Test and approve a rule

You need to test and approve a rule before publishing it to Production. Your testing should be done before moving from Draft mode, and again before moving from UAT. This helps ensure that your rule is functioning as expected before moving to production.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

Do I have to do anything before performing this task? Before you begin your testing, work with your user administrator to make sure you're assigned the Rule Tester role and make sure you have prepared the rule for testing and approval (see Prepare your rule for testing and approval).
  1. Navigate to your desired study and select a site (if you have access to multiple sites).
  2. In the table, locate and click the visit card that you want to edit.
  3. On the left side of the visit window, click the form for which you want to test a rule.
    Your rule should be in UAT at this time.
  4. Enter a value for the question containing the rule.
  5. Click Save.
    The rule will run against the value. You should evaluate the action taken by the rule and confirm that it is correct.
  6. Repeat the testing steps for all possible scenarios and values and confirm your results.
  7. If the rule generates the expected result for all scenarios:
    1. On the Rules pane, next to the rule's name, click the rule status icon to show the status slider.
    2. Move the slider from UAT to Approved.


      Make sure you move a Form or a Question in the the Approved container. The rule will show only in the Design and Testing tabs. If you omit to move them, the Production and Training tabs will show the forms and questions incorrect as N/A.


      Click the menu icon (Menu icon) and select View to see a rule's details in read-only mode.

      Figure 2-3 Figure 3-2 The rule status slider when a rule is approved

      Figure 3-2 The rule status slider when a rule is approved


    You can move the slider back to Draft at anytime.

If the rule doesn't generate the expected result, return the status slider to Draft and notify the rule designer that rework is needed.

If the rule works as intended, you can move on to publishing. See: