include data for a selection of enrolled subjects in the request output.

    Note: If a subject number was changed, the As of Date determines what value is presented in the drop-down.

  • Choose Select Sites to include data for a selection of sites and their subjects in the request output.

    Note: You see the when sites included in the archive have no subjects.
    • When hovering over the Request Settings icon to the left of the request name on the Download Archives side panel, you see all sites included in the archive, even those without subjects.
    • The Zip file includes folders for only those sites with subjects. Also, the Table of Contents and the Request Settings PDF, included in the zip file, only include sites with subjects.
Page Size
  • Letter (default) 8-1/2" by 11"
  • A4 European letter size: 210 x 297 mm
Include Blank Forms
  • Select Yes (default) to include blank forms in the PDF output.
  • Select No if blank forms are not needed.

Blank Form Format

Note: Only displayed if Include Blank Forms is Yes.

  • Select Casebook (default) to show all forms in every visit.
  • Select Unique Forms to show one of each blank form in every visit.
Header Text
  • Enter up to 90 characters to appear at the top of each page.
  • The study name is the default.
Footer Text
  • Enter up to 30 characters to appear at the bottom of each page.
  • **Confidential** is the default.
Advanced Settings - Include RTSM data
  • Select Yes to include subject RTSM data elements in site-level archives.
  • Select No (default) to exclude subject RTSM data.

For more information, see When an Archives request includes RTSM data below.

Advanced Settings - Allow archives to be stored in Oracle sFTP
  • Select Yes to send an archive to the Oracle sFTP server. Requests can then be programatically transferred to an eTMF system.
  • Select No (default) if you do not need to send an archive to the Oracle sFTP server.

Before enabling this setting, see About eTMF .

Advanced Settings - PDF security
  • The Prevent Form Changes setting controls the ability to create and apply a password to the PDF files generated by a request.

    Note: The setting defaults to Yes for this request type, and a password is created but cannot be retrieved.

  • The Prevent Form Comments Changes and Prevent Content Extracts and Copying settings, which default to No, control the ability to add comments and annotations and to copy PDF content. Change to Yes if you'd like to prevent users from adding comments and annotations and copying PDF content.

When an Archives request includes RTSM data

The following Randomization and Dispensation details are included in subject PDFs when the setting Include RTSM Data is set to Yes. This advanced setting is available for Submission, Archival (site and sponsor), and Custom archive requests.

Randomization details

Subject PDFs contain a Subject Randomization History section, which includes details related to randomization events.

Table 4-6 The Subject Randomization History section in subject PDFs includes:

Action Details
  • Randomization Date
  • Randomization Number

Dispensation details

Subject PDFs also include a Visit History section when Include RTSM Data is set to Yes.

Table 4-7 The Visit History section in subject PDFs includes:

Action Details
Kit Dispensation
  • Date
  • Kit Number
  • Kit Description
  • Kit Status
  • User
Kit Dispensation (Calculation)
  • Date
  • Kit Number
  • Kit Description
  • Kit Status
  • Calculation
  • User
Kit Dispensation (Titration)
  • Date
  • Kit Number
  • Kit Description
  • Kit Status
  • Titration
  • User
  • Date
  • Kit Number
  • Kit Description
  • Kit Status
  • Replacement Kit
  • User
Dose Hold
  • Date
  • Kit Description
  • User

Additional information

  • Kits marked Not Dispensed to Subject are not included in the output.
  • Before running your final extract, update your permissions to ensure unblinded pharmacist kit types and kit descriptions for blinded studies are included in the output.