Understand the prerequisites for importing a code list

Before you import a custom code list in the application, make sure you follow the prerequisites and understand the limitations of importing a custom code list.

  • When you import a code list, make sure the title of the file is unique.
  • You cannot overwrite or re-import an existing code list.
  • You can choose any name for the custom code list that you want to import. When you choose to export an existing custom code list, the file will be named using the following naming conventions:
    • For a custom code list imported at a study level: StudyName_CodeListName_ddMMMyyyy
    • For a custom code list imported at a global level (for all studies): CodeListName_ddMMMyyyy
  • The file that you choose to import must contain a maximum of 1000 rows and a minimum of 1 row. While a custom code list's general details cannot be imported (such as the title or the description), it's important that you include the expected columns in your imported file. Those columns are: Order, Value, Label, Code, and LOINC (used for the Lab Normals Test element).
  • Once you have imported your code list, you can only edit all of its fields in the application (such as order, value, label, or code) until you save your code list. Once you save an imported code list, you can only edit its code, label, and order values.
  • Anytime you import a custom code list that doesn't pass all of the application's validations, the application will notify you of the errors found in the file.