Assign a system code list group to your study

For a system code list to become effective in a study at your organization, you must assign it to that study. You can assign a system code list to a study at any point during the study's development (whether the study is in Draft, Testing, or Approved) and without creating a new version of a study.

To learn more about study code lists, see About your code list library.

To assign a system code list group to a study, you must be assigned either the Code List Manager or the Study Creator global role.

  1. Open the study settings.
  2. On the the General tab, from the System Code List drop-down, select a system code list group that your study must use.
  3. Click Apply Changes.

    Figure 3-1 How a sponsor user assigns a code list

    A code list is assigned by clicking a drop-down and selecting a code list from a newly displayed list.