11 Milestone Prediction Dashboard

Workbook synopsis

This workbook, intended for Oracle Site Activate customers, is a powerful tool that leverages machine learning to inform site planning decisions. The Milestone Prediction Dashboard report, described below, includes two sheets:
  1. Milestone Predictions
  2. Prediction Analysis

Dashboards and sheets

Milestone Predictions

At the upper left of the Milestone Predictions dashboard, you can choose a Start Milestone for a cycle time and evaluate different prediction cycles against actual milestone completed dates in the report’s trend graphs and table. Choose one of the following as the Start Milestone:
  • Contracts Executed
  • Essential Documents Sent to Site
  • Initial Protocol Received/Sent

Then, choose a milestone (IP Release Ready or Contracts Executed) and view the prediction data in the dashboard's trend graphs and table. You can also specify minimum and maximum cycles using the fields at the top of the dashboard.

The trend graphs at the top of the dashboard helps you visualize dates. A blue bar represents milestone predicted dates, while an orange bar represents milestone planned dates.

Key Performance Indicators display at the center of the worksheet. These are:
  • Average actual cycle time: Shows how long this cycle typically takes on average.
  • Average delta – median vs. actual: Shows the variance between actual cycle time and median cycle time. This represents the error between median and actual cycle time.
  • Average delta – predicted vs. actual: Shows the variance between actual cycle time and predicted cycle time. This represents the error between predicted and actual cycle time.
  • Average delta – baseline vs. actual: Shows the variance between actual cycle time and baseline cycle time. This represents the error between baseline and actual cycle time.
  • Average delta – planned vs. actual: Shows the variance between actual cycle time and planned cycle time. This represents the error between planned and actual cycle time.
The bottom of the dashboard is a table that includes columnar data for the following:
  • Study Information
  • Country Information
  • Site Information
  • Start Milestone
  • Target Milestone
  • Milestone Prediction
  • Planned/Actual Dates
  • Study Attributes
  • Number of Countries
  • Number of Sites in Study
  • Number of Sites in Country
  • IRB/EC Type
  • Cycle(s) and Median (days)

As with all Oracle Site Analyze reports, the right panel provides a wide variety of filters that allow you to subset data to your preferred view.

Milestone Prediction Dashboard – Milestone Predictions

Prediction Analysis

The Prediction Analysis sheet helps you understand the machine learning model's historical performance and allows you to evaluate the areas where predictions are most and least accurate. The sheet is a box plot visualization; you have multiple options to manipulate the dimensions and aggregations of the box plot(s).

First, use the "Start milestone" filter to select either "Initial Protocol Received/Sent" or "Essential Documents Sent to Site" as the milestone you want to visualize. Then, use the "Data Slice" parameters to specify from the following list of data slice options:
  • Portfolio
  • Therapeutic Area
  • Phase
  • Region
  • Country
  • Study
  • Site
  • PI
  • All

Using the "Data Compare" parameter, you can control the aggregation of each point in the box plot. Compare options are the same as above, except no "All" option. "Cycle Minimum" and "Cycle Maximum" parameters also allow you to refine the view.

Plot details display on hover over (Upper Whisker, Median, Lower Hinge, etc.), and you can also drill to Site Details by hovering over any point on the plot and clicking the "View Detail" link in the tool tip.

The lower section of the worksheet provides a tabular view of every site prediction. Columns are:
  • Study Information
  • Country Information
  • Site Information
  • Milestone Prediction
  • Plan/Actual (dates)
  • Study Attributes
  • Number of Countries
  • Number of Sites in Study
  • IRB/EC Type
  • Cycle(s) and Median (days)
Milestones Prediction Dashboard report – Prediction Analysis worksheet