Downloading Reports from Object Storage

Once the reports are sent to object storage, use the createPar service to get a link to download the files. This service is available using a Retail Home API, which generates a Pre-authenticated Request (PAR) to download the file. The PAR is not accessible using File Transfer Services (FTS) commands; you must directly download the file by first calling the API and then pulling the data down from the returned URL.

For details on the service API, refer to the Retail Home Administration Guide Appendix B.

Sample message body when calling the Retail Home service:

  "disUrl": "",    
  "name": "Productlist",
  "dateExpires": "2024-01-31",
  "objectName": "ris/incoming/Productlist.pdf"

When making the request, you must also add a context type header with a value of application/json or you will not receive a response. If the requested file is found, then you will get a response like the following:

  "status": "Success",
  "id": "B0ji5Vir/nDfUQVaFHNhYVjgHoRPO8ZnFjTUPcQIyXcEtY8HUoqeJNsdyFzqreqv:ris/incoming/Productlist.pdf",
  "url": ""

The URL can be passed into any method you would normally use to download a file, such as a wget command.