26 Release Notes 23.9.1

NetSuite for Government 23.9.1 Release Notes

Revision Date: September 19, 2023


This document summarizes the changes to NetSuite for Government between 23.9.1 and the previous release. These release notes are subject to change every week.

The 23.9.1 enhancements and changes listed in this document are not available to customers until they are upgraded to NetSuite for Government 23.9.1. Your access to these features and SuiteApps is subject to the terms of service in your NetSuite for Government contract.

Please also review the NetSuite general release notes for a comprehensive view of changes to the release. During this release period, NetSuite version 2023.2 is released. The general NetSuite release notes are accessible at this link:


NetSuite for Government Version 23.9.1 – Release Date September 19, 2023


  • Government General Ledger Inquiry
    • Export General Ledger Inquiries screen to excel
    • Added remaining percent to General Ledger Inquiry report’s remaining balance tab to match General Ledger summary fields
    • Built General Ledger Summary Suitelet using General Ledger Inquiry query background parts for look-ups on the Trial Balance
    • Built General Ledger Summary Suitelet using General Ledger Inquiry query background parts for look-ups on the Budget versus Actuals
    • Added children accounts to use hierarchies for reporting
    • Implemented user-controlled number formatting in General and User preferences for General Ledger summary and Inquiry reports
    • Used "No Display" to hide Month field when Range is Fiscal Year
  • Government Budgets
    • Added additional validation enhancements
    • Added "Budget Validation" on system set-up and Budget segments, fields and transaction types are relocated to a new tab
    • Added deduplication logic for projects / tasks and grants for new budget lines
  • Government Budgets (foundational for future release – non-functional at this time)
    • Updated alert message when transfer is over remaining budget
    • Added feature flag to enable NetSuite for Government budget validation on transactions
    • Implemented the ability to define which segments and records are included in budget validation for transactions
    • Users have the ability to define which transactions have budget validation enabled
    • Implemented the ability to validate budgets against projects and grants
  • Budget Transfers
    • Enabled transaction effective date flexibility for budget transfers, allowing users to backdate and future date Budget transfers
    • Removed Budget from Budget transfer screen
    • Added Remaining Budget amount and Original Budget amount
    • Implemented validation for projects, project tasks, and grants during budget transfers
    • Removed fund balancing requirement for Budget and Budget Transfer
    • Updated the Original budget label to Working/Revised Budget on Budget Transfer Screen
  • Encumbrance Enhancements
    • Implemented a business rule to prevent changing the PO date if a bill exists, ensuring no negative encumbrances occur when the bill date is before the PO date
    • Added a new field "Close Date" for the user to specify the date of the purchase order closure which impacts encumbrance transactions when the user clicks the "Close" button
    • Reopening purchase orders uses the new close date field value for the encumbrance reopening
    • Updated Encumbrance Detail by Reference and Encumbrance Summary by General Ledger reports to correct inaccurate filters
    • Enhancements done to Reopen PO button
    • Implemented logic to hide the Purchase Order close button when a user lacks the necessary permissions. Verified full permissions in Purchase Order to determine whether the Purchase Order close button should be displayed
    • Implemented a safeguard for closing purchase orders, requiring user confirmation to prevent accidental closures
    • The encumbrance control account is now a mandatory field on the system setup page to ensure proper definition for use
    • Encumbrance liquidation will now occur immediately upon entry for vendor bills entered in initially into approved status
    • Purchase Order amount is no longer a required field in order to utilize additional functionality for item Descriptions and item Groups

Human Resources and Payroll:

  • Enhancement to Payroll Federal Tax Calculation for <2020 W4 Forms:
    • Enabled employee tax record to add 2019 tax fields. Added enable/disable field logic to help guide users in populating the form
    • Updated FIT calculation rule for <2020 forms
  • Uncommit Payroll:
    • Allowed users to uncommit payroll which deletes related payroll vendor bills, payroll checks, and the payroll General ledger transactions. The user will not be able to uncommit a payroll when the vendor bills are in an approved or open status, or when the payroll General Ledger transactions have been posted
    • Other Human Resources and Payroll enhancements
  • Employee Time off Updates:
    • Leave configuration table
    • Accrual calculation rules
    • Accrual limit checking