Send acceptance or decline emails to sites (finalize step)

You must have a role with Site Nomination, Evaluation and Selection permission to complete this procedure.
  1. Click finalize in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Final acceptance or Final decline bucket state.
  3. In the site grid, check the box next to each site you want to send an acceptance or decline email.
  4. Above the site grid, click Send acceptance or Send decline.
  5. The list of sites that will receive and will not receive the email displays. If you chose sites that have already received the email, those are noted and they will not receive a second email.
  6. Click Send.
    If the list of sites includes any sites that will not receive the email because the site profile does not have a valid email recipient based on study contact preferences, edit the site profile to add at least one valid study contact. Then, repeat the steps above.