
Improved messaging informs you of a nominated site's bucket state, and user interface improvements ensure a consistent display of input controls.

Datasource query page

We improved error messaging on the Datasource query page Investigator and Trials tabs to let you know when a site already exists in a specific bucket state. In this scenario, the error message now identifies the bucket state, and it provides basic profile information. The message includes the PI name and institution name as the values displayed in the site grid under current data merging rules.

The enhanced message format is: “This site has already been nominated and is currently in the <bucket> - <bucket state> status. The site is listed as: <pi first name> <pi last name>, <institution>

Study site ID: <study_site_id>”.

Epic: SEL-16363

Account data source management page

The Account data source management page has minor user interface updates to ensure inputs display at the same height as buttons. The datasource type multi-select picker expands to a greater height only when you select enough values to require additional display space.

Input controls display at a consistent pixel height

Epic: SEL-16396

Datasource details page

With release 24.1, we made several enhancements to the datasource details page to improve your user experience. These changes are:

  • New descriptions for imported records on the Records and Matches tabs display above the records table.
  • Record counts for regular (flat) and composite datasources display at the upper right of the page:
    • Regular – the number of sites in the datasource
    • Composite – the number of each component record in the datasource (i.e., Investigators, Institutions, Sites, etc.)
  • Minor user interface updates to icon colors and search field height

Datasource details page user interface improvements


We made several additional functionality updates to datasources in this release. See the Investigator Repository chapter in these release notes for details.

Epic: SEL-16396