21 Edit Additional Order Details

Overview: Use the Edit Additional Order Details panel to update order header information.

How to display: Select the Edit option on the Additional Order Details panel of the Order Summary page. When you advance to this page, the system locks the order; see Maintaining an Order for more information about locking and unlocking an order.

The Edit option is available only if:

  • the order is not currently locked by another user or session or by the system,
  • you have authority to the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature,
  • if there is a printed quantity on any order line, you have authority to the Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05) secured feature,
  • the order is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup) based on the Broker Delivery Type and you have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature.
  • the order is not a store pickup or ship for pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

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Edit Additional Order Details Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Edit Additional Order Details panel.

For more information:

Review Held Order Status Information or Release Holds

Select the Held Order Status link to advance to the Order Holds window. This option is available only if one or more hold reasons are currently assigned to the order and it is in Held status.

Change a Quote to a Non-Quote Order

  1. Select a different Origin (Order Type) setting.
  2. Select the Update option.

You cannot change the Origin for any other type of order.

Update the Order Email

  1. Update the Order Email (Email Address).
  2. Select the Update option. The system verifies that:

    • There is an @ sign and a period (.),

    • There is some text before the @ sign, between the @ sign and the period, and after the period.

  3. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.

    • You must select the Unlock Order option or press CTRL + ALT + u to accept all of the changes that you have made to the order.

    • When you enter a new email address in order maintenance, this email address is used as the order-level email address and added to the Customer Sold To Email Address table. It also becomes the new primary email address for the customer if there is not already a primary.

    • If you remove the order email address, the system removes the order-level email address from the order; however, the address remains in the Customer Sold To Email Address table unless you delete it. You can use the Work with Customer Email Address Screen or the Select Customer Email Address Screen. Note: If you clear the email address and the Suppress Email Address Search (J09) system control value is selected, the system does not generate additional order--related emails for the order.

Update the Email Opt-In

  1. Select a valid Opt-In Status setting from the Email Opt-In drop-down box.
  2. Select the Update option.
  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.

    • You must select the Unlock Order option or press CTRL + ALT + u to accept all of the changes that you have made to the order.

    • When you change the opt-in/out flag in order maintenance, the system updates the Opt in setting in the Customer Sold To Email Address table for the email address that matches the order-level email address. If the order-level email address is the same as the customer’s primary email address, the system also updates the Opt in setting for the sold-to customer. If there is no order-level email address, the system updates the Opt-in setting for the customer’s primary email address, and the matching address in the Customer Sold To Email table.

Update the Customer Class


This option is not currently implemented.

Update the Sales Representative

You can assign an active or inactive sales representative to an order.

  1. Enter a valid sales representative in the Sales Representative Number field or select the prompt arrow next to the Sales Representative Number field to advance to the Sales Representative Lookup window where you can select a sales representative.

    The Maintain Sales Rep # During Order Maintenance (B22) secured feature controls whether you can update the Sales Representative Number field on the Edit Additional Order Details panel. If you do not have authority to this secured feature, the Sales Representative Number field is display-only on the Edit Additional Order Details panel. For orders that are in error at the header in a batch, displays invalid values passed in orders and allows you to select a valid value and update the order.

    To remove the sales representative, remove any text in the field.

  2. At the Sales Representative Lookup window:

    • You can search for an active sales representative by Sale Representative Number, Sales Representative Name, and/or Store Number.

      • Enter a full or partial sales representative number in the Sales Representative Number field to display sales representatives whose sales representative number starts with your entry.

      • Enter a full or partial sales representative name in the Sales Representative Name field to display sales representatives whose name contains your entry.

      • Enter a full or partial store number in the Store Number field to display sales representatives whose store number starts with your entry.

    • You can sort on any column on this window by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

    • Select the Sales Representative Number link for a sales representative to return to the Edit Additional Order Details panel; in this situation, the system displays the selected sales representative number in the Sales Representative Number field and displays the sales representative name below the field.

