20 Order Summary

Overview: Use the Order Summary page to review the contents of an order, including the customer (sold-to, ship-to(s), and bill-to), the activity performed against the order, the items purchased for each ship-to, payment information, and order totals.

The Order Summary page provides a one-page snapshot of an order for efficient order inquiry and allows you to answer questions about an order, such as:

  • What is the status of the order?
  • What is the status of an item on the order? Has the item shipped?
  • Why is the order on hold?
  • What was the reason for an exchange?
  • What form of payment was used for an order?
  • When is a backordered item expected to be available to ship?
  • What was the most recent activity on the order?

How to display:

In this topic:

For more information:

Maintaining an Order

Purpose: Order maintenance allows you to update an order by:

  • Changing customer, order, item, or payment information.
  • Adding or updating a payment.
  • Adding or updating an item.
  • Adding, updating, or deleting personalization for an item.
  • Canceling an item or order.
  • Holding an order line or order.
  • Releasing an order line or order from hold.
  • Returning an order or line, exchanging a line, or creating a misship.

Any time you select to update the information on an order, the system locks the order so that it cannot be maintained by another user while you are making updates; see Display of a Locked Order.

After you maintain an order, the system:

  • Recalculates the order totals and adjusts demand totals (number of orders) appropriately.
  • Performs credit checking to place the maintained order on hold, if the maintenance results in some type of hold condition.
  • Submits any newly eligible backordered lines to the Order Broker for fulfillment.
  • Submits an update message to the Order Broker if you sell out or cancel an item on an order received from Order Orchestration.
  • Captures the date, time, maintenance activity, and user ID in the Order Transaction History table to keep an on-line history of all order updates.
  • Evaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for pick slip preparation.

Maintaining an Order with a PayPal Payment Method

If an order contains a PayPal payment method, you should not make any changes to the order that would increase the order total. When you generate a pick slip for an order that contains a PayPal payment, the system validates that the amount required to generate the pick slip does not exceed 115% or $75.00 of the original authorization amount that was received from PayPal during web storefront processing.


The system identifies a payment method as PayPal if PPL is defined as the authorization service and deposit service for the pay type in the Pay Type table. You can create and work with pay types in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

Maintaining Orders Received from Order Orchestration

If you have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature, you can maintain an open or held order received from Order Orchestration.

You might need to maintain an order received from Order Orchestration to:

  • Sell out an item that is no longer available: Order Administration sends a reject request to the Order Broker. The Order Broker then attempts to find another location to fulfill the order unless the order has already reached the Search retries maximum specified in Order Orchestration.
  • Cancel an item that the customer no longer wants: Order Administration sends a cancel request to the Order Broker, indicating that the order should not be fulfilled. The Order Broker does not reassign a canceled order to another fulfilling location.

Caution: Certain updates are not appropriate for orders received from Order Orchestration, such as:

  • changing payment information. When the system creates an order from Order Orchestration, it uses the Order Broker Payment Type (K98). This is typically a “dummy” payment type if the order is fully paid in the originating retail location.
  • changing the shipping address:

    • A pickup order ships to the originating store location, so you should update the shipping address only if the address for the originating store changes.

    • A delivery order ships to the customer. You should change the shipping address only after communicating with the originating location, so that the shipping address recorded for the order is consistent.

Returns: If the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value is:

  • Selected, you cannot process a return or misship against an order received from Order Orchestration or add a negative additional charge
  • Unselected, you can process a return or misship against an order received from Order Orchestration; however, the Order Broker Payment Type (K98) is deactivated after shipment, so you would then need to enter a new payment method in order to process the related refund.


Regardless of the setting of the Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88) system control value, you cannot enter a line with a negative quantity or apply a discount against a shipped order line on an order received from Order Orchestration.

Prohibited updates: Other updates are not allowed, such as:

  • Adding an item.
  • Changing the ordered quantity.

Maintaining a Ship-for-Pickup Order

If the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected and you are maintaining a ship-for-pickup order, you cannot:

  • Process a return or misship against an entire ship-for-pickup order or a line on a ship-for-pickup order.
  • Enter a negative additional charge.
  • Enter a line with a negative quantity.
  • Apply a discount to a closed order line.

These restrictions apply regardless of whether the order type matches the Order Type for Special Orders (L15).

Maintaining a ChannelAdvisor Order

If an order is processed through the ChannelAdvisor integration (the order’s origin matches the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90)), any changes you make to the order are not sent to ChannelAdvisor.

Maintaining a Pay Type Hold Order

When all pay types are deactivated you won't be able to release the order from hold until a valid pay type is entered or the order is cancelled. You cannot unlock the order. You must enter a valid pay type to release the order from hold, or cancel the order. If you try to edit the order and a valid pay type is not entered, you should close the browser then use the Unlock Order (MULO) menu option to unlock the order.

Authority to Maintain an Order

In order to maintain (and lock) an order:

  • You must have authority to the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature, and
  • You must have authority to the Order Entry/Maintenance (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for your user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option or for your user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.
  • The order cannot be currently locked by another user, session, or by the system; see When an Order is Locked by Another User or the System.

In addition:

  • If the order contains a printed quantity on any order line, you must have authority to the Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05) secured feature. Note: This secured feature does not apply to maintaining orders received from Order Orchestration or prevent you from canceling a store pickup order.
  • If the order is from Order Orchestration, you must have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature. Note: If you have authority, you can process a sellout or return, or add a payment method to an order from Order Orchestration. However, you cannot perform any other updates to an order from Order Orchestration regardless of your authority.
  • If the order is a store pickup order, you must have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature in order to cancel a brokered backorder, an order received from Order Orchestration (pickup or delivery), store pickup, or ship-for-pickup order.

Display of a Locked Order

illustrates locked order settings

When you lock an order:

  • A lock icon replaces the close icon in the page tab that displays the order,
  • The Locked label is displayed in red,
  • An Unlock Order option displays in the title banner for the order.

