6 Change History Logs

When the following occurs for a record, the name of the user and the date and time of the change are logged:

  • When a new record is created and saved, either as a the result of a New or Copy action within a wizard or automated task.

  • When a field within a record is changed and saved either as a result of a manual edit or update within a wizard or automated task.

When a record is physically deleted, the change history is also deleted. If a record is soft deleted by changing the status or moving it to an archive area, the event is recorded as an update transaction if the record it set to record such events.

When displaying a record, the Change History subtab is available. To see the change history for the record, select this subtab.

Figure 6-1 Change History Log for a Record

This figure shows the Change History log for a record page.

Table 6-1 describes the layout of this view. A field with multiple values is displayed as a comma-separated list.

Table 6-1 Layout of Change History Log

Information Description

Creation Details

  • Date and time the record was created.

  • User name and email address of the person who created the record or SYSTEM if the record was created by a system process.

Change Details

  • Date and time the record was last changed.

  • User name and email address of the person who last changed the record or SYSTEM if the record was modified by a system process.


Table that lists all changes in descending order by date and time, that is, the latest change is at the top of the table.

If a row is selected in the list, the details of the change appear.

Figure 6-2 Change History for a Selected Entry

This figure shows the Change History for an entry page.

Table 6-2 describes the layout of this view.

Table 6-2 Layout of Change History for a Selected Entry

Information Description


  • Modified: Date and time the record was created.

  • Modified by: User name and email address of the person who created the record or SYSTEM if the record was created by a system process.

  • Revision Type: Modification is always displayed.

Field Changes

List of fields that were changed. For each change, the field label and before and after values are shown.

Table Changes

This section is only included when the changes include modifications to a table that is part of the record. For more information, see Table.


Changes to values within tables are logged in the same way as individual fields and are presented in the Change History view as a table. A separate log is shown for each table that was updated during the transaction. The name of the changed table and changes by row number are shown. If the table was changed due to the Add or Delete table actions, the values of all columns are shown. For modifications, only the values for changed columns are shown. An example of a modification is shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-3 Change History Log for a Table

This figure shows the Change History log for a table page.


Certain record types, such as sites, alerts, or audits, require a specific log of changes to the status of the record to be recorded. For these record changes, a Status Change History log is included.

Figure 6-4 Change History Log for Status

This figure shows the Change History Log page for status.

The entries are listed in descending order by transaction date and time. The most recent change is listed at the top. Table 6-3 describes the layout of this log.

Table 6-3 Layout of Change History Log for Status

Column Description

Status Before

The status before the change was made.

Status After

The status after the transaction was made.

Changed On

Date and time the change was made.

Changed By

Name of the user who made the change.


Any comments entered by the user.

Attachment Manager

All changes made through a record's Attachment Manager, that is, file attachments or URL links are added, changed, or deleted, are reflected in the change history log.

Figure 6-5 Change History Log for an Attachments Record

This figure shows the Change History Log for attachments.

Table 6-4 describes the columns in this log.

Table 6-4 Layout of Change History Log for Attachment Record

Column Descritption

Changed On

Date and time the change was made.

Changed By

Name of the user who made the change.

No. Changed Fields

Number of fields in the section that were changed.

Figure 6-6 Change History for a Selected Row for an Attachment

This figure shows the Change History Log for an attachment.

Table 6-5 describes the columns in this log.

Table 6-5 Layout of Change to Attachments Section

Column Description


Indicates if an addition or deletion was made for the attachment.


If a row was modified, the before and after values are shown.

Attached By

Name of the user who attached the file.

Attached On

Date and time the file was attached.


Description of the attachment.

File Name or URL

Name of the file or the URL to the file.

Product Specification

The Change History log for the Product Specification record groups changes by specification section. Section Changes shows a summary of the sections that have been added or removed since the initial creation of the specification.

Figure 6-7 Change History Log for Product Specification

This shows the Change History Log for a product specification.

Table 6-6 describes the columns in this log. Table 6-7 describes the columns in the Section Changes.

Table 6-6 Layout of Change History Log for Product Specification

Column Descritption


Date and time the change was made.

Modified by

Name of the user who made the change.


Title of the section that was changed.

Spec Status

Status of the product specification.

No. of Field Changes

Number of fields in the section that were changed.

Table 6-7 Section Changes Layout of Change History Log for Product Specification

Column Descritption

Changed On

Date and time the change was made.

Changed By

Name of the user who made the change.


Title of the section that was changed.

Spec Status

Status of the product specification.


Indicates whether the section was added or removed.