Mark kits as destroyed

Mark kits as destroyed in accordance with the protocol and any applicable SOPs, or just leave kits in the Pending Destruction status. If the study allows titration, don't mark the last kits that were dispensed as destroyed until a subject receives their next kits. This procedure also applies to rollover studies.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

  1. Access the Study Inventory tab.
  2. Click a kit type.
  3. Above the kit list, from the Status drop-down, select Pending Destruction.
  4. In the list, select the kits you want to mark as destroyed.
  5. On the right, make sure Kit Settings is expanded.
  6. Under Kit Settings, from the Status drop-down, select Destroyed.
  7. Click Update Kits.
  8. In the confirmation window, select a reason for change, and click Yes.
  9. Update kits of other kit types as needed.

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