36 Select Coordinate Items

Purpose: Use the Select Coordinate Items window to add an item to an order if it is associated to an existing item on the order as a coordinate.

The system assigns the next available line number to the item you are adding to the order. The system performs the same item updates and validations as in order entry, such as:

  • Reserving the item (if using immediate reservation).
  • Updating order totals.
  • Performing credit checking to ensure the order has valid customer and payment information.

Display backordered coordinates? The Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value controls whether to display coordinate items if they are backordered. If you want to provide the option to order backordered coordinates because they can be fulfilled through the Order