14 Resource Allocation

Workbook synopsis

This workbook shows users assigned to sites across all studies within Oracle Site Activate and can be used to identify where resources are overloaded and also unassigned. The workbook also provides worksheets that help you to track and manage assignment of user roles and business permissions in Oracle Site Activate.


The About sheet provides a summary of key report features to help you understand if the report is applicable to your, or another report user's, role. The About sheet provides details like:
  • Study startup roles that would use the report
  • Key report features and metrics
  • Types of data the report contains
  • Examples of how to use the report to answer a business question
Resource Allocation – About

Resource Allocation by Study

This sheet shows resources assigned to studies in Oracle Site Activate, grouped by country or user. You can filter the data using the options to the right (Study Name, Study Status, Country Name, Active Users, and more).

Resource Allocation – Resource Allocation by Study

Role Assignment by User

This sheet identifies which users are assigned to business roles within a study and includes site experience users and users with primary assignment flags. You can filter the data using the options in the filter panel displayed to the right.

Resource Allocation – Role Assignment by User

Data Export

The export sheet provides a convenient way for you to download resource allocation detail. By default, all previously applied filters will be applied to the export sheet.

Resource Allocation – Data Export

Business Role Definitions

The Business Role Definitions sheet presents a simple columnar view of business role name and the list of all permissions currently enabled for the role. The Resource Allocation report also includes a "Business Role Definitions Export" sheet you can use to export the business role information.

Resource Allocation – Business Role Definitions

User Roles and Permissions

The User Roles and Permissions" sheet shows which business roles a user is assigned even if they are not assigned to a study, country, or site. You can also use this sheet to view which user level settings an individual user has assigned. The sheet includes:
  • User name
  • Role type (business role or system role)
  • List of business and system roles that user is assigned
Resource Allocation – User Roles and Permissions

A User Roles and Permissions Export sheet, designed exclusively for export of the roles and permissions data, is also available in the Resource Allocation report.

Resource Allocation – User Roles and Permissions Export