Customize your view of access requests

If you have the Approver role, you approve or reject access requests. You can customize your view of the access requests so you can see all the information you need about a request.

Any custom views that you create are visible only to you.

To customize your view of the Approval Details page:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Life Sciences IAMS as described in Sign in to Oracle Life Sciences IAMS directly.
  2. Under the Requests menu on the left, click Pending Approvals.
  3. On the Approval Details page, click the Add View icon Green plus sign icon on the toolbar.
  4. On the Definition tab, edit the Name field to give your view a name.
  5. Select the task types that appear in your view:
    1. To the right of Task Type, click the search icon Magnifying glass icon.
    2. Press Ctrl, and select RoleLevelApprovalFlow and RoleLevelApprovalFlowNoMail.
    3. Click OK.
  6. Select the columns to appear in your view:
    1. Select the Display tab.
    2. Move columns from the Available list to the Selected list to add them to your view.
      We recommend that you include the following columns in your view:
      • Title: Contains the link to the Request Details page.
      • Requester: Displays the requesting user's full name, including the ShortOrgId.
      • RequesterDisplayName: Shows the requesting user's display name.
      • RequestID: Contains the unique identifier for the access request in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS.
      • Acquired By: Shows the display name of the Approver who claimed the request, useful if there are multiple users with the Approver role in your organization.
    3. Click OK.
Your view is created and is available from the Views menu, under My Views.