Read only permissions

Read only permissions allow a customer's auditor users to access studies in Oracle Site Select but not change data in any way. The permissions, described in detail below, align with functional areas to allow access to:
  • Site grid steps and bucket states
  • Notes and Reasons dialog modal
  • Document management area
  • Site communications area
  • Setup menu and options

Because the Oracle Site Select home page displays study milestones and task actions affiliated with a user's assigned permissions, assigned read only permissions affect an audit user's home page view. An auditor user assigned one or more read only permissions will see the list of study milestones, but that user will not see any tasks listed on the home page.

Additionally, with the exception of the study setup read only permission, the other read only permissions described below can be assigned only to an individual. Assignment to teams or Business Partner Collaboration teams is not supported.

Site grid view

The "Read only site grid view" permission allows auditor users to view all site grid steps and bucket states but not change any data. Auditors assigned this permission may:

  • View the sites within the site grid across the Nominate, Evaluate, Select, and Finalize steps
  • Filter, sort, search, and add columns to the site grid
  • Paginate through a site list
  • View the contributing data sources
  • View the site profile
  • View site invitation details on the Select and Finalize Site progress subtabs

Oracle Site Select prevents an audit user who has only the Read only site grid view permission from performing any action on sites listed in the grid, including adding or viewing notes and reasons for site exclusion. Additionally, the user may not:

  • Add a site to a different bucket state
  • Change a site's workflow or an assigned workflow's close date
  • Download a site grid CSV or survey responses
  • Assign a site to an Oracle Site Select user
  • See the Login link, Resend invite, and Admin invite columns in the INVIT RCVD site grid modal (Select and Finalize steps)
  • Invite or re-invite a site
  • Send finalization email or send the site to Oracle Site Activate
  • Revert a site

Notes and reasons view

The "Read only notes/reasons dialog view" permission can be combined with the "Read only site grid view" permission described above to provide auditor users access to the Notes modal dialog from the site grid. The modal dialog contains study notes, site notes, and reasons for site exclusion. The user may not act on the sites in the site grid, notes, or reasons for site exclusion.

Document management view

The "Read only document management view" permission allows auditor users access to the Document approvals area from the global manage menu. The auditor user can access all document types and countries for the study within the Document approvals area. Audit users can also view the status of each site's documents for each document type and view the document status metadata affiliated with each document.

Oracle Site Select prevents users who have only the Read only document management view permission from acting on any element of the document approvals page. The user will not have the ability to:

  • Click on any icon/action in the Actions column
  • Assign a user to a document
  • Download a document copy from the document history popover
  • Recall a CDA or generic document

Users assigned only the "Read only document management view" permission will not have the ability to see other Oracle Site Select areas, including the site grid. Additionally, the permission currently does not provide access to Generic document attestation document types on the document management page.

Site communications view

The "Read only site communications view" permission allows auditor users access to the Site communications area from the "manage" menu. On the Site communications page, the auditor will see all messages for the study, and the user can click a message to display its contents.

Like other read-only permissions described above, Oracle Site Select prevents the permissioned user from taking specific actions. A user who has only the "Read only site communications view" permission will not have the ability to:

  • Add a message (open the message compose page)
  • Toggle the "star" column on or off
  • Affect the "read" status of the message

Additionally, users assigned only the "Read only site communications view" permission will not have the ability to see other Oracle Site Select areas, including the site grid. This is expected behavior.

Study setup view

This permission, Read only study setup view, allows an auditor user to access all study setup functional areas listed in the Oracle Site Select "setup" menu.

The auditor user can navigate to each of the menu's setup pages, all of which have a disabled Done or Save button to prevent saving any change to the study settings. For each functional area, specific action restrictions apply. For instance, we disabled all controls for:

  • Upload and download documents
  • Upload an image to the study email template
  • Add, delete, and reorder reasons
  • Authenticate, create, save, and select surveys
  • Remove a study level workflow definition

Users who have only the Read only study setup view permission will not see the site grid or other functional areas unrelated to study setup. However, users who have this permission can view the study home page. By design, if Read only study setup view permission is the user's only assigned permission, the home page shows the milestones for each permissioned study and no tasks for the study.

Unlike other read only permissions described above, the Read only study setup permission can be assigned to a role, team, or Business Partner Collaboration team.


Combining a read only permission with another permission that allows the user to modify data may lead to system errors or other unexpected results. Read only permission should be added to a user account only when that user has no other conflicting permissions assigned or if other assigned permissions also grant read only access.