Rules for Entering Customer Information

Follow these rules to ensure that the customer information entered is valid:

  • Names - The first letter of each name, if applicable, is capitalized.

  • Prefix (Salutation) - The user can enter anything for a prefix.

  • Suffix - The user can enter anything for a suffix.

  • Gender - When adding a new customer, select Male or Female from the list.

  • Address - Address lines can be left blank.

  • Postal Code - The user can enter anything for a postal code.

  • Email Address - The system looks for an @ symbol in the email address. If found, the system verifies that the email address is in the proper format: accountname@sub-domain.domain. If the email address is in the wrong format, the email address is marked as invalid and a validation error is generated.

  • Phone - The application looks for and removes any non-numeric character except for E, e, X, x, T, or t. Any leading 1 (one) characters are removed.