File Review

As an Administrator, I want the ability to view files, so that I can manage downloading and transferring of files.

  1. Click the Tasks icon.

  2. Click Admin.

  3. Click File Review.

  4. Select either Available Files or Transfer Activity.

Searching for Available Files

In the File Review window select Available Files.

  • Enter the following search parameters to search for Available Files.

    • Select a File Type.

    • Enter any or all of a File Name.

    • Enter the From and To Date Ranges.

    • Select whether or not to Exclude Zero Length Files.

Click Search.


The results display in batches of 25 records. When more than 25 records are available, click Show More... to view more results.

You can refresh the Search Results by clicking the Refresh icon or picking the Refresh option from the Actions menu.

Sorting Available Files

The following fields can be sorted Ascending or Descending:

  • Create Date

  • File Length

  • File Name

  • File Type

  • Job Run ID

  • Record ID (default)

Viewing a FIle

To view a File, do the following:

  1. Highlight the row of the File you want to view.

  2. Click the Actions menu or the View icon to open the View File Details window.

    Figure 13-20 View File Details

    View File Details
  3. View the details of the file and click Done to close the window.

Downloading Files

To download a file do the following:

  1. Highlight the row of the File you want to download.

  2. Click the Actions menu and select Download, or click the Download icon to download the file. The file is downloaded to a location based on your settings.

Transfer to Server

To transfer a file to the server do the following:

  1. Highlight the row of the File you want to transfer to server.

  2. Click the Actions menu and select Transfer to Server. A notification appears to indicate the transfer is a success.

    Figure 13-21 Notification


Searching for Transfer Activity

In the File Review window select Transfer Activity.

  • Enter the following search parameters to search for Transfer Activity.

    • Select a Transfer Type.

    • Enter any or all of a File Name.

    • Select a Status. Options include:

      • All (default)

      • New Entry

      • Waiting

      • Transfer Started

      • Transfer Retry

      • Transfer Failed

      • Completed

      • Historical

      • Discard

    • Select a Transport option.

Click Search.


The results display in batches of 25 records. When more than 25 records are available, click Show More... to view more results.

You can refresh the Search Results by clicking the Refresh icon or picking the Refresh option from the Actions menu.

Sorting Transfer Activity

The following fields can be sorted Ascending or Descending:

  • Attempt

  • File Name

  • Last Updated (default)

  • Message

  • Retry

  • Status

  • Transfer Type

  • Transport

Viewing a Transfer Activity

To view a Transfer Activity, do the following:

  1. Highlight the row of the File you want to view.

  2. Click the Actions menu or the View icon to open the View File Details window.

    Figure 13-22 View File Details

    View File Details
  3. View the details of the file and click Done to close the window.

Retry a Failed Transfer

Only files that have the status of Transfer Failed are eligible for a Retry. Do the following to Retry a Failed Transfer.

  1. Highlight the row of the File you want to retry.

  2. Click the Actions menu and select Retry, or click the Retry icon to retry the transfer.