Install the Client Plug-In

Oracle LSH files contained in handle the integration of the IDEs with Oracle LSH.

System Administrator Tasks

To prepare these files for installation by developers, do the following:

  1. Download from $CDR_TOP/plugin/sas.

  2. Unzip One of the files unzipped is cdrconfig.xml.

  3. (Optional) Edit cdrconfig.xml to add a directory path for each IDE developers may use, including the IDEs mentioned in Integrating Other Systems. and any other IDEs that your company is using with Oracle LSH, either by buying a third party adapter or developing your own adapter.

    If you are using 7-Zip instead of WinZip, follow instructions in Section, "Enabling Using 7-Zip".

  4. Write the unzipped contents of to a CD-ROM.

  5. Give the CD-ROM to each Oracle LSH Definer who will use an IDE, with instructions for where to install the IDE software so that the directory paths you entered in cdrconfig.xml are correct.


    Alternatively, do not edit cdrconfig.xml before writing it to the CD-ROM and tell each Definer to edit his or her own copy.

Definer Task

On each Definer's personal computer, load the CD-ROM that contains the unzipped files. InstallShield automatically runs setup.exe, which loads cdrconfig.xml and cdrclient.exe to a location the Definer specifies on his or her local computer. The default location is ProgramFilesDir\oracle\cdr where ProgramFilesDir is the registry entry for the value name ProgramFilesDir. If the specified location does not exist, the InstallShield creates it.

In addition, it sets the location for the CDR Work directory. By default this location is %USERPROFILE%/Application Data/CDR. Oracle recommends using this setting if you are installing the client IDE on a server for access by multiple users. It creates a separate work space for each user so they do not overwrite each other's files.

Enabling Using 7-Zip

If you want to use 7-Zip instead of WinZip, do one of the following:

Edit cdrconfig.xml to Use 7-Zip If WinZip Is Not Installed

Add the following code:

REM ------------------------------------------- 
REM wzunzip 
REM ------------------------------------------- 
if  exist "%ProgramFiles%\WinZip\wzunzip.exe"   
"%ProgramFiles%\WinZip\wzunzip.exe" -yo %1 %2 %3 
if  not exist "%ProgramFiles%\WinZip\wzunzip.exe"  goto 7zip 
goto end 
REM ------------------------------------------- 
REM 7-zip 
REM ------------------------------------------- 
if  exist "%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe"  "%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y 
if  not exist "%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" goto errormsg 
goto end 
msg "%username%" Either wzunzip nor 7z could be found. No Launch possible. 
goto end 

Create a .bat File and Edit cdrconfig.xml

  1. Create a file called wzunzip.bat with the following contents:

    "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" x %3

  2. Add the path to the wzunzip.bat to the CDRCONFIG.xml file.

Edit cdrconfig.xml When 7-Zip is the Only Option

Change this line in CDRCONFIG file:

<USER_DEFINE NAME="WINZIPEXE" VALUE="&quot;C:\Program Files\ WinZip\wzunzip.exe&quot;"/>


<USER_DEFINE NAME="WINZIPEXE" VALUE="&quot;C:\Program Files\ 7-Zip\7z.exe&quot;"/>