Add an object to a live study

After you test, approve, and publish an object in a library study, you can add that object to a live study.

To add an object to a live study, you must import it into the draft version of your live study. Then, you'll have to update the live study version to ensure that the newly imported object appears for subjects during the study conduct period.

Before you begin, learn more about the specifics and limitations of a library study. For more information, see About library studies.

  1. Open the study in Draft mode.
  2. To add a form object to a live study, follow the steps below:
    1. On the Data Collection page, click All Forms.
    2. Below Import forms from, choose one of the following:


      In the Search Form field, type the title of a specific form to search for it.
      Options Steps
      If you choose Production
      1. From the Studies drop-down, select a live study. By default, the current study you're accessing is selected.
      2. Choose a filter to filter your studies by.
      3. From the section below, select a form.
      4. Click Add Form to Current Study.
      If you choose Library


      You can only import an object that has a status of Published.
      1. Click Filter.
      2. From the Study Name drop-down, select All Studies or a specific library study.
      3. From the table, select the form you want to import.
      4. Click Add Form to Current Study.
  3. To add a kit object to a live study, follow the steps below:
    1. On the Study Supplies page, click Kits.
    2. On the Kits tab, click Import Kit Type.
    3. Locate the kit object that you want to import and click Import.
    4. In the Import Kit dialog, verify and modify any required fields.
    5. Click Import.
    For more information, see Import a pooled kit type.
The newly imported object is displayed in its appropriate location in your live study.