16 Site Reconciliation

Workbook synopsis

The Site Reconciliation Dashboard provides metrics to help managers understand the usage of sites in the Oracle Site Activate system as related to your Master Services Agreement. Standard Tableau functionality allows managers to easily download the dashboard and associated worksheets for further analysis or distribution.

Dashboard and sheets

Site reconciliation dashboard

The Sites Dashboard tab provides a trend chart to visualize site fees over time as well as a Rate Card table view of individual and total fees by type, contract, site type, etc. over a selected time period. Managers have multiple filter options to create a preferred view - including filters like Contract, Site Status, Date Range, and more. Finally, the dashboard prominently displays site and fee metrics for the specified Date Range. These metrics include Total number of sites, Total deleted sites, and Total fees, among others. To export the dashboard, use Tableau's standard Download option.

Sites detail sheet

The Sites Detail worksheet, which is intended for export use only, provides comprehensive information about sites as grouped by site type and study name. For instance, the worksheet includes details like site created date, site license expiration date, milestone dates, and days until the site will be dropped. To export this worksheet, use Tableau's Download option located just above the filters panel.

Rate card sheet

The Rate Card worksheet includes the same rate data presented in the Sites Dashboard tab, broken out into a separate sheet. Managers can adjust the data displayed using standard filter controls located to the far right. For instance, filter controls include Contract, Fee Type, Site Type, and Date Range, among others. Use the Download option, located just above the filter panel, to export and distribute Rate Card information as necessary.

Site status history

The Site Status History worksheet provides details of changes to a site's status (e.g., In activation, IP released, Dropped, etc.) and allows managers to easily view changes to a site's status over time. This sheet provides several filters (Study Status, Study Name, Country Name, Site Number, Site Type, and Current Site Status) that allow managers to create a preferred view. To export this worksheet, use Tableau's Download option located just above the filters panel.

Study status history

The Study Status History worksheet allows managers to easily view study status changes over time. Managers have the option to filter the sheet's data to one or more study, and columns included in the sheet are sortable to reach a preferred view. Columns include: Study Name, Study Status, Study Created At date, Prior Status, Status, and Set/End Dates. To export this worksheet, use Tableau's Download option located just above the filters panel.