C System Setting Service

The System Setting service is a RESTful service available in all BDI apps (Job Admin and Process Flow) that provides endpoints to manage system option parameters and credentials to be used by the BDI apps. The system options are stored in the BDI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table.

REST Resource HTTP Method Description



Gets all system options from BDI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table



Creates a system option in BDI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Updates a system option in BDI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Deletes a system option from BDI_SYSETM_OPTIONS table. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Gets a system option from BDI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table



Gets system logs



Gets system seed data file



Resets system seed data after bounce



Resets system seed data now



Gets system credentials. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Creates system credentials. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Updates system credentials. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Deletes system credentials. Only admin user is allowed to perform this operation.



Resets system option cache

Managing System Options using curl

Here are examples of curl commands to list/create/update/delete system options for Process Flow. These commands can be run for Job Admin as well. Create/update/delete commands can only be run by administrator.

Create system option

This command creates "reimappJobAdminBaseUrlUserAlias" system option in Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-options -d '{"key":"reimappJobAdminBaseUrlUserAlias" , "value":" GET_FROM_WALLET:GET_FROM_WALLET "}'

Update system option

This command updates "reimappJobAdminBaseUrl" system option in Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-options -d '{"key":"reimappJobAdminBaseUrl" , "value":"http://server:port/reim-batch-job-admin"}'

Delete system option

This command deletes "reimappJobAdminBaseUrl" system option from Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X DELETE -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-options -d '{"key":"reimappJobAdminBaseUrl"}'

List system options

This command lists all system options from Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-options

Managing credentials using curl

Here are examples of curl commands to list/create/update/delete credentials for Process Flow. These commands can be run for Job Admin as well. Create/update/delete commands can only be run by administrator.

Create credential

This command creates a credential in Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-credentials -d '{"userAlias":" reimappJobAdminBaseUrlUserAlias", "userName":"reimjobadmin" , "userPassword":"xyzxyz"}'

Update credential

This command updates a credential in Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-credentials -d '{"userAlias":" reimappJobAdminBaseUrlUserAlias", "userName":"reimjobadmin" , "userPassword":"wwwqqqq"}'

Delete credential

This command deletes a credential from Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-credentials -d '{"key":"reimappJobAdminBaseUrl"}'

List Credentials

This command lists credentials from Process Flow.

curl --user userId:password -i -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://server:port/bdi-process-flow/resources/system-setting/system-credentials.