6 Notes Report

Workbook synopsis

The Oracle Site Analyze Notes Report, intended for Oracle Site Select customers, allows you to view and export notes for one or more studies.

Dashboards and sheets

Notes Report

The Notes Report worksheet provides a tabular view of notes composed for a study. You can optionally filter the report by entering up to five comma-separated search terms at the upper left. Specify:

  • Search Type: And or Or
  • Search Target: All columns or Notes only
  • Case Sensitivity: Yes or No

Multiple filter options, to the right, allow you to tailor the available data to your preferred view before exporting. For instance, this worksheet allows you to specify Date Range, Study, Bucket, Bucket State, Note Creator, and more.

Notes Report – Notes Report worksheet

Notes Export

The Notes Export worksheet is a simple tabular format designed to be downloaded using Tableau Download. Like the Notes Report worksheet described above, this worksheet also provides a wide range of filters that allow you to filter the data included in the export before downloading.

Notes Report – Notes Export worksheet