Once you have completed your updates, select Unlock Order or press CTRL + ALT + u to perform the final order updates and remove the lock from the order so that the order is available for maintenance by other users.

  • If the order does not pass order accept validation, the system displays an error and the order remains locked. You must correct the error before you can unlock the order.
  • If you close your browser while an order is locked, the order will remain locked. In this situation, you must use the Unlock a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) menu option to unlock the order.

Display of an Unlocked Order

illustration of unlocked order

When you unlock an order:

  • The close icon (x) replaces the lock icon in the page tab that displays the order,
  • The text in the title banner for the order changes from red to black,
  • The Unlock Order option is removed from the title banner for the order.

You can close the window through the close icon, or by right-clicking the order number and selecting Remove.

When an Order is Locked by Another User or the System

If an order is locked by another user, session, or process, or because billing async transactions exist for the order that have not yet completed, the system displays a message at the top of the page indicating that the order is locked.

Example: If the order is locked by another user or by you in another session: Order Locked for Editing (TBROWN), where TBROWN is the user ID of the user that has locked the order.

Example: If the order is locked by the system: Order Locked for Editing (Billing In Process).

In addition, update options are removed from the order so that you cannot update the order while it is being updated by another user or the system.

Closed store pickup order: A store pickup order that is fulfilled or canceled is also locked from updates. In this case, a message at the top of the Order Summary page indicates Store pickup order cannot be maintained. Already shipped or canceled.

Order Summary Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Order Summary page.

Sold-To Customer Actions:

Order Header Actions:

Order Ship-To Actions:

Order Line Actions:

Order Payment Method Actions:

Order Actions:

For more information:

If the Session Ends During Order Maintenance

A session can end while you are updating an order if, for example:

  • The session times out due to inactivity.
  • The browser closes unexpectedly.
  • The user logs out.
  • The user returns to Classic View.

The order is retained in error status if you have locked the order for maintenance, and:

  • The session ends due to a timeout.
  • The browser closes unexpectedly.
  • You log out.

You can use the Purge Suspended Orders option (PSOR) in Classic View to purge orders that remain in error status, or use Unlock Order to unlock an order that remains locked.


ChannelAdvisor orders display a warning message when the Order Summary page is displayed in Modern View.

Update Sold-To Customer Information

In the Sold-To Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Customer (Sold-To) Information page.

Note: This option is available only if:

  • The order is not currently locked by another user, session, or by the system and you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option and the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature.
  • The order is not a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Call the Sold-To Customer’s Phone Number

In the Sold-To Panel, select the Phone Number link to advance to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer’s phone number.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Phone field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Email the Sold-To Customer using the Customer’s Primary Email Address

In the Sold-To Panel, select the Email Address link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Additional Order Details (Order Information)

In the Additional Order Details Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Additional Order Details page.

Note: The Edit option is available only if:

  • The order is not currently locked by another user or session or by the system,
  • You have authority to the Order Maintenance Access (A22) secured feature,
  • You have authority to the Maintain Order with Printed Quantity (J05) secured feature if there is a printed quantity on any order line,
  • You have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature if the order is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup),
  • The Broker Delivery Type for the order is not Store Pickup or Ship for Pickup.

Email the Sold-To Customer using the Order Email Address

In the Additional Order Details Panel, select the Order Email link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Review Held Order Status Information

In the Additional Order Details Panel, select the Held Order Status link to advance to the Order Holds window.


You must have authority to the Release Held Orders (ERHO), Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM), and Order Inquiry/Maintenance (OIOM) menu options in order to advance to the Order Holds window.

Cancel a Ship-To Order

Above the Ship-To Panel, select the Cancel option to advance to the Cancel Ship-To window.

The Cancel option is available only if:

  • The order is not currently locked by another user, the system, or another session, and
  • The order is in an Open or Held status, and
  • You have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option, and
  • The order is not a quote.

In addition, if the order includes a brokered backorder line, is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), or is a store pickup order, you must have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature.

Generate a Contact Us Email for the Order

The Contact Us email requests that the sold-to customer contact you about the order. Information in this email includes:

  • The sold-to customer’s name.
  • Message text from the contact us email template to print above system-generated information.
  • Purchasing information, such as the order number, order date, sold-to name and address, ship-to name and address, and the sold-to customer number.
  • Message text from the contact us email template to print below system-generated information.

To generate the email:

  1. In the Ship-To Panel, select the Send Contact Us option to advance to the Send Contact Us window.
  2. At the Send Contact Us window, the system displays the sold-to customer’s email address; this is the email address that will receive the Contact Us email.

    • Select Yes to return to the Order Summary page and generate the Contact Us email.

    • Select No, Do Not Send to return to the Order Summary page without generating an email.

  3. If you selected Yes, the system generates the Contact Us email and displays a message indicating the email has been sent.

    • If the XML Only flag for the Contact Us template is unselected, the system generates an actual email in HTML format.

    • If the XML Only flag for the Contact Us template is selected, the system generates an outbound email XML message (CWEmailOut), rather than an actual email. The XML message includes additional information that is not included in the standard email notice. You might choose to generate the XML message so that you can use the information to produce a reformatted HTML email for marketing purposes.

The Send Contact Us option is available only if:

  • There is an email address for the sold-to customer, and
  • The sold-to customer’s opt-in/opt-out setting is Email or Order Email Only, and
  • The Contact Us Email Program (K54) system control value specifies an email program. The default “contact us” email program is CTUSNOTF.


You can generate the Contact Us email regardless of the setting of the Email notification flag for the origin assigned to the order.

Update the Order Ship-To Address

In the Ship-To Address Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Order Ship-To Address page.

This option does not display if the Ship-To Status is Closed or if the Broker Delivery Type for the order is Store Pickup or Ship for Pickup.


