Update the answer to a dynamic question

You can update the answer to a determining question (parent question) and automatically clear or hide the answers to its dynamically-displayed questions (children questions), too.


  • You can only automatically clear dynamically-displayed questions, forms, and form associations that are included in the same visit as the parent question.
  • Dynamically-displayed questions that are frozen, locked, read-only, hidden, associated with forms in other visits, or with future visits cannot be automatically cleared. You must manually clear the data of those impacted questions first. We recommend you remove the data from dynamically-displayed questions (using the Delete or Backspace keys), instead of clearing their data.
  • Dynamically-displayed questions that are hidden will not be displayed on the Information dialog guiding you on your next steps for clearing or updating dynamic questions.
  • If a dynamically-displayed question is associated with a future visit in the study, and that question has been verified, locked, or signed, and it contains a data flag, you must first clear data flag before updating the determining (parent) question.
  1. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  2. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  3. Filter your view based on several criteria. For more information, see Filter subjects in a study.
  4. Locate the subject and click the visit whose dynamic questions you want to clear.
  5. Locate the question that you want to clear or update and select the menu icon (
    Hamburger menu icon

    ) to the right of the field.
  6. Select either one of the following options:
    • For a question with radio buttons, select Reset.

      This option removes the radio button selection and keeps the question in the form.

    • For any other question type, select Clear.

      This option removes the answer to the question and reverts the question's status to that of a newly introduced question that's never been answered before, in the context of that form.

    An Information dialog appears. On the dialog, you are informed that changing the answer to this question will hide any dynamically-displayed questions or forms, and also clear data from their answer fields.
  7. On the dialog, select the checkbox for I confirm that updating the value will clear all data of the question or forms above.


    Questions that are locked, frozen, read-only, hidden, associated with forms in other visits, or with future visits cannot be automatically cleared. In those cases, the dialog displays a warning that indicates that answers for these types of questions must be manually cleared before updating the determining (parent) question.
  8. Click Update.
After you performed this action, here's what the outcome might be depending on what you decided to clear or update:
  • If you cleared the determining question of multiple dynamically-displayed questions in the same visit, those questions will be cleared and hidden from the form.
  • If you cleared the determining question of multiple dynamically-displayed forms in the same visit, those forms will be cleared and hidden from the visit. If the dynamically-displayed forms were repeating or two-section forms, all data in all instances of those forms was cleared and then hidden.
  • If you cleared the determining question of a dynamically-displayed visit, and the only completed field of that visit was its Visit Date field, the visit is hidden and the Visit Date field is automatically cleared. If the visit had other fields completed, you won't be able to clear or update the determining question until you manually clear all of the other fields.