Create and use study company filters

As a CRO, filter and order all studies when working with multiple sponsors. In addition, you can use the study company filter to categorize studies using other criteria such as therapeutic area.

Only Global User Managers and Study Creators can create and manage the study company filter.

Study filters only display the studies that a user is assigned to. For example, a study designer can only see the studies that they are assigned to for a specific company.

Company code lists are part of the Custom Code Lists group and they can be created for the English language, as well as other languages available in the application.

To use the study company filters:

Task 1
Create or edit a company code list


For more detailed guidelines, see Create a custom code list and Manage a code list for all or one study.
  1. On the homepage, click Library.
  2. On the Library Studies page, click View Library.
  3. Make sure you're on the Code List tab.
  4. Expand the Custom Code List group and select the Companies code list.
  5. On the right side of the page, fill in the table rows with the appropriate data for the companies associated with your CRO.
  6. Set up a custom code list for each company you work with and fill in the following fields in order for the filter to apply:

    Table 3-1 Code list fields description

    Field Description
    Value Enter the company name to help you identify companies later in the filter.
    Description Briefly describe the scope of the company or the nature of the studies it works with.


    This can help you connect what study belongs to which company.
    Code Set up a unique code to help you identify the company across the board.
Task 2
Associate a company to a study
  1. After setting up the code list, click Home to go back to the homepage.
  2. Open the study's settings and go to the General tab.
  3. From the Company drop-down, select one or multiple companies to assign to your study.
  4. Click Apply Changes.
Task 3
Apply the study company filters
  1. Click Home to return to the homepage.
  2. Along the top of the page, from the Filter by Company drop-down, select a company to view all studies associated with it. This label could be empty if you made no company selection.


To clear all of your filters, select and delete the inserted code-lists in the search bar.