52 Add Payment

Overview: Use the Add Payment window to add a new payment method to an order, either in order entry or from the Order Summary page.

Why add a payment to an existing order? You may wish to add a payment to an order that is on hold for a balance due. Adding the payment automatically releases the order from hold.

How to display:

For more information:

Add Payment Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Add Payment window.


  • You cannot complete entry when applying the Order Broker Payment Type (K98) to an order; instead, the system displays an error indicating the payment method is restricted.
  • You cannot add a PayPal payment to an order.

For more information:

Add a Cash/Check Payment

  1. Select Add Payment at the Payment Information Panel of the Order Summary page to open the Add Payment window.
  2. Select a cash/check payment method from the Payment Method drop down box. The system identifies a payment as cash/check if its Pay Category in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option is set to Cash/Check.
  3. Enter an Amount to Charge and click OK. The window displays additional fields.

  4. Optionally, enter a Routing Number, Account Number, and Check Number.
  5. Select OK. The system validates your entries. An error message indicates if the Amount to Charge field is blank.

If the payment passes validation, the system:

  • Displays a message indicating the payment was added to the order.

  • Displays the newly added payment in the Payment Information Panel on the Order Summary page. The charge sequence for the payment is set to 1.

A notification indicates if the amount to charge is greater than the order total.

Add a Credit or Debit Card Payment

Oracle Retail EFTConnect provides credit card validation and processing through Account Providers such as CyberSource and Adyen, external payment services (EPS), and other custom Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) payment services. You need to configure your merchant account and set up all credit card or debit card payment methods through the Payment Configurations page. See the Payment Configurations page for more information.

  1. Select Add Payment at the Payment Information Panel of the Order Summary page to open the Add Payment window and lock the order.
  2. Select a credit or debit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.
  3. Enter an Amount to Charge. This amount does not need to be equal to the order total. Leave this field blank if the payment method is the catch-all payment on the order.
  4. Select OK to display the additional fields related to this payment method. These are dynamic fields that are validated by the payment provider. The content varies depending on whether CyberSource, Adyen, EPS or OPI custom payment provider was selected as the Account Provider.

  5. Enter the required details such as a Card Number, the Expiry Month (MM format) and Expiry Year (YY format), the card’s Security Code (CVV/CID/CVC) and other fields as applicable.
  6. Select Pay to add the payment method to the order. The card is verified and a temporary token is returned. The system displays a message indicating the payment was added to the order.

If an error occurs whilst loading the service or after selecting Pay, and the payment provider form cannot be displayed, retry or select a new form of payment. You can close the window, select Edit, or select the hyperlink in the message.

  • If the window is closed, payment is not added and the Payment page is displayed.

  • Selecting Edit allows you to retry or change the payment method.

  • Selecting the hyperlink in the error message tries to reload the form.

If the error persists you can retry, select a different payment method, or cancel the order. See the Payment Configurations page for more information.

Add a Gift Card (Stored Value Card) Payment

  1. Select Add Payment at the Payment Information Panel of the Order Summary page to open the Add Payment window.
  2. Select a gift card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.
  3. Optionally, enter an Amount to Charge. This amount does not need to be equal to the order total. Leave this field blank if the payment method is the catch-all payment on the order.

  4. Select OK to display the additional fields related to this payment method.
  5. Enter a Card Number. The system validates the card number against the credit card length, leading digits, and modulus check settings defined for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  6. Enter a Start Date in MM/YY format. The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  7. Enter an Expiration Date in MM/YY format. The Expiration Date field is required only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option; otherwise, optional
  8. Enter an Issue Number. Displayed only if the Require Issue # field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  9. Enter a Card ID Number if one is defined for the gift card.
  10. Optionally, select the Manual Authorization field to apply a manual authorization to the gift card payment. You can then complete the additional displayed fields:


    The Manual Authorization field is available only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

  11. Optionally, select the Authorize Now option to send/receive an online authorization transaction using the card token. The Authorize Now field displays only if the Manual Authorization field is unselected, the Online Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected, and the Online Authorization field for the origin on the order (order type) is set to Window or Without Window. If On-Line Auth Verification Only I96 system control value is selected, the system will send an authorization for 0.00 instead of 1.00.
  12. Select OK to add the payment method to the order. The system validates your entries. An error message indicates if:

    • The card number is blank.

    • The card number does not match the length defined in the Credit Card Length field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The card number does not pass the modulus check validation defined in the Modulus Check field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The leading digits of the card number do not match the leading digits defined in the Leading Digits field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The Start Date is blank and the Require Start Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The Expiration Date is blank and the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The Issue Number field is blank and the Require Issue # field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The Manual Authorization field is selected and the Manual Authorization Amount field is blank.

    • The Manual Authorization field is selected and the Authorization Number field is blank.

    • The Authorize Now field is selected and an authorization service is not defined for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

  13. If the payment passes validation, the system:

    • If the Authorize Now field is selected, send/receive an online authorization transaction using the card token. See Online Authorization Processing for processing details.

      • If you have defined a pop up window message for the vendor respons,e the system displays the Authorization Response window; otherwise, the system displays a message indicating the authorization was processed.

      • If the returned vendor response is associated with a hold reason code, the system places the order on hold and displays a message indicating the order has new holds.

    • Displays a message indicating the payment was added to the order.

    • Displays the newly added payment in the Payment Information Panel on the Order Summary page. The charge sequence for the payment is set to 2.

Check a Gift Card’s Balance

When adding a gift card to the order: After selecting a gift card payment method, select Check Gift Card Balance at the Add Payment window to open the Check Gift Card Balance window.

For a gift card that is already on the order: Select Check Gift Card Balance from the Actions menu (Illustrates the Actions menu.) for a gift card payment method on the order.

After you select Check Gift Card Balance the Check Gift Card Balance window opens.

  1. Enter a valid gift card number in the Card Number field.
  2. If the gift card is assigned an ID number, enter the ID in the Card ID Number field.
  3. Select Check Balance. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

    • The card number is blank.

    • The card number does not match the length defined in the Credit Card Length field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The card number does not pass the modulus check validation defined in the Modulus Check field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

    • The leading digits of the card number do not match the leading digits defined in the Leading Digits field for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

  4. The system looks at the Authorization Service field defined for the gift card pay type to determine the service bureau that performs balance inquiries for the gift card pay type. An error message indicates if an authorization service is not defined for the payment in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.

  5. The system sends a balance inquiry request to the service bureau.

    • If the response returns an error, the system displays an error message at the top of the page.

    • If the vendor response returned matches a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays the message defined for the vendor response.

    • If the vendor response returned does not match a vendor response in the CC Vendor Response table, the system displays a message indicating the vendor response is not recognized and provides the error returned in the balance inquiry response.

    • If a response is not received from the service bureau, the system displays a message indicating the balance inquiry could not be performed.

    • If the response includes the card balance amount, the system displays the Card Balance at the bottom of the page.


The Check Gift Card Balance link is available only if you have authority to the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB) menu option.

Submit Order

After you complete payment entry at the Add Payment to Order step and select Submit Order, for payments configured through EFTConnect, an authorization request is submitted automatically using the temporary token. If the payment passes authorization:

  • The order is saved.

  • If you have defined a pop up window message for the vendor response received from the merchant account, the system displays the Authorization Response window; otherwise, the system displays a message indicating the authorization was processed.

  • If the returned vendor response is associated with a hold reason code, the system places the order on hold and displays a message indicating the order has new holds.

  • A Snackbar Notification indicates:

    • The assigned order number.

    • The customer name.

    • The customer number. If the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT and the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search flag in Work with Contact Center (WWCC), this is the Customer Engagement ID. Otherwise, it is the Order Administration customer number.

    • Whether the order status is held or closed; otherwise, the order status is open.

    You can click the snackbar message to advance to the Order Summary page to review or work with the order; otherwise, select Dismiss in the snackbar message.

If the payment does not pass authorization such as:

If the temporary form token expires or the system times out before a response is received when submitting an order for payment authorization, the pay method is removed and you must re-enter payment.

If a response code of 31 (an error with the form token) is returned for the form token, or there is a communication issue during authorization, the order is put on hold. 

See Online Authorization Processing for more information on processing, updates, and displayed messages when the payment method uses online authorization.

Edit the Payment Method (Clear Entries)

Select Edit from the Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration) for a payment method to open the Edit Method window. This option is available only for a cash/check payment method.

An Edit option is also available from the Add Payment window when you are first entering the payment method. Selecting the Edit option from this window clears any entries you have made in the window. You return to the initial view of the Add Payment window, with just the Payment Method and Amount to Charge retained.

Fields on Add Payment

Purpose: The following information is on the Add Payment window.

Cash/Check Payment

The following fields display when you select a cash/check payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

Credit Card Payment

The following fields display when you select a credit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

  • Card Number
  • Start Date: The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  • Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field is required only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option; otherwise, optional.
  • Issue Number: The Issue Number field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  • Manual Authorization: Select this option to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment. If you select this option, you must complete the following fields:

Note: The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

  • Amount to Charge
  • Authorize Now: Select this option to send an online authorization transaction to the service bureau. Note: The Authorize Now field displays only if the Manual Authorization field is unselected, the Online Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected, and the Online Authorization field for the origin on the order is set to Window or Without Window.


If you leave the Manual Authorization and Authorize Now options unselected and the payment still requires authorization at pick slip generation time, the system will perform batch credit card authorization for the credit card payment during pick slip generation.

Debit Card Payment

The following fields display when you select a debit card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

  • Card Number
  • Start Date: The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  • Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field is required only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option; otherwise, optional.
  • Issue Number: The Issue Number field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  • Manual Authorization: Select this option to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment. If you select this option, you must complete the following fields:

Note: The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

  • Amount to Charge
  • Authorize Now: Select this option to send an online authorization transaction to the service bureau. Note: The Authorize Now field displays only if the Manual Authorization field is unselected, the Online Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected, and the Online Authorization field for the origin on the order is set to Window or Without Window.


If you leave the Manual Authorization and Authorize Now options unselected and the payment still requires authorization at pick slip generation time, the system will perform batch credit card authorization for the credit card payment during pick slip generation.

Gift Card Payment

The following fields display when you select a gift card payment from the Payment Method drop down box.

  • Card Number
  • Start Date: The Start Date field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  • Expiration Date: The Expiration Date field is required only if the Require Expiration Date field is selected for the payment method in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option; otherwise, optional.
  • Issue Number: The Issue Number field displays only if the Require Start Date field is selected for the pay type in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) menu option.
  • Card ID Number
  • Manual Authorization: Select this option to apply a manual authorization to the credit card payment. If you select this option, you must complete the following fields:

Note: The Manual Authorization field displays only if you have authority to the C/C Authorization Field Access (A25) secured feature.

  • Amount to Charge
  • Authorize Now: Select this option to send an online authorization transaction to the service bureau. Note: The Authorize Now field displays only if the Manual Authorization field is unselected, the Online Authorizations (B89) system control value is selected, and the Online Authorization field for the origin on the order is set to Window or Without Window.


If you leave the Manual Authorization and Authorize Now options unselected and the payment still requires authorization at pick slip generation time, the system will perform batch credit card authorization for the credit card payment during pick slip generation.

For more information:

  • Add Payment for an overview of the Add Payment page.
  • Add Payment Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Payment page.