Life Sciences InForm Documentation

Cognos Documentation

How is InForm Reporting affected by uptake of new IBM Cognos Analytics patches?

As a result of our formal IBM Cognos Analytics validation process for Oracle InForm, and due to the nature of Cognos feature access being InForm version-controlled, Oracle does not expect InForm reporting functionality to be impacted by the ongoing need to patch Oracle-hosted Cognos environments.

InForm reporting validation details:

In accordance with Oracle policies, every IBM Cognos Analytics patch that is certified for use with InForm is formally validated by Oracle prior to it being announced as compatible with InForm. This validation process is inclusive of an impact mitigation for InForm reporting functionality. The following are the types of changes a new Cognos patch can include which can be broken down into two high level categories:

  • Newly added Cognos features

    InForm reporting impact mitigation: User access to Cognos features is managed through the assignment of capabilities (equivalent to permissions) to a given user or group. Any newly added Cognos feature would be implemented with a new corresponding capability. As outlined in the InForm Study and Reporting Setup Guide, InForm Reporting Groups (which are defined as part of an InForm version) control what Cognos capabilities InForm Reporting users have access to. Uptake of an Oracle-validated Cognos patch for use InForm does not involve a change to the InForm version, nor the Cognos capabilities associated with InForm Reporting Groups and therefore any such newly added features or capabilities in a patch would not be accessible to InForm Reporting end users.

    NOTE: In the event that Oracle requires to alter Cognos capabilities, such a change would be explicitly stated in the associated Cognos Patch validation announcement or documented in the associated InForm version Release Notes (if the change is implemented as part of a new InForm release).

  • Minor enhancements or bug fixes for existing Cognos features and capabilities

    InForm Reporting impact mitigation: Oracle’s validation process is inclusive of formal testing that confirms InForm Reporting functionality remains unaffected by these types of changes, inclusive of (but not limited to) validating InForm Reporting Groups, InForm Data Models, Report Creation, and InForm Standard Reports and their associated folder structures. Direct links to the applicable IBM Cognos Analytics release documentation are included in every Cognos Patch validation announcement. However, considering the aforementioned InForm Reporting validation performed by Oracle, we do not mandate that customers review or assess such materials.