About your code list library

Every organization has an associated library of code lists. That library contains system default code lists and custom code lists, all organized by groups. A library of code lists functions at two different levels: in a global library available for all studies at your organization and in a study library for an individual study.Code lists that exist in the global library can be re-used in a single study, as well. For example, a Reason For Change code list that exists on the Library page (in the global library) can also be seen in the individual study library, on the Code list tab. However, a code list that only exists in the context of an individual study (in the study library) cannot be used for other studies at the organization.

The taxonomy of code lists

To make sense of the types of code lists that you can use, you must first understand the different levels of a code list. The following elements comprise a code list and exist in Oracle Clinical One Platform.


System default and custom code lists that exist on the Library page will be displayed on the Code list tab for an individual study, as well.
Type Description
Code list groups

Code list groups contain the actual code lists.

On the Library page and on the Code List tab, you can find two types of code list groups:
  • System default code lists: these are predefined Oracle code lists that you cannot create from scratch or delete, but you can edit certain elements for them.
  • System code lists: these are system code lists that you can create using the existing system-default code lists.
  • Custom code lists: these are code lists that you can create and manage from scratch, and that can only be used for form design.
Codes or values Each code list contains several code values.

For example, a Lab Normals Tag code list may contain several code values related to local lab normals that can be used in a study.

About the global library and system default code lists

As a global code list manager, you can access the global code list library from the Library page located on the application's homepage. In the global library, you can find the system default code lists, as well as any code lists that you choose to create here and make available for all studies at your organization.

When it comes to system default code lists and custom code lists located in the global library, consider the following:
  • In a default system code list group, you cannot create new code lists or delete existing code lists. You can only edit some of the existing code lists. Certain code lists can be fully edited, while for others, you can only edit certain values.

    For example, you cannot delete an existing Geography default code list, but you can hide a value if you do not wish for it to appear in the study for a user's selection.

  • Apart from the system default code list group, you can create your own system code list group. That customized system code list group can be re-used in other studies, as well.

    For example, you may choose to create an Oncology system code list group that can then be used in future oncology studies at your organization.

  • System code lists can be created in all languages available in the application. Upon selecting a code list, you can view its elements by switching between language tabs in the library. Based on your language preference set in the application, the code list is created in your preferred language. If you want to create code lists in other languages, you must add their translated code values on the other language tabs.

    For example, you may create a code list category in Japanese (while your preferred language is set to Japanese). When you create or modify a custom code list or when you modify a system code list, the additional language tabs are pre-populated with those changes. For other languages, all you have to do is translate the Value text for every code value in a code list. In this example, if you don't enter any code values on the English tab, the Japanese code values will display as you specify them on Japanese tab.

About the study library and study-level code lists

As a study designer, you can access an individual study's code list library from the Code list tab, in a study's settings. When a code list manager creates a new system code list group or edits an existing system code list in the global library (for all studies at your organization), these updates are also displayed for you in the individual study library. Updates to a custom code list group (on the Library page) are not displayed in an individual study.

In your individual study library you can find the system default code lists, system or custom code list groups (created in the global library), as well as any custom code lists that you choose to create in the study library only. If you create or edit a new code list in your individual study library, these updates are not reflected in the global library of code lists.

For example, if you edit an existing system default code list in a specific pediatric study, those updated values cannot be reused in other pediatric studies at your organization because they only exist in the study library of that specific study. Or, if you create a custom code list in a specific oncology study, that newly created code list cannot be used in forms for other oncology studies at your organization.

In short, if you create or update a code list on the Code lists tab (for a study) none of those updates will be displayed on the Library page.