10 Milestone and Submission Planning

Workbook synopsis

Intended for Oracle Site Activate customers, this workbook lists all the baseline, planned, and completed dates for all milestones and submissions within Oracle Site Activate.

Dashboards and sheets

Milestone and Submission Planning

This worksheet lists the baseline, planned, and completed dates for all milestones and submissions and can be used to monitor compliance by highlighting any milestones and submissions that are not planned or completed. Use the filters to the right to adjust data included in the report by Study Name, Country, Site Info, Event Name, Milestone Active Status, Prioritized site, etc.

Milestone and Submission Planning – Planning worksheet

Milestone and Submission Planning History

The Milestone and Submission Planning report also provides and easy way to evaluate changes to planned dates across milestones and submissions using the Milestone and Submission Planning History worksheet. The history sheet is a tabular report that includes the following columns:
  • Study information
  • Country information
  • Site information
  • Milestone information
  • Reason (individual who changed the date and reason, if available)
  • Prior planned date
  • Planned date (current)

You can filter the report using any of the filters in the right panel. For instance, you can filter planning history data by study, site, current or historical milestone active status, submission type, and more.

Milestone and Submission Planning – History worksheet

Export Milestone and Submission Planning

Use the Export Milestone and Submission Planning sheet to export detailed planning information. You can filter data included in the export by Study Status, Portfolio, Country, Submission Type, and more.

Milestone and Submission Planning – Export

Export Milestone and Submission Planning History

Use the Export Milestone and Submission Planning History export sheet to export historical planning information. Use the options in the filter panel to the right to filter data by Study Status, Portfolio, Country, Submission Type, and more.

Milestone and Submission Planning – Export History