This option is available only if the order is not currently locked by another user and you have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option; you can define menu option authority for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.

Call the Ship-To Customer’s Phone Number

In the Ship-To Address Panel, select the Phone Number link to advance to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer’s phone number.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Phone field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Email the Ship-To Customer

In the Ship-To Address Panel, select the Email Address link to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Update Ship-To Information

In the Ship-To Information Panel, select the Edit option to lock the order and advance to the Edit Ship-To Information page.

Note: This option is not available:

  • For store pickup orders or orders from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • If the order ship-to status is closed.

If you create an address book in Order Entry (or Order API), and if you need to change it in Order Summary, the system uses the address book to create a one-time ship to address.  

Display Additional Ship-To Information

Select Additional Information in the Ship-To panel to open the Additional Information Panel.

Work with Additional Charges for a Ship-To Order

Above the Ship-To Information Panel, select the Additional Charges option to advance to the Additional Charges panel.

Create a Misship Return

Above the Ship-To Panel, select the Create Misship option to lock the order and advance to the Create Misship page. This option is available only if there has been a shipment for the order.

Return an Order Ship To

Above the Ship-To Panel, select the Return option to lock the order and advance to the Return Ship To page. See the Return Ship To page for information on when this option is available.

Review Tracking Information for the Order Ship-To

In the Ship-To Panel, select Shipment Tracking Details to open the Shipment Tracking Details panel, displaying the tracking number and invoice number for each shipment made for the order ship-to.

Additional shipped item details: If the shipment was confirmed through the Pick In message, with carton details specified, in release 21.0 or later, the Shipment Tracking Details panel displays additional information about the shipped item(s), including the item name, description, shipped quantity, and the item image, if any.

The detail information is not displayed if:

  • The shipment was confirmed through the Manual Confirmation (MCON) option, or

  • The shipment was confirmed through the Pick In message, but no carton details were specified, or

  • This is the originating order, rather than the fulfilling order, for a shipment processed through the Order Broker integration, or

  • The shipment was confirmed in a release prior to 21.0.

In these cases, the information displayed includes the ship date, ship via description, tracking number, and invoice number. No detail information on the item(s) is displayed.

Fulfilling orders: If an order was submitted to Order Orchestration and then another order created as the fulfilling order, tracking information is available in the Shipment Tracking Details panel for the fulfilling order rather than for the originating order. However, you can review tracking information for the originating order at the Order Activity page.

For more information: See Review Tracking Information for a Shipment for background on how shipments are tracked and required setup. Also, see the Shipment Tracking Details panel for more information on the fields displayed in the Shipment Tracking Details panel.

Add an Order Line

Above the Ship-To Panel, select the Add Item option to lock the order and advance to the Add Item page.

In order to add an order line:

  • The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • The order cannot be from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup) or be a store pickup or ship for pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Discount a Shipped, Unreturned Order Line

Select Discount from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for a shipped order line to lock the order and advance to the Discount Order Line window.


  • The Discount option is available only for unreturned order lines if:
    • the order is not locked by a user and,

    • you have authority to discount an order line, and

    • the order is:

      • in a closed status, or

      • partially shipped, provided that there are no outstanding pick slips

  • The Discount option is not available for ship-for-pickup orders if the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected.
  • For set items, the Discount option displays for the main set item and not the set component items.
  • To ensure the background async jobs update order related tables correctly, do not use this option against a shipped, unreturned order line in the same session that you add a new order line.

Personalize the Item on an Order Line

Select Personalize from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Add Personalization window.

The Personalize option is available for an order line only when the following are true:

  • The order is not currently locked by another user, the system, or another session,
  • The order line status is open or held, and the item does not have a printed or shipped quantity,
  • The Special Handling flag for the item/offer or SKU/offer associated with the offer on the order line must be selected,
  • The item does not already have personalization defined (see Edit Personalization Information).

To edit, remove, or review existing personalization applied to the order line, see below.

Edit, Remove, or Review Personalization for an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Personalization (Special Handling) link under Personalization for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Personalization Information window. For example, if the additional charge code for monogramming is set to MO and the description of the additional charge code is MONOGRAMMING, the Personalization (Special Handling) link displays as MO - MONOGRAMMING.


You cannot open this window if the item’s personalization uses a S/H Code with the Suppress S/H Window flag is set to Suppress.

Edit personalization: If the order line is open and unprinted, you can select the Edit option at the Personalization Information window to advance to the Edit Personalization Information window.

Remove personalization: If the order line is open or held and unprinted, you can select the Remove option at the Personalization Information window to remove the personalization from the order line.

Otherwise, your only option at the Personalization Information window is to review the personalization for the order line.

To add personalization to an order line, see Personalize the Item on an Order Line.

Edit an Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Edit option for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Edit Order Line page.

For set items, the Edit option displays for the main set item and not the set component items.

To edit an order line:

  • The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session,
  • The order line status must be open or held and cannot have a printed quantity,
  • The order line cannot be brokered,
  • If the order line contains a set component item, you must have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature,
  • The order cannot be a store pickup based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Cancel an Order Line

Select Cancel from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Cancel Order Line window.

The Cancel option is not available if:

  • The order is currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • The order line is in a status other than open or held.
  • The item on the order line has a printed pick slip; in this situation, you must first void the pick slip before you can cancel the item.
  • The order line contains a set component item and you do not have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature.
  • The order is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup) or is a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type, and you do not have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature.
  • The order is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type, and you do not have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature.

Sell Out an Order Line

  1. Select Sell Out from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to lock the order and advance to a confirmation window.
  2. At the Confirm Sell Out window, select the Yes option to sell out the order line; otherwise, select No to cancel.
  3. If you select to sell out the order line:

    • The system displays a message indicating the update was performed.

    • The status of the line changes to S Soldout and the system recalculates the tax on the order.

