9 Site Profile

Workbook synopsis

The Site Profile Report provides Oracle Site Select users with another method to evaluate site data and make more informed site selection decisions. This report provides a single location where report users can view their CTMS/data warehouse trial data that has been imported into Oracle Site Select alongside study data generated by Oracle Site Select. For example:
  • Trial data from CTMS/data warehouse could include:
    • Study experience
    • Enrollment performance
    • Types of studies
  • Study data from Oracle Site Select might include:
    • Survey results
    • Cycle times
    • Study interest

Dashboards and sheets

Site Summary Dashboard

The upper section of the Site Summary Dashboard worksheet is a bar chart with slider filters for:
  • Number of studies participated in
  • Enrollment performance
  • Average survey score
  • Average Selection Cycle Time

Report users can adjust the filters to a preferred view and the bar chart can be filtered by Country, Study Name, and Therapeutic Area. The number of sites included in the selected filter criteria displays at the dashboard's upper left.

The lower section of the report presents results, by Principal Investigator, in a tabular format. The table includes the following aggregation metrics, any of which can be used to sort the table:
  • Studies participated in
  • Enrollment performance (calculation based on relative performance per study (1-10 scale)
  • Number of Surveys completed
  • Average survey score
  • Number of CDAs completed
  • Average CDA cycle time
  • Number of Final acceptances
  • Average Selection Cycle time

Report users can drill down from the site aggregation metrics to the Site Details Dashboard (described below).

Site Profile – Site Summary dashboard

Site Details

The Site Details worksheet is the drill down view to each of the individual studies in which a site participated. The worksheet presents the following data in a tabular view:
  • PI Name
  • Study Name
  • Protocol
  • Therapeutic Area
  • Phase
  • Country
  • Institution
  • Enrollment Performance
  • Survey Score
  • Selection Cycle Time

Site Profile – Site Details worksheet