    • Select Cancel to return to the Edit Additional Order Details panel without selecting a sales representative; in this situation, the Sales Representative Number field remains unpopulated.

  3. Select the Update option. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if:

    • The sales representative is invalid.

    • You remove the sales representative and the Require Sales Rep # in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (E87) system control value is selected.

  4. If the update is successful, the system returns you to the Order Summary page and displays a message indicating your changes have been saved.

    • You must select the Unlock Order option or press CTRL + ALT + u to accept all of the changes that you have made to the order.

    • When you update the salesrep:

      • The system updates sales reports based on your entry of a different sales representative number.

      • New items are booked to the new sales representative number.


The Sales Representative field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Place the Order on User Hold

  1. Select a hold reason from the User Hold Reason drop-down box. If the option is available, all existing hold reasons are displayed in alphabetical order by hold reason description.

    This option is available only if:

    • There is not currently a hold reason is assigned to the order as a user hold; if a user hold is assigned to the order, this field is display-only.

    • The order’s current status is Open, Held, or Quote; however, if you assign a hold reason to an order with a status of Quote, you cannot unlock the order without adding a payment method.


    Oracle recommends that, when applying a hold reason to an order, you select only user holds, not hold reasons that can be assigned by the system. If you include the word “User” in the hold reason description when setting up user holds, these hold reasons will be easier to find and distinguish from system-assigned holds. See Order Hold Reasons Overview for more information, including a list of system-assigned hold reason codes.
  2. Select the Update option.
  3. If the update is successful, you return to the Order Summary page, and a message indicates that your changes have been saved.

    • You must select the Unlock Order option or press CTRL + ALT + u to accept all of the changes that you have made to the order.

    • If the order was not previously on hold, it is now placed on hold. If there are multiple ship-tos, they are all held.

    • The system writes an Order Activity message with an Activity of Order Level Hold and a Description of the hold reason description. This message is written regardless of whether the order was already on a system-assigned hold when you applied the user hold.


You can assign an order hold reason regardless of whether you have any additional authority related to releasing holds; see Authority to Release Order Hold Reasons for a discussion.

Releasing the order from the hold: Once a user hold is assigned to an order, you cannot change it at this panel; instead, you need to use the Order Holds window to release it.

Fields on Edit Order Details

Purpose: The following information displays on the Edit Additional Order Details panel.

  • Order Number
  • Order Date
  • Order Status
  • Quote Origin: The Quote Origin field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.
  • Source. The source code description is also displayed.
  • Alternate Order Number
  • Entered By
  • Date Entered (Entered Date)
  • Origin (Order Type)
  • Customer Class: Required if the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is populated.
  • Order Email
  • Email Opt-In (Opt-In Status)
  • User Hold Reason: Display-only if a user hold reason is currently assigned to the order. Optionally, select a user hold reason to assign the hold reason to the order, and put the order on hold if it is currently open. To release the order from the current user hold reason, use the Order Holds window.


    Oracle recommends that, when applying a hold reason to an order, you select only user holds, not hold reasons that can be assigned by the system. If you include the word “User” in the hold reason description when setting up user holds, these hold reasons will be easier to find and distinguish from system-assigned holds. See Order Hold Reasons Overview for more information, including a list of system-assigned hold reason codes.
  • Sales Representative Number (Sales Representative Name): The Sales Representative Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Sales Representative Number field is display-only if you do not have authority to the Maintain Sales Rep # During Order Maintenance (B22) secured feature. Optionally, click in the field to display a list of sales representatives, including their names, numbers, and store numbers. For orders that are in error at the header in a batch, displays invalid values passed in orders and allows you to select a valid value and update the order.
  • Sales Representative Store You must have authority to the Maintain Originating Store # During Order Maintenance (B23) secured feature to change the Sales Representative Store on the Edit Additional Order Details window, otherwise the field display-only.

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