    • If the item is a main set item, the main set item and all of its components are sold out.

    • If the only item on the order is sold out, the status of the order updates to closed.

    • The freight on the order is reduced, if appropriate for the reduced merchandise total. This update takes place automatically; no message is displayed.

The Sell Out option is not available if:

  • The order is currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • The order line is in a status other than open or held.
  • The order line contains a reserved quantity.
  • The order line is a main set item and all of the components of the main set item are reserved.
  • The item is a set component item and you do not have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature.
  • The order is a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Add a Coordinate Item

Select Coordinates from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to lock the order and advance to the Select Coordinate Items page.

Review an Item’s Personalization Details

This option is available only if one or more coordinate items have been defined for the item, and if the does not have the Promo windows flag set to None.

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Personalization (Special Handling) link for an item to advance to the Personalization Information window.


This option is available only if personalization has been defined for the item. In addition, the Personalization field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Review Drop Ship Information

Select the Drop Ship link for an item on the order to advance to the Drop Ship Details window.

Note: The Drop-ship link displays only for open drop ship items. The system considers an item a drop ship item if the Drop Ship Flag in the Order Detail table is set to D. However, the Drop Ship Details window opens to drop ship information is displayed only if the order line is open and is being fulfilled through integration with Order Orchestration’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Otherwise:

  • If the item is a drop ship item but is not being fulfilled through Order Orchestration’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, when you click the Drop-Ship link, a message indicates Drop ship purchase order activity does not exist for this drop ship item.
  • If the item is a drop ship item that has been fulfilled, the Drop-ship link is not available.

Review Brokered Information

Select the Brokered link for an item on the order to advance to the Broker Details window.

Note: The Brokered link displays only if:

  • The item has been submitted to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder), or
  • The customer picks up the order up at a retail location where the inventory is available (store pickup), or
  • The order was assigned to Order Administration for fulfillment (delivery or pickup), or
  • The order ships to a store location, where the customer picks it up (ship-for-pickup), and a pick slip or drop ship pick slip or purchase order has already been generated for the order line.

Review the Invoice Associated with a Shipped or Returned Order Line

In the Order Lines Panel, select the Invoice link for an order line to advance to the Invoice page.

Review Tracking Information for a Shipment

  1. In the Order Lines Panel, expand the Track Shipments drop-down field for an order line to display the Tracking Number(s) associated with the shipment that contains the item on the order line.
  2. Click a tracking number to advance to the carrier’s web site.

    • For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
    • The Track Shipments option is available only if a tracking number is defined for one or more shipments, and if the shipment was confirmed through the Pick In message, with carton details specified, in release 21.0 or later. The option is not available if:

      •  The shipment was confirmed through the Manual Confirmation (MCON) option, or

      •  The shipment was confirmed through the Pick In message, but no carton details were specified, or

      •  This is the originating order, rather than the fulfilling order, for a shipment processed through the Order Broker integration, or

      • The shipment was confirmed in a release prior to 21.0.

    •  The tracking number is a live link if the ship via type is UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4). If the link is live, you can click it to advance to the shipper’s web site and review shipment history.

    If tracking information is known: Regardless of whether the Track Shipments option is available for individual shipped items, the Shipment Tracking Details option is still available at the order ship-to level.

    For more information, see Review Tracking Information for the Order Ship-To.

    If using Narvar: If you are using the Narvar integration, the Tracking Number is a live link enabling you to track the shipment, provided:

    • You have completed setup of the related system control values, including the Narvar Track URL Prefix (M60).
    • You have specified the Narvar Carrier Name for the ship via.
    • You specified a tracking number when confirming the shipment.
    • All other configuration was completed for Narvar, as described under Narvar Integration Setup in the Classic View online help.


    • After you enable Narvar, tracking number links that were created previously do not work automatically when you click on them at this screen.
    • The tracking number link can still be available if all the above requirements are met, even if the customer did not receive a shipment confirmation when, for example, the customer has opted out of email communication.
    • The tracking link is not supported for drop ship purchase orders or shipments made through the Order Broker integration. The tracking link is supported for drop ship picks.

    Required for tracking: The Narvar Track URL Prefix (M69) is required for a valid tracking number link to be enabled in emails or on screens. If you are using the Narvar integration and submit an order request to Narvar while the tracking URL prefix is not defined, the Narvar.log file contains errors such as:

    • Shipment tracking is disable for company 123

    • Unable to construct shipment tracking URL for order 456

    Where 123 is the company number and 456 is the order number.

    Error displayed: Also, if the tracking URL is not defined, when you click on the tracking number link at the screens mentioned above, an error window indicates: Tracking information not available. Check Narvar Order Error Export screen for failures.

    If not using Narvar: Otherwise, if you are not using the Narvar integration:

    • Supported ship via types: Live links to shipment tracking web pages for shippers are available if the ship via type is:
      • UPS

      • Federal Express

      • Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4)

    • If the ship via type is anything other than UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post, you can still advance to the Display Tracking Numbers screen; however, the tracking number is not a live link.


    You can also review all tracking information for the order ship-to. See Review Tracking Information for the Order Ship-To

Check Inventory for an Item

Select Check Item Availability from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to check availability.

  • If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected or if the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected but the item is not eligible for the merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability window.
  • If the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected and the item is eligible for the merchandise locator, you advance to the Item Availability (Merchandise Locator) window.


  • For set items, the Item Availability option is available for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • In Order Summary and Customer Items List pages, the Check Item Availability option is available only for order lines whose status is Open, Held, Soldout, Suspended, or Express Bill. It is not available for orders in Error status.

Review Item Information on the E-Commerce Web Site

Select Item Information from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to open a new browser window displaying the item details page on the client e-commerce website.

  • If the item contains SKU’s, the system advances you to the URL defined at the SKU level; if a URL is not defined at the SKU level, the system advances you to the URL defined at the item level.
  • The Item Information option is available only if a valid URL is defined for the item on the Item Image/Info Link screen in the Work with Items/SKU’s (MITM) menu option.

Review Order Line Activity

Select Order Line Activity from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to open the Order Line Activity window.

Review an Order Line

Select Order Line Details from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line to lock the order and to advance to the Order Line Details page. The Pre-Discount Price displays on the Order Line Details of the Order Summary page. This price is helpful when evaluating discounts applied by ORPE.

Return or Exchange an Order Line

Select Return from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line with a shipped, unreturned quantity to lock the order and advance to the Return Order Line page.

For set items, the Return option is available for both the main set item and the set component items.

Hide or Show the Information about an Order Line

Click within the title of the Order Lines Panel for an order line to hide or show the order line information.

Add a Payment to the Order

In the Payment Information Panel, select the Add Payment option to lock the order and advance to the Add Payment window.

The Add Payment option is not available for orders from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup) or store pickup orders, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Add a Credit Card or Debit Card Payment

Oracle Retail EFTConnect provides credit card validation and processing through Account Providers such as CyberSource, Adyen, external payment services (EPS) and other custom Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) payment services. You need to configure your merchant account and set up all credit card or debit card payment methods through the Payment Configurations page. You cannot create or modify credit card or debit card payment methods through the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) screen in Classic View. See the Payment Configurations page for more information.

  1. Select Add Payment to open the Add Payment window and lock the order.
  2. Select a credit or debit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.
  3. Enter an Amount to Charge. Leave this field blank if the payment method is the catch-all for the order.

  4. Select OK to display the additional fields related to this payment method. These are dynamic fields that are validated by the payment provider. The content varies depending on whether CyberSource, Adyen, EPS, or OPI custom payment provider was selected as the Account Provider. Enter the required details such as a Card Number, the Expiry Month (MM format) and Expiry Year (YY format), the card’s Security Code (CVV/CID/CVC) and other fields as applicable.

  5. Select Pay to add the payment method to the order. An error message indicates if any of the entered fields are invalid.

  6. If the payment passes validation by the payment provider, the system:

    • Displays a message indicating the payment was added to the order.

    • Displays the newly added payment in the Payment Information panel.

    • Returns a temporary token.

    • If the returned vendor response is associated with a hold reason code, the system places the order on hold and displays a message indicating the order has new holds.

If an error occurs whilst loading the service or after selecting Pay, and the payment provider form cannot be displayed, retry or select a new form of payment.

If the system times out before receiving an authorization response or authorization is declined, the payment is not added.

See Online Authorization Processing for more information on processing, updates, and displayed messages when the payment method uses online authorization.

Add a Manual Authorization

In the Payment Information Panel, select the Add Authorization option actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) for a credit card, debit card, or stored value card (gift card) payment method. The system locks the order and opens the Add Authorization window.

Use Authorize Now

Optionally, for a credit card, debit card, or stored value card (gift card) payment method send/receive an online authorization transaction using the card token. In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the select the Authorize Now option. The order is locked.

The Authorize Now field displays only if the Manual Authorization field is unselected, the Online Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected, and the Online Authorization field for the origin on the order (order type) is set to Window or Without Window. If On-Line Auth Verification Only I96 system control value is selected, the system will send an authorization for 0.00 instead of 1.00.

Select OK to confirm authorization for this payment method.

Perform Balance Inquiry Against a Gift Card Payment

  1. In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the Check Gift Card Balance option for a gift card payment method.
  2. The system looks at the Authorization Service field defined for the gift card payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the gift card payment. An error message displays if an authorization service is not defined for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  3. The system sends a balance inquiry request to the service bureau.
  4. If the response returns an error, the system displays an error message.

    • If the vendor response returned matches a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays the message defined for the vendor response.

    • If the vendor response returned does not match a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays a message indicating the vendor response is not recognized and provides the error returned in the balance inquiry response.

    • If a response is not received from the service bureau, the system displays a message indicating the balance inquiry could not be performed.

  5. If the response includes the card balance amount, the system displays the Card Balance in the Check Gift Card Balance window.


The Check Gift Card Balance option is available only if you have authority to the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB) menu option.

Review Payment Method Details

In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the View Details option for a payment method on the order to advance to the Payment Method Details window.

Update a Cash or Check Payment on the Order

In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the Edit option for a payment method on the order. The system locks the order and advances you to the Edit Payment window.

The Edit option is not available if:

  • The order is a credit card, debit card, wallet, or stored value (gift) card.

  • The order is already locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • You do not have authority to the Enter/Maintain Orders (OEOM) menu option. You can define menu option authority for a user ID in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu option; you can define menu option authority for a user class in the Work with User Classes (WUCL) menu option.
  • The payment method is PayPal.
  • The payment method is deactivated.
  • The order is from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup) or is a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.

Edit the Expiration Date for a Payment Method

  1. In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the Edit Expiration Date option for an EFTConnect pay type on the order. The system opens the Edit Expiration Date window.

  2. This window displays the Payment Method. Enter a new expiration date in MM/YY format. Your entry must be the current month or later.

  3. Select OK to apply the new expiration date. A request is sent to EFTConnect to update the expiry date.

    If successful, the Order Summary page is displayed with the new expiration date displayed in the Payment Information Panel.

    If EFTConnect fails to get a response, a communications error is displayed. Also, a failure may occur if the customer token value provided by the payment service provider in the authorization response is not included when the order was submitted.

    If a failure response is returned:

    1. Do not update the expiration date in the Order Payment Method.

    2. The dialog is closed and returns to the Order Summary screen.

    3. Display a Snackbar Notification on the Order Summary screen: Edit Expiration Date failed.

Changing the Expiration Date creates two Activity records under the Activity Table in the Payment Method Details panel, for example:

  • An Activity of Card Number Changed (A) with a Note of card number has been changed.

  • An Activity of Maintenance (M) with a Note of CC Exp Dt: 1022 to 1224.

The invoice number displayed for these Activity records is 0.

Deactivate a Payment on the Order

Use the Deactivate option to:

  • Stop any further billing against a payment card used on an order, such as when the card is stolen.
  • Stop trying to authorize a card that continues to decline.
  • Replace with a new card for all future billing.


You cannot change or reactivate a deactivated payment type. If all pay types are deactivated, you must enter a valid pay type to release the order from hold, or cancel the order.
  1. In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the Deactivate option for a payment method on the order. The system advances you to the Confirm Deactivation window.
  2. At the Confirm Deactivation window:

    • Select the Yes option to deactivate the payment.

    • Select the No option to cancel the deactivation.

  3. The system returns you to the Order Summary page. If you selected to deactivate the payment, the system locks the order, deactivates the payment, and displays a message indicating the payment has been deactivated. The system updates the charge sequence number for the payment to 99.


You will not be able to unlock the order if there are no active payments defined for the order; you must add at least one payment to the order before you can unlock the order.

The Deactivate option does not display:

  • If the payment has already been deactivated.
  • For a cash/check payment.
  • For a card payment that has no authorization or payment history.
  • For a card payment with a refund due; instead, you must use the Work with Refunds (WREF) menu option to cancel the refund for the order or change the refund type.

Remove a Payment from the Order

  1. In the Payment Information Panel, from the Actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu.), select the Delete option for a payment method on the order. The Confirm Delete window opens.
  2. At the Confirm Delete window:

    • Select the Yes option to remove the payment from the order.

    • Select the No option to cancel the removal.

  3. You return to the Order Summary page. If you selected to delete the payment, the system locks the order, removes the payment, and displays a message indicating the payment has been removed.


You will not be able to unlock the order if there are no active payments defined for the order; you must add at least one payment to the order before you can unlock the order.

The Delete option does not display:

  • For a payment that is authorized or billed. In this situation, you must use the Deactivate option to deactivate the payment instead.
  • If a processed refund exists for the payment.
  • If authorization history exists for the payment.

Review or Work with Order Messages or Order Notes

Select Message at the top of the page to advance to the Messages page for the current order.


You can add an order message regardless of whether the order is locked.

Perform a New Search

Select the Search option above the page to return to the Search for Orders or Customers page.

Review Order Activity

Select Order Activity at the top of the page to advance to the Order Activity page for the current order.

Review and Enter Order Notes and Other Customer Messages

Select Messages at the top of the page to advance to the Messages page.

Review Refunds and Returns for the Order

At the top of the page, select the Returns/Refunds option to advance to Returns/Refunds page.

Review Invoices for the Order

Select the Invoices option at the top of the page to advance to the Invoices page.

Unlock the Order

Select Unlock Order at the top of the page or press CTRL + ALT + u to process any remaining order updates and unlock the order so that it is available for maintenance by another user.

The system may display a warning or error if data on the order needs to be corrected.

When you unlock and accept an order, Contact Center does not check for expired credit cards.


The Unlock Order option displays only if you have locked the order in the current session; it does not display if another user has locked the order. In this case, you can use the Unlock Order option if you have the required authority.

For more information: See Maintaining an Order for more information about locking and unlocking an order.

Fields on Order Summary

Purpose: The following information displays on the Order Summary page.

For more information:

Order Summary Tab Fields

The Order Number displays in the page tab for the Order Summary page.

Order Orchestration Message Fields

An Order Orchestration message displays below the page title if:

  • This is a delivery or retail pickup (ship-to-store) order assigned by Order Orchestration to Order Administration for fulfillment, or

  • The Broker Delivery Type is Store Pickup

The message displayed is:

  • This order line was brokered to OACS for fulfillment. Use caution when maintaining the order if you have authority under the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature, Otherwise,

  • Order Locked in Broker if do NOT have authority under the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature.

Sold-To Panel

The sold-to customer is the customer that placed the order. The Sold-To panel displays the following fields for the sold-to customer.

  • Customer Name (unlabeled field below the Sold-To title): The customer name displays in prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix format, and the sold-to Customer Number is indicated in parentheses.

    If the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT, and the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search flag in Work with Contact Center (WWCC) is selected, this is the Customer Engagement ID. Otherwise, it is the Order Administration customer number.

    If a Company Name is also defined, the company name displays below the sold-to customer name.

    If a Company Name is defined without a sold-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the sold-to customer name.

  • Customer Since
  • Customer totals:

    • Purchases (Total Orders)

    • Lifetime Value (Purchase Total)

    • Return Rate: The total value of returns for the customer divided by the total purchases.

  • Customer Address
  • Phone Number (unlabeled fields below the Customer Address): Up to three phone numbers may be shown with the type shown in brackets such as (508) 652–3800 (Business).

    The Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. If more than one phone number is defined for the sold-to customer and only one is shown such as in a one-time ship-to order, the system uses the following hierarchy to display the phone number:

    • home phone number

    • business phone number that also supports a phone extension

    • mobile or fax phone number as determined by Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value.

    The phone number displays the telephone number format defined for the country (as defined in Work with Country (WCTY)) on the customer’s address.


    The Phone Number field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.
  • Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This is the sold-to customer’s primary email address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.
  • Opt-In Status (unlabeled field below the Email Address): This is the opt-in status defined for the sold-to customer’s primary email address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.

Order Summary Tiles

These three tiles provide the following information and links:

Ship-To Panel

The Ship-To panel displays the details for a ship-to on the order, including the ship-to order’s name and address, and the items assigned to the ship-to order.

There is a separate ship-to panel for each ship-to on the order.

Ship-To Details Panel Title

The title of this panel varies, depending on the setting of the Broker Delivery Type:

  • If the Broker Delivery Type is blank, the title of this panel is Ship-To #, where # is the Ship-To Number.
  • If the Broker Delivery Type is S (Ship for Pickup), the title of this panel is Ship for Pickup. Note: This includes pickup orders that originated in a store location (retail pickup).
  • If the Broker Delivery Type is P (Store Pickup), the title of this panel is Store Pickup.

The ship-to customer name is also indicated in parentheses.

Next to the name, a badge denotes whether the ship-to address shown originates from the primary address, is an entry from the address book, is a one-time ship-to address or is a recipient address.

When an address book ship-to is assigned to an order, the Address Book Number is displayed within the Address Book badge.

When an address book ship-to or a recipient ship-to is edited from the Order Summary tab, the ship-to is converted to a One Time Address upon edit. The address changes ONLY apply to that order. Neither the Address Book entry nor the Recipient Sold To records are updated. If the address book ship-to or recipient ship-to had multiple phone numbers assigned, a single phone number is displayed (without a phone number label) for the One-Time Ship-To.  The phone number is selected based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Home 

  2. Business

  3. Mobile (or Fax)

Ship-To Address Panel

Where Does the Ship-To Address Come From?

Depending on how you create the order, the shipping address can be from one of the following locations.

For a customer ship-to address:

  • An order-level shipping address that is stored in the Order Ship To Address table.
  • A permanent shipping address for the sold-to customer on the order, stored in the Customer Ship To table.
  • A recipient customer, stored in the Customer Sold To table.
  • The name and address of the Customer Sold To who placed the order, stored in the Customer Sold To table.

For a store ship-to address:

  • The name and address of the store where the customer will pick up the order, stored in the Store Cross Reference table.

The Ship-To Address panel displays the following fields:

  • Customer Name or Store Name (unlabeled field below the panel title): The customer name is in prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix format.

    • If a Company Name is also defined, the company name displays below the ship-to customer name.

    • If a Company Name is defined without a ship-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the ship-to customer name.

  • Customer Address or Store Address (unlabeled fields below the Customer Name or Store Name)
  • Phone Number (unlabeled field below the Address): If more than one phone number is defined for the sold-to customer and only one is shown such as in a one-time ship-to order, the system uses the following hierarchy to display the phone number:

    • home phone number

    • business phone number that also supports a phone extension

    • mobile or fax phone number as determined by Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value.

    The phone number displays the telephone number format defined for the country (as defined in Work with Country (WCTY)) on the customer’s address.


    The Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.
  • Email Address (unlabeled field below the Phone Number): This is the ship-to customer’s primary email address. This field does not display for a store address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.
  • Opt-In Status (unlabeled field below the Email Address): This field does not display for a store address. This field displays only if an email address is defined for the customer.
  • Attention: Displayed only if an attention line was specified for the order.

Ship-To Information Panel

Additional Information Panel

Select Additional Information to view or hide the Additional Information panel. Each field is blank or 0.00 if there is no data in the field for the order.

Shipment Tracking Details Panel

This panel provides shipment tracking information for all shipments for the order ship-to.

For each shipment tracking number:

  • Ship Date: For set items, the ship date displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • Ship Via description
  • Tracking Number:
    • For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the main set item.

    • This field displays only if a tracking number is defined for the shipment. The tracking number is a live link if the ship via type is UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4). If the link is live, you can click it to advance to the shipper’s web site and review shipment history, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.

    • If using Narvar: If you are using the Narvar integration, the Tracking Number is a live link enabling you to track the shipment, provided:

      • You have completed setup of the related system control values, including the Narvar Track URL Prefix (M60).

      • You have specified the Narvar Carrier Name for the ship via.

      • You specified a tracking number when confirming the shipment.

      • All other configuration was completed for Narvar, as described under Narvar Integration Setup in the Classic View online help.


      • After you enable Narvar, tracking number links that were created previously do not work automatically when you click on them at this screen.

      • The tracking number link can still be available if all the above requirements are met, even if the customer did not receive a shipment confirmation when, for example, the customer has opted out of email communication.

      • The tracking link is not supported for drop ship purchase orders or shipments made through the Order Orchestration integration. The tracking link is supported for drop ship picks.

    • If not using Narvar: Otherwise, if you are not using the Narvar integration:

      • Supported ship via types: Live links to shipment tracking web pages for shippers are available if the ship via type is:

        • UPS

        • Federal Express

        • Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4)

        • If the ship via type is anything other than UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post, you can still advance to the Display Tracking Numbers screen; however, the tracking number is not a live link.

  • Invoice: For set items, the invoice displays for the set component item and not the main set item.

Additional shipped item details: If the shipment was confirmed through the Pick In message, with carton details specified, in release 21.0 or later, the Shipment Tracking Details panel displays the following information for each shipped item:

  • The additional shipped item detail information is not displayed if:

  • The shipment was confirmed through the Manual Confirmation (MCON) option, or

  • The shipment was confirmed through the Pick In message, but no carton details were specified, or

  • This is the originating order, rather than the fulfilling order, for a shipment processed through the Order Broker integration, or

  • The shipment was confirmed in a release prior to 21.0.

Order Lines Panel

The system displays item information for each order line associated with the order ship-to. Items display for the order ship-to in ascending order line number sequence.

For sets on an order, the system groups the set components items under the main set item.

The following fields display for each order line.

Order line banner:

  • Order Line Number (unlabeled field before the item ID)
  • Item Description (unlabeled field to the right of the Order Line Number)
  • Item ID (unlabeled field in parentheses to the right of the Item Description)
  • SKU Description (unlabeled to the right of the Item Description). From the SKU description if the Display SKU Element in Place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is selected; otherwise, displays the SKU element.
  • Status (Order Line Status)
  • Return in Progress badge. A blue badge next to each item on an order that has a Return in the Created or Received status (but not yet credited or cancelled), indicates whether an item detail is associated to a Return Authorization in process. This negates the need to navigate to the Returns/Refunds tab to check.

Order line details:

  • Item Image: Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and an item or SKU image has been defined. A placeholder image is displayed if Use External Item Image (L55) is selected but no item or SKU image has been defined. Display-only.
  • Item Information Link: Displayed if an item information link has been defined and the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected.
  • Main Set Item: This field displays only if the item is a main set item.
  • Set: The item description and item ID of the associated main set item displays; for example: BATH SET (B123). This field displays only if the item is a set component item.
  • Unit Price: Unit Price is the price the customer is being charged for one unit of the item. To the left of the unit price, is the offer price with a strikethrough. The offer price with strikethrough only appears if the offer price is greater than the unit price and Display Order Line Discount Message (F01) system control value is selected. If system control value F01 is not selected or the offer price is less than unit price, then only the unit price is shown. When SCV F01 is selected and an offer price with strikethrough is shown, this is meant to represent the customer received a discount on this item.

    For set items, the unit price displays for the main set item and not the component items.

  • Hovering on the order line information icon, where an entitlement discount was applied, displays a toolltip with the itemized unit discount amount applied for the entitlement. Where multiple promotions were applied, each will have its own entry in the tooltip.

  • Ordered (Ordered Quantity)
  • Extended Price: For set items, the extended price displays for the main set item and not the component items.
  • Gift Wrap Charge: This field displays only if gift wrap has been defined for the item (the Gift Wrap for the order line in the Order Detail table is Y). In addition, the Gift Wrap Charge field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.
  • Reserved (Reserved Quantity)
  • Personalization (Special Handling): This field displays only if personalization has been defined for the item (the Add Addl Chg Code for the order line in the Order Detail table contains a value). In addition, the Personalization field displays only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.
  • Personalization Charge (Personalization (Special Handling) Charge): This field displays only if personalization has been defined for the item (the Add Addl Chg Code for the order line in the Order Detail table contains a value).
  • Sold Out (Sold-Out Quantity)
  • Canceled (Canceled Quantity)
  • Printed (Printed Quantity)
  • Shipped (Shipped Quantity): Within an order line, shipped items are grouped by invoice number. For set items, the shipped quantity displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • Ship Date: For set items, the ship date displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • Invoice: For set items, the invoice displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • Credited (Credited Quantity): Within an order line, credited items are grouped by invoice number. For set items, the credited quantity displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • Credited Date: For set items, the credit date displays for the set component item and not the main set item.
  • Track Shipments (#), where # is the number of tracking numbers associated with the shipment (Tracking Number): Expand the Track Shipments drop-down field to display the tracking number(s) for the shipment that contained the item on the order line.
    • For set items, the tracking number displays for the set component item and not the main set item.

    • This field displays only if a tracking number is defined for the shipment. The tracking number is a live link if the ship via type is UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4). If the link is live, you can click it to advance to the shipper’s web site and review shipment history, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.

    • If using Narvar: If you are using the Narvar integration, the Tracking Number is a live link enabling you to track the shipment, provided:

      • You have completed setup of the related system control values, including the Narvar Track URL Prefix (M60).

      • You have specified the Narvar Carrier Name for the ship via.

      • You specified a tracking number when confirming the shipment.

      • All other configuration was completed for Narvar, as described under Narvar Integration Setup in the Classic View online help.


      • After you enable Narvar, tracking number links that were created previously do not work automatically when you click on them at this screen.

      • The tracking number link can still be available if all the above requirements are met, even if the customer did not receive a shipment confirmation when, for example, the customer has opted out of email communication.

      • The tracking link is not supported for drop ship purchase orders or shipments made through the Order Broker integration. The tracking link is supported for drop ship picks.

    • If not using Narvar: Otherwise, if you are not using the Narvar integration:

      Supported ship via types: Live links to shipment tracking web pages for shippers are available if the ship via type is:

      • UPS

      • Federal Express

      • Parcel Post (not Parcel Post Class 1, 2, 3, or 4)

      • If the ship via type is anything other than UPS, Federal Express, or Parcel Post, you can still advance to the Display Tracking Numbers screen; however, the tracking number is not a live link.

  • Returned (Returned Quantity)
  • Return Date
  • Drop Ship: This field displays only if the item’s order line status is Open, and the item is flagged as a drop ship item (the Drop Ship Flag in the Order Detail table is set to D).
  • Brokered: This field displays only if the item’s order line status is Open, and:

    • The item has been submitted to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder), or

    • The customer picks up the order up at a retail location where the inventory is available (store pickup), or

    • The order was assigned to Order Administration for fulfillment (delivery or pickup), or

    • The order ships to a store location, where the customer picks it up (ship-for-pickup), and a pick slip or drop ship pick slip or purchase order has already been generated for the order line.

Edit Additional Order Details Panel

Payment Information Panel

The Payment Information panel displays information for each payment method on the order. Payment methods apply across recipients.

Payment records display in ascending charge sequence, ascending payment method description sequence. The catch-all payment method displays last.

The Payment Information panel displays the following fields:

  • Payment Method:

    • The last four digits of the credit card number displays after the payment method description in parenthesis. For example: VISA (1234). This is the CC Last 4 from the Order Payment Method table.

    • The check number displays after the payment method description in parenthesis. For example: Check (12345). This is the OPM Check Number from the Order Payment Method table.

  • Expiration Date: The expiration date may be zero, depending on the setting of the Require expiration date flag for the payment. For example, a gift card Card Type typically does not require an expiration date.
  • Amount to Charge:

    • Balance displays next to the catch-all payment method on the order, indicating the balance of the charge for the order applies to the payment method. The balance charge occurs after charges to all other pay types on the order have reached their defined limit.

    • Deactivated displays next to a credit card payment method that has been deactivated.

Order Totals

The Order Totals at the bottom of the page includes the following fields: