Export survey scoring configuration

If you have permission to set up feasibility surveys, you can optionally export a study's survey scoring configuration to a Microsoft XLSX file.

You must have a role with Feasibility Survey Management permission to complete this task.
  1. In the top navigation bar, hover over setup and select feasibility survey.
  2. Click Map categories and point values to questions and answers.
  3. If the study has multiple associated surveys, click the tab corresponding to the survey for which you will export scoring configuration.
  4. In the export area at the right side of the screen, click the check box(es) for your preferred limiter(s) for the export, if any (i.e., Export questions as rows, Only export questions marked scored, and Export enhanced...).
  5. Click Export to XLSX.

    Oracle Site Select creates an export file with the following naming convention: <studyName>-surveyScoringConfig-<ddMONyyyy>.xlsx.