Create a system code list group for all studies

You can create a system code list group so that all studies at your organization can make use of the code lists within that group for their various study needs.

To learn more about study code lists, see About your code list library.

Before working with this feature, consider the following:
  • To create a system code list group on the Library page, you must be assigned the Code List Manager global role.
  • A system code list group's name must be unique in the system. Upon creating a system code list group, its name is assigned as a machine-generated ID which you can update either at the time of creating the code list group or later.


A system code list group is different from the system default code list group. When you create a new system code list group, all of the code lists from the default system code list group are displayed in this newly created group. You cannot add new code lists to a system code list group. You can only edit certain elements of some system-level code lists. To learn more about system default code lists, see Browse the list of system default code lists.
  1. On the home page, click Library.
  2. On the Library Studies page, click View Library.
  3. On the Code List tab, click Add System Code List.
    A new system code list group is created on the right side-panel.
  4. To rename a system code list group, click the Menu icon (The menu icon consists of three gray parallel lines) and select Rename Group. Enter the new system code list group in the text field.
  5. From the newly created system code list group, select a code list.
  6. On the right side of the page, click the Edit icon (The edit icon is a gray pencil icon) and edit a code list's details.


    Depending on the details that you are allowed to edit for a specific system code list, you can edit any of the following fields below.
    Field or column Description
    Code List Title Edit the title of your code list. For example, enter Specimen Type.
    Code List Description Enter a relevant and helpful description for your code list. For example, enter The names and descriptions of biological specimen.
    Order Modify the numbers assigned to a code value to re-order code values in a code list.

    Use numbers from 1 to 2,147,483,647.

    Value Enter a value in your code list. For example, enter Plasma.

    You cannot remove a code value that exists in a system code list by default or remove a code value after a code list has been saved.

    Label Enter the label for the value in your code list. A label can be identical with the value. For example, enter Plasma.
    Code Enter a code corresponding to the code value A code can contain numbers and letters.
  7. To add another row and complete its fields, click the Add icon (Add icon is a circle with a plus icon in the middle of it.).
  8. Depending on your language preference, select a language tab, and enter the translated text for the Value and Label columns.
    When you modify a system code list, the additional language tabs are pre-populated with those changes. For other languages, all you have to do is translate the Value and Label text for every code value in a code list.
  9. Click Save.