55 Authorization Response

Overview: Use the Authorization Response window to review the authorization response received from the service bureau and any messages defined for the returned vendor response. You can receive a response from the service bureau for the authorization and address verification (AVS).

How to display: This window opens during online authorization processing when an online authorization response is received from the authorization service if:

  • The On-line Authorization field for the order type on the order is set to Window (on-line eligible and display window), and
  • A Response Time is defined for the service bureau, and
  • The Pop Up Window Messages field for the vendor response returned by the service bureau contains text. Note: The Pop Up Window Messages # 1 field must contain text in order to display this window. If you define text in the Pop Up Window Messages # 2 - # 4 fields and not in the Pop Up Window Messages # 1 field, this window will not display.

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Online Authorization Processing

Purpose: Online card authorization allows you to send and receive the information required to authorize a card payment when the order is placed instead of when the pick slip is generated for the order.

When is Online Authorization Performed?

The system performs online authorization when you:

  • Select the Add Payment option for a card payment on the Add Payment window when the Authorize Now field is selected.
  • Select the Update Payment option for a card payment on the Edit Payment window when the Authorize Now field is selected.
  • Select the Authorize option for a card payment on the Order Summary page.

Determining if the Payment is Eligible for Online Authorization

In order for a payment to be eligible for online authorization:

  • The Online Authorizations (B89) system control value must be selected.
  • The origin defined for the order must be eligible for online authorizations (the Online Authorization field is set to Window (on-line eligible and display window) or Without Window (on-line eligible and do not display window).
  • The payment must be credit card, gift card, or debit card.
  • The order must be in an open or held status.
  • The arrival date on the order cannot be greater than the current date.

What Card Amount is Sent for Authorization?

  • If the Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value is selected, the system processes online authorizations for $1.00 for the purpose of validating the card. During batch authorizations, the system authorizes the card for the shippable dollar amount and voids the online authorization for $1.00.
  • If the Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value is unselected, the system looks at the setting of the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value to determine the amount sent for authorization.

The Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value determines if the credit card is authorized for the full order amount or for the shippable amount on the order.

Authorize Full Amount

If the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value is selected, the system sends the entire dollar amount defined for the credit card for authorization.

If the Card is the Only Payment Method

The amount to authorize is the order total. The order total is the sum of all charges on the order, including: merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, additional charges, GST and PST.

If the Card is the Catch-All Payment Method

The amount to authorize is the remaining dollar amount not associated with another payment method on the order. The system subtracts the amount applied to any other payment methods from the order total.

order total - dollar amount associated with other payment methods = amount to authorize for this card

Authorize Shippable Amount

If the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value is unselected, the system sends the dollar amount associated with what is shippable on the order, across all ship to customers, for authorization.

If the Card is the Only Payment Method

The shippable dollar amount includes:

  • shippable merchandise amount, including drop ship items
  • tax associated with the shippable merchandise amount
  • total freight
  • total additional freight
  • total order level additional charges


The system sends the total freight and total additional freight for authorization, regardless of whether you are prorating freight charges (the Prorate Freight Charges (D39) system control value is selected).

If the Card is the Catch-All Payment Method

The amount to authorize is the remaining shippable dollar amount not associated with another payment method on the order. The system subtracts the amount applied to any other payment methods from the shippable dollar amount.

shippable dollar amount - dollar amount associated with other payment methods = amount to authorize for this credit card

Excluded from Authorization

  • Order lines with a future arrival date.
  • Order lines on backorder, canceled, closed, or sold out.
  • Reserved order lines that are coordinate grouped with an order line on backorder or with an order line with a future arrival date.

Regardless of Whether You Authorize the Full Amount or Shippable Amount

Included in Authorizations

  • Express bill order lines.
  • Drop ship order lines.
  • Non-inventory order lines.

Cards Requiring Authorizations Less Than $1.00

If the credit card amount to authorize is less than $1.00 and you have defined an authorization number in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value, the system does not send the credit card to the service bureau for authorization and instead assigns the authorization number from the system control value to the credit card. If an authorization number is not defined in this system control value, the system sends the credit card to the service bureau for authorization, regardless of the amount that requires authorization.

Receiving an Authorization Response

If an authorization response is received, the service bureau sends back an authorization response code, AVS response code (if performing address verification), CID response code (if performing credit card identification verification), authorization code, and date.

If a pop up window message has been defined for the vendor response received, the system displays the Authorization Response window. Also, if a hold reason code has been defined for the vendor response received, the system places the order on hold.

What Message Displays?

You can receive a response from the service bureau for the authorization, address verification (AVS), and credit card security identification (CID, CVV2, CVC2). If you receive a response for the authorization, AVS verification, and card security identification, the system uses the following hierarchy to determine the message that displays in the Authorization Response window:

  1. Authorization response has a message defined: the message associated with the authorization response displays in the Authorization Response window.
  2. AVS response has a message defined: if the authorization response does not have a message defined, the message associated with the AVS response displays in the Authorization Response window.
  3. Card security identification response has a message defined: if the authorization response and AVS response do not have a message defined, the message associated with the card security response displays in the Authorization Response window.

Cybersource Decision Manager Fraud Scoring

When the service bureau associated with the online authorization transaction is Cybersource and you are using Cybersource Decision Manager Fraud Scoring:

  • If the response code received from Cybersource is 400 Fraud Score Exceeds Threshold or 480 Review Fraud Scoring, the system places the order on FS Fraud Scoring Hold so that the order can be reviewed for possible fraud.
  • If the response code received from Cybersource is 481 Rejected by Decision Manager, the system deactivates the payment method on the order and requires you to enter another form of payment before you can accept the order.

Hierarchy for Placing the Card on Hold

The card may be placed on hold if the card is not approved, the AVS verification fails, or the CID verification fails.

The system uses this hierarchy to determine if the credit card pay type should go on hold:

  1. Authorization response has a hold reason defined: If the credit card charge is declined (not authorized), the credit card may be placed on hold (based on the value in the Hold Reason field in the Vendor Response table). The order header is also placed on AT (declined credit card) hold. You must take the order header and credit card pay type off of hold and resend for authorization or cancel the order.
  2. AVS response has a hold reason defined: If the credit card charge is approved (authorized) but the credit card fails the address verification check, the authorization may be placed on hold (based on the value in the Hold Reason field in the Vendor Response table). The order header is also placed on AT (declined credit card) hold. You must contact the customer and obtain correct address information, then take the order header and credit card pay type off of hold and resend for authorization or cancel the order.
  3. Card security identification response has a hold reason defined: If the credit card charge is approved (authorized) and passes the address verification check, but the credit card fails the credit card security identification check, the credit card pay type may be placed on hold (based on the value in the Hold Reason field in the Vendor Response table). The order header is also placed on AT (declined credit card) hold. You must contact the customer to verify credit card ownership, then take the order header and credit card pay type off of hold and resend for authorization or cancel the order.

What Happens When a Card is Approved?

When a card is approved, the system:

  • Displays the Authorization Response window if a vendor response pop up window message has been defined, the Online Authorization field for the order type is set to Window (on-line eligible and display window), and a Response Time is defined for the service bureau. The message should indicate the card has been approved.
  • Places the order on hold if a hold reason code has been defined for the vendor response. Typically, if an authorization is approved, the order is not placed on hold. However, if the credit card is approved but fails address verification or card identification verification, you may want to place the order on hold.
  • Creates a record in the On-Line Authorization table indicating the order number, that the credit card has been approved, the dollar amount authorized, the transaction sequence number, and the authorization number. The status for this authorization is *UPDT, indicating the on-line authorization has completed.
  • Creates a record in the Authorization History table indicating the credit card has been approved, the authorization number, the date the credit card was authorized, and the dollar amount authorized. If you reject an order after the credit card has been approved, the system removes the record in the Authorization History table. You can review authorization history at the Payment Method Details window.

AVS Response

If the credit card charge is approved (authorized) but the order fails the address verification check and receives an AVS response that has a hold reason code, the system:

  • Places the order on AT hold.
  • Places the credit card payment method on the order on AV (AVS) hold.
  • Creates an order transaction history message indicating the credit card was declined.
  • Updates the record in the On-Line Authorization table indicating the credit card failed AVS. The OLA AVS result field is updated with the AVS response received from the service bureau. You can review the response at the Payment Method Details window.
  • Updates the record in the Authorization History table indicating the credit card failed AVS. The AUH status field is updated to O (authorized but not used) and the AVS response field is updated with the AVS response received from the service bureau. You can review the status of the credit card and the AVS response at the Payment Method Details window.

You must contact the customer and obtain correct address information, then take the order off of hold and resend for authorization.

If the authorization has not yet expired and the transaction passes AVS, the system updates the credit card authorization record from an O (authorized but not used) status to an A (approved) status. If the authorization has expired, the system updates the credit card authorization record from an O (authorized but not used) status to a D (declined) status and resends the credit card for authorization and address verification.


The system only performs address verification if the Address Verification field for the service bureau in the Work with Authorizations Services (WASV) menu option is selected.

Card Security Identification Response

If the card charge is approved (authorized) but the order fails the credit card security check and receives a card security identification response (CID, CVV2, CVC2) that has a hold reason code, the system:

  • Places the order on AT hold.
  • Creates an order transaction history message indicating the credit card was declined.
  • Updates the record in the On-Line Authorization table indicating the credit card failed card security. The OLA vendor response 2 field is updated with the card security response received from the service bureau. You can review the response at the Payment Method Details window.
  • Updates the record in the Authorization History table indicating the credit card failed card security. The AUH status field is updated to O (authorized but not used) and the Vendor response 2 field is updated with the card security response received from the service bureau. You can review the status of the credit card and the card security response at the Payment Method Details window.

You must contact the customer to verify card ownership, then take the order off of hold and resend for authorization.

If the authorization has not yet expired and the transaction passes card security identification, the system updates the credit card authorization record from an O (authorized but not used) status to an A (approved) status. If the authorization has expired, the system updates the credit card authorization record from an O (authorized but not used) status to a D (declined) status and resends the credit card for authorization and card security identification.

The system only performs credit card security identification if the card security presence and optionally card security value are included in the authorization transaction passed to the service bureau.

What Happens When a Card is Declined?

When a card is declined, the system:

  • Displays the Authorization Response window if a vendor response pop up window message has been defined, the On-line authorization field for the order type is set to Window (on-line eligible and display window), and a Response time is defined for the service bureau. The message should indicate the credit card has been declined and any action you should take to correct the decline or inform the customer.
  • Places the order on hold: If a hold reason code is defined for the vendor response, the system assigns this hold reason code to the order payment method and places the order header on AT (Declined Credit Card) hold. If the response received is not defined for the service bureau, the system places the order payment method on AV (Invalid Response Code) hold.
  • Creates a record in the On-Line Authorization table indicating the order number, that the credit card has been declined, the dollar amount submitted for authorization, and the transaction sequence number. The status of this authorization is *UPDT, indicating the on-line authorization has been completed.
  • Creates a record in the Authorization History table indicating the credit card has been declined, the reason why the credit card was declined, the date the credit card was declined, and the dollar amount submitted for authorization. If you reject the order after the credit card has been declined, the system removes the record from the Authorization History table. You can review authorization history at the Payment Method Details window.

You can send the credit card up for authorization again during order maintenance, using the Perform Batch Authorization (SATH) menu option, or during pick slip generation if the Batch/on-line field for the service bureau is set to on-line and batch authorizations.

When Communication Failures Occur

Communication failures can occur if the system times out before a response is received. If communication failures occur and you do not receive a response from the service bureau, the system:

  • Does not display the Authorization Response window since a vendor response was not received.
  • Creates a record in the On-Line Authorization table. The status of this authorization is:

    • RDY, indicating on-line authorization has not been performed.

    • SENT, indicating the on-line authorization transmission failed after the credit card was sent to the service bureau for authorization.

    • RCVD, indicating the on-line authorization transmission failed after a response was received from the service bureau, but final updates could not be completed.

  • Creates a record in the Authorization History table indicating the credit card is waiting for authorization, the date the credit card was sent for authorization, and the dollar amount waiting for authorization.

The amount of time the system waits for an authorization is defined in the Response time field for the service bureau.

Grace Period

The system allows a 2 day grace period to receive a response from the service bureau if the status of the authorization is *RDY, *SENT, or *RCVD. To determine the grace period, the system takes the current date - the authorization sent date to determine the number of days. Once the 2 day grace period is passed, the system declines the transmission. You will need to resend the credit card for authorization during order maintenance or pick slip generation.

What Happens When an Undefined Response is Returned?

When an undefined response is returned, the system:

  • Does not display the Authorization Response window since this vendor response has not been defined for the service bureau.
  • Places the order on AVS hold.
  • Creates a record in the On-Line Authorization table indicating the order number, that the credit card is waiting for authorization, the dollar amount waiting for authorization, and the transaction sequence number. The status of this authorization is *RDY, indicating on-line authorization has not been performed.
  • Creates a record in the Authorization History table indicating the credit card is waiting for authorization, the date the credit card was sent for authorization, and the dollar amount waiting for authorization.

You can resend the order for authorization during order maintenance, using the Perform Batch Authorization (SATH) menu option, or during pick slip generation if the Batch/on-line field for the service bureau is set to on-line and batch authorizations.

Authorization Response Options

Purpose: At the Authorization Response window, select:

  •  Edit Order to update the payment information on the order if there is an issue with the current credit card information, so that the order can be resubmitted for authorization, or

  • Accept Order to resubmit the payment method on the order without changing the payment method.

Resend Cards for Authorization

If you did not receive a response from the service bureau or the card was declined, you can resend the card for authorization:

  • Select the Update Payment option for a card payment on the Edit Payment page when the Authorize Now field is selected.
  • Select the Authorize option for a card payment on the Order Summary page.
  • Use the Perform Batch Authorization (SATH) menu option. This menu option allows you to send credit cards associated with a selected ship via for authorization.
  • During pick slip generation if the Batch/Online field for the service bureau contains a C (on-line and batch authorizations).

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Fields on Authorization Response

Purpose: The following information displays on the Authorization Response window.

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