Deactivate a contact and transfer studies

If you want to associate a contact with a different institution and site, you must first deactivate that contact.

  1. On the Home page, click Global Settings.
  2. Make sure you're on the Contacts tab.
  3. On the Contacts tab, select a contact, and click Manage Contacts.
  4. From the Manage Contacts drop-down, select Edit.
  5. In the Edit Contact dialog, in the Info section, select Retired from the Status drop-down.
    A Confirmation dialog is displayed. The dialog indicates that there are active studies associated with this contact.
  6. In the Confirmation dialog, select any of the following options on what to do with the active sites associated with the contact that you want to deactivate:
    • Retire all: selecting this option effectively retires all sites.
    • Transfer all to one: Upon selecting this option, a drop-down appears. From the drop-down, select which contact you want to transfer the active sites to.
    • Select for each: Upon selecting this option, a table appears. From the table, for each of the displayed sites, select either Retire to retire the site or Transfer to transfer the site to another contact. You can also select No Change if you wish to not do anything with a specific site.
  7. Click Save.
A deactivated contact is displayed with an information tool tip indicating the date when the contact was deactivated. Additionally, all of their associated institutions are displayed with a status of Unavailable in the Associated Institution section.