66 Batch Job Statistics

Overview: Use the Batch Job Statistics page to review the current status and totals for various batch jobs submitted in Order Administration.

You can refresh the data on this page by selecting Generate Results in order to check the progress of processed records.

How to display: Select Batch Job Statistics from a menu.

Required authority: To advance to this page, you need full (not Display) authority to the DBJS menu option. See Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT) in the Classic View online help for background.

Statistics available for review: You can review totals by status for the following activities:

  • Authorizations: Credit Card Authorization records for the current company.
  • Billing Data Queue: Billing Header Data Queue records across all companies.
  • Deposits: Credit Card Deposit Transaction records for the current company.
  • Item Upload: Retail Item Upload records for the current company.
  • Order Broker Lines: Order Orchestration records representing all order lines sent to or received from the Order Broker for shipment or customer pickup, including brokered backorders, pickup orders, ship-for-pickup orders, delivery orders, or retail pickup orders, as well as fulfilling orders created to fulfill an order that originated in Order Administration, if the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected.

    You can use this information to verify that status changes are taking place, indicating that the integration with Order Orchestration is active. For example, if you click Refresh on this screen and do not see any status changes at all, that may indicate that the BROKER or BROKER_ORD jobs are not active, or something is not right with the integration.

    Some statuses apply only temporarily. For example, you might expect to see changes in Acknowledged or Ready status, and Canceled statuses increase but not decrease.

  • Picks Generated: Pick Control Header records, broken out by billing batch number, for the current company.

Refreshing information: Select Generate Results each time you would like to refresh the currently displayed totals.

For more information:

Batch Job Statistics Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Batch Job Statistics page.

  • Display current statistics for a batch job:

    • Select the job from the Batch Job Type drop-down.

    • Select Generate Results.

  • Refresh the currently displayed statistics for a batch job: Without selecting a different Batch Job Type, select Generate Results again.

For more information:

Fields on Batch Job Statistics

Purpose: The following fields display on the Batch Job Statistics page.

  • Batch Job Type: Use this field to select the job statistics to review and then select Generate Results.
  • Authorizations: Credit Card Authorization records for the current company.

    • Authorization Service Code: The code identifying the authorization service, as set up through Work with Authorization Services in the Classic View of Order Administration.

    • Status: Possible statuses are:

      • *DCLD: Declined.

      • *RDY: Ready to be sent, or re-sent, to the authorization service.

      • *RCVD: Response has been received from the authorization service.

      • *SENT: Sent to the authorization service, but no response received yet.

    • Count: The total number of authorization records for the authorization service in the indicated status.

    For more information, see Using the Credit Card Authorization Interface in the Classic View online help.

  • Billing Data Queue: Billing Header Data Queue records across all companies, automatically submitted to the BILL_ASYNC background job for processing updates related to a credit or debit invoice.

    • Status:
      • blank: Not yet processed.

      • A: Detail updates.

      • H: Misc history updates.

      • Z: All updates complete.

    • Count: The total number of records, across all companies, in the indicated status.

    For more information, see Working with the BILL_ASYNC Job in the Classic View online help.

  • Deposits: Credit Card Deposit Transaction records for the current company.

    • Authorization Service Code: The code identifying the authorization service, as set up through Work with Authorization Services in the Classic View of Order Administration.

    • Status: Possible statuses are:

      • *DCLD: Declined.

      • *RDY: Ready to be sent, or re-sent, to the authorization service.

      • *RCVD: Response has been received from the authorization service.

      • *SENT: Sent to the authorization service, but no response received yet.

  • Count: The total number of Credit Card Deposit Transaction records for the current company.

    For more information, see Using the Credit Card Authorization Interface in the Classic View online help.

  • Item Upload: Retail Item Upload records for the current company.

    • Status: Possible statuses are:

      • B: Batch Selected. The system is processing upload records of this type.

      • D: Delete Pending. The system will delete the record from the table.

      • E: Error. The record has failed the processing edits.

      • I: In Process. The record is in the batch of records currently being processed.

      • P: Processed. The record has been processed but not yet deleted.

      • S: Other Updates. The record is being processed by the secondary RISECU job, which creates item download trigger records.

      • U or blank: Unprocessed. The record is waiting to be processed.

    • Count

    For more information, see Working with Retail Integration Item Upload (RIIU) in the Classic View online help.

  • Order Broker Lines: Order lines in the Order Orchestration table, representing all order lines sent to or received from the Order Broker for shipment or customer pickup.

    Totals include both originating and fulfilling orders: If the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected, both the originating order submitted to Order Orchestration and the fulfilling order assigned in Order Administration to fulfill it are included in these totals.

    Example: Order 12345 was submitted to Order Orchestration for assignment, and Order Orchestration submitted the order to Order Administration to fulfill from the warehouse. Order Administration created order 12346 to fulfill order 12345. Lines from both order 12345 and 12346 are included in the totals for their respective statuses.

    • Status: Possible statuses are:

      • A: Accepted. The location assigned to fulfill the order line has accepted it, or has accepted the order and is preparing it for shipment or pickup. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup) or store pickup.

      • C: Closed. You canceled the request when its status was R (Ready), before it was submitted to Order Orchestration. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup).

      • E: Error. Order Orchestration has returned an error response. Can apply to any order type.

      • F: Picking. The pick slip has been printed. Possible order types: retail pickup, delivery, or ship-for-pickup (pick gen/drop ship).

      • I: In Process. The order line was received from Order Orchestration and created without error. Possible order types: retail pickup or delivery.

      • J: Rejected. The order line was sold out after creation in Order Administration. Order Orchestration may have reassigned the order to another fulfilling location. Possible order types: retail pickup or delivery.

      • K: Acknowledged. Order Orchestration has received the order line request, assigned a request ID, selected a fulfilling location (brokered backorder), and created the order in its database. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup) or store pickup.

      • N: New. The order line was received from Order Orchestration but is in error. Possible order types: retail pickup or delivery.

      • O: Posted. Order Orchestration has submitted the order line for enterprise fulfillment. See Enterprise Order Integration (Future Receipts and Pre-Order Processing) in the Classic View online help for background. Possible order types: brokered backorder, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup.

      • P: Polled. The assigned fulfilling location has polled Order Orchestration for new orders and been notified of this order line. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup) or store pickup.

      • R: Ready. In the case of a brokered backorder, the request is ready to be sent to Order Orchestration, but the BROKER process has not yet generated the request message. In the case of a store pickup or ship-for-pickup, Order Administration attempted to send the order to Order Orchestration, but Order Orchestration has not responded. In this case, Order Administration retains the order information in the Store Pickup tables until communication with Order Orchestration resumes. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup), store pickup.

      • S: Received by Store. The order line has been received by the store location but not yet picked up by the customer. Possible order types: brokered backorder (ship-for-pickup), retail pickup, or ship-for-pickup (pick gen/drop ship).

      • T: In Transit. The location fulfilling the order line has shipped the merchandise to the store for pickup. brokered backorder (ship-for-pickup), retail pickup or ship-for-pickup (pick gen/drop ship).

      • U: Unfulfillable. Order Orchestration has not found a location able to fulfill the order line based on the rules set up in Order Orchestration; or the assigned fulfilling location has rejected the order line, and it cannot be reassigned to another location. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup) or store pickup.

      • V: Intransit Polled. The pickup location for a ship-for-pickup order line has received the order line in the intransit response message, if the system is not flagged to Require Status Update; or, has sent a status update request changing the status to intransit polled. Possible order types: brokered backorder (ship-for-pickup), retail pickup or ship-for-pickup (pick gen/drop ship).

      • W: Waiting. The order request message has been sent to Order Orchestration, but Order Administration has not yet received a response. Possible order types: brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup).

      • X: Completed. The order line has been fulfilled. All order types.

      • Y: Pending Cancel. You have canceled the order line or voided the pick slip, but Order Orchestration has not yet confirmed. All order types.

      • Z: Canceled. The cancellation has been confirmed. All order types.

    • Count

    For more information, see Order Orchestration Integration and Working with Order Broker (WOBR) in the Classic View online help.

  • Picks Generated: Pick Control Header records, broken out by billing batch number, for the current company.

    • Billing Batch Number: The number identifying a group of generated pick slips.


      Drop ship pick slips have a billing batch number of 0.
    • Status: Possible pick slip statuses include:

      • 1: Pre-Auth

      • 2: Authorized

      • A: Submitted to Asynchronous Processing

      • B: Billing Pending

      • C: Confirmed. The pick slip has been confirmed as shipped.

      • blank: Open

      • D: Declined authorization.

      • E: Async Processing Error.

      • G: Generated No Authorization. The pick slip has been pre-generated.

      • H: Generated Has Authorization. The pick slip has been pre-generated, and has been authorized.

      • M: Manifest Submission

      • O: Carryover

      • P: Packed. The pick slip has been confirmed as packed through Pick/Pack Verification.

      • R: Reprinted

      • S: Suspended

      • V: Void

      • W: Waiting for Authorization

      • Z: Authorized.

    • Count: The total number of pick slips in the indicated billing batch and status.

For more information, see Performing Pick Slip Generation in the Classic View online help.

For more information: For more information on Batch Job Statistics, see: