32 Add Item

Purpose: Use the Add Item panel to add an order line to an order.

The system assigns the next available line number to the item you are adding to the order. The system performs the same item validations as in order entry, such as:

  • Reserving the item (if using immediate reservation).
  • Updating order totals.
  • Performing credit checking to ensure the order has valid customer and payment information.

How to display: Select the Add Item option in the Order Lines Panel of the Order Summary page.

In order to add an order line:

  • The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • The order cannot be a store pickup or ship for pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • The order cannot be from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type.

For more information:

  • Add Item Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Item panel.
  • Fields on Add Item for a description of the fields on the Add Item panel.

Add Item Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Add Item panel.

For more information:

Search for an Item or SKU

  1. Optionally, enter text in the search field to find items based on matches in Item Description, Keywords, or Item ID.
  2. Enter one or more search terms to display items that fully or partially match your entry based on item code, description, or keyword; however, if your entry is an exact match to a specific item code:

    • Partial matches are not displayed. For example, if you search on PEN and items include both PEN and PENCIL, only the PEN is displayed; but if you search on PEN and items include both PEN23 and PEN34, both items are displayed.

    • Items that include your entry as part of their descriptions are not displayed. For example, if you search for SPICE and items include SPICE and an item with "spice" as part of the description, only the SPICE is displayed.

  3. Press Enter. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:
    • The system cannot find any items that meet your search criteria.

    • The system finds more than 500 items that meet your search criteria. In this situation, you must further refine your search entry.

  4. If the search returns results, the Add Items panel displays all items that match your search. However, if an item has an item status code that matches the item status code defined in the Item Status for Suppressing Item During Item Selection (L21) system control value, the system does not include the item in the search results.
  5. Click Select SKU’s for a SKU’d item to display SKU’s for the item.
  6. Optionally, enter a full or partial SKU in the search field to find SKU’s that contain your entry.


The SKU is made up of three four position fields. If you search on more than one SKU element, you must enter the full four positions for each field. For example:

  • If you search for RED SML, you must type RED SML, where the space between RED and SML is two blank spaces. You need to enter one space to represent the forth position of the RED SKU element and the other space represents the space between the SKU elements.

  • If you search for BLUE SML, you must type BLUE SML, where the space between BLUE and SML is one blank space to represent the space between the SKU elements.

Add an Item or SKU


Do not add the following types of items to the order:

  • A virtual gift (stored value) card item to the order if there is not an email address for the customer.

  • An item that requires standard personalization, in which you enter free-form text only.

  1. Enter the quantity of the item you wish to add to the order in the Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered) field. The number defined in the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value defaults, but you can override it. You cannot enter a negative quantity.


    • If the specified quantity is larger than the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, a quantity of 1 is added to the order.

    • If this is a Ship-for-Pickup Order, the selected item is flagged as ship-alone, and the quantity is more than 1, an error message indicates that you cannot add the item to the order.

  2. Optionally, enter the price (Order Line Price) you wish to charge for the item, or select the No Charge field. If you do not enter a price or set the line to no charge, the system uses normal pricing logic to determine the price. These options are available only if you have authority to the Price Overrides (A23) secured feature. If you enter either of these fields, you will need to complete the Additional Information Required Window.
  3. Optionally, to add a specific Ship Via to an order line, select the Ship Via Override toggle. If you selected the toggle on, you will need to complete the Additional Information Required Window to select the alternative Ship Via from the drop down field. The ship via could be an express bill ship via, if the customer already has the item, or any ship via valid for the item and SCF of the ship to address.

  4. Select Add to Order. Depending on the item and your entries, you may need to complete the Additional Information Required Window.

Additional Information Required Window

This window opens if:

  • You have entered an override price or selected the No Charge field. In this case, a Price Override Reason displays and is required.


    If the added item is a warranty item, it is added to the order at no charge and a price override reason defaults. You cannot override the price for a warranty item.
  • The Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (D75) system control value is selected or the Required reason code flag for the item offer or SKU offer is selected. In this case, the Add Line Reason displays and is required. The first add line reason in alphanumeric order defaults, but you can override it.
  • The item you have entered is a membership item. In this case, the Membership Program displays and is required. Typically, you should select the membership program whose name matches the item code. Do not select a loyalty membership program.
  • When adding the item you selected the Ship Via Override toggle, in order to change the shipper for the item.

    In any of these cases, you will need to complete this window to add the item to the order. Otherwise, this window does not open.

Select the Add Order Line option. The system validates your entries.

Add Item Validation

Add item troubleshooting: An error message indicates if:

  • An item code is not defined in the Item ID field or the item code entered in invalid.
  • The item contains SKU’s, and a SKU code is not defined in the SKU field.
  • A number is not defined in the Quantity field or the number is greater than 99,999.
  • The number in the Quantity field is greater than the number in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature.
  • You leave the Price field blank and the system cannot determine the price for the item. In this situation, you must enter a price in the Price field and enter a reason in the Price Override Reason field.
  • The price you enter in the Price field is greater than the price in the Maximum Order Line Value (E98) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature.
  • You enter a price in the Price field for a warranty item. In this situation, you must remove the price since warranty items are sold at no charge.

If your entries pass validation, the system:

  • Displays the Item SKU Information window if the item added is associated with item/SKU status messages and/or item/SKU comments whose Print Code is set to W Window.
  • If the item added is a warranty item, applies the price override reason defined in the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value to the order line.
  • Reserves the item if you use immediate reservation.
  • Updates the order totals.
  • If the item added is a variable set, you advance to the Select Variable Set Items page.
  • If there are any item/SKU comments, you advance to the Item SKU Information window.
  • Otherwise, you return to the previous page with the newly added item in the Order Lines Panel.
  • If you order a virtual gift card item (the SVC type field for the item is V Virtual), the system requires you to define an email address in order to send a gift card notification (Stored Value Card Notification Email) to the recipient of the gift card. If an email address is not defined, the system displays an error message when you select to unlock the order; in this case, you need to cancel the virtual stored value card from the order.
  • If the item has associated coordinate items, a message indicates this fact. You can use the Add Coordinate Items option for the order line to advance to the Select Coordinate Items page, where you can review coordinates or add them to the order.
  • If the item offer or SKU offer requires personalization based on the assignment of a S/H Code to the item offer or SKU offer, and there is not an item class restriction against personalization, you advance to the Add Personalization window.

When you unlock the order, if the order’s status was previously Closed or Canceled, it resets to Open status.

Fields on Add Item

Purpose: The following information displays on the Add Item panel.

Search for Items

Use a single field to search for an item by Item Description, Item ID, or Keywords.

Item Search Results Fields

  • Item Image: Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and an item or SKU image has been defined. A placeholder image is displayed if Use External Item Image (L55) is selected but no item or SKU image has been defined. Display-only.
  • Item Information Link: Displayed if an item information link has been defined and the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected.
  • Item Description
  • Item ID. Follows the item description in parentheses.
  • Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered): The number defined in the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value defaults.


    If the specified quantity is larger than the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, a quantity of 1 is added to the order.
  • Price (Order Line Price). Leave this field blank to use the system-calculated price.


    • You cannot add the item at price that is greater than the value set in Maximum Order Line Value (E98) if you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature.

    • If an exchange item is a warranty item, it is added to the order at no charge and a price override reason defaults. You cannot override the price for a warranty item.

    • To add an item at no charge, select the No Charge flag.

  • No Charge
  • Ship Via Override: Toggle switch that allows a specific Ship Via for an order line. You will need to complete the Additional Information Required after selecting Add to Order.

The Add to Order option is displayed unless the item has SKU’s.

Select SKU’s Fields

Above the SKU’s:

  • Item Image. Displays only if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected.
  • Item Description
  • Item ID. Follows the item description in parentheses.


  • SKU image (see Item Image): Displayed if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected and a SKU image has been defined. A placeholder image is displayed if Use External Item Image (L55) is selected but no SKU image has been defined. Display-only.
  • SKU information link (see Item Information Link:) Displayed if a SKU information link has been defined and the Use External Item Image (L55)) system control value is selected. Indicated by an exclamation point in the SKU image or image placeholder.
  • SKU description, followed by the SKU code in parentheses.
  • Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered): The number defined in the Default Order Quantity (B30) system control value defaults.


    If the specified quantity is larger than the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override secured feature, a quantity of 1 is added to the order.
  • Price (Order Line Price). Leave this field blank to use the system-calculated price.


    • You cannot add the item at a price that is greater than the value set in Maximum Order Line Value (E98) if you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature.

    • If the exchange item is a warranty item, it is added to the order at no charge and a price override reason defaults. You cannot override the price for a warranty item.

    • To add an item at no charge, select the No Charge flag.

  • No Charge
  • Ship Via Override: Toggle switch that allows a specific Ship Via for an order line. You will need to complete the Additional Information Required after selecting Add to Order.


Do not add the following types of items:
  • A virtual stored value card item to the order if there is not an email address for the customer.

  • An item that requires standard personalization, in which you enter free-form text only.

Additional Information Required Window

Displays the item description and ID for the selected item, as well as the item or SKU image if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected.

  • Price Override Reason: Displays only if you enter an override price or select No Charge.
  • Add Line Reason: Displays only if the Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (D75) system control value is selected or the Required reason code flag for the item offer or SKU offer is selected.
  • Membership Program: Displayed only if you add a membership item. The first active standard membership program in alphanumeric order defaults, but you can override it. Typically, you should select the membership program whose name matches the item code. Do not select a loyalty membership program.
  • Ship Via: Displayed if the Ship Via Override toggle was enabled when adding an item. Allows you to define a specific ship via for the line that is different from the ship via that was assigned to the order. The list of ship via values in the drop down is based on the following:
    • Overrides: If there are one or more Ship via overrides set-up for the item (in MITM), the Ship Via drop down lists only those Ship Via values. If there are no overrides set, the Ship Via drop down displays all the ship via values from the Ship Via table.

    • SCF: Only ship vias eligible for the ship to address SCF display.

    • Quotes: If the order is a quote, the Ship Via field does not include ship vias with a billing code of Express Bill (E).

    Order lines that you Express Bill do not affect inventory, hence there will be no change (reduction) made for the item in the inventory.

For more information:

  • Add Item for an overview of the Add Order Line panel.
  • Add Item Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Add Item panel.