12 Open Activities

Workbook synopsis

This workbook, which is intended for Oracle Site Activate customers, lists all the open (available to be worked on) activities within Oracle Site Activate and each activity's age (i.e., how long each activity has been open).

Dashboards and sheets

Open Activities

This worksheet lists all the open (available to be worked on) activities within Oracle Site Activate and each activity's age (i.e., how long each activity has been open) as well as the primary and backup resources assigned to an artifact activity.

Multiple filters to the right allow you to subset the data to your preference. For instance, you can use the "Assigned User Role" filter to identify unassigned open activities. Using this filter can help to highlight the full amount of remaining work.

Open Activities – Open Activities worksheet

Open Activities Export

This worksheet lists additional details for the activities and can be used for export to .csv format. Use the filters to the right to subset the details sheet to specific activities, users, date range, etc.

Open Activities – Export Open Activities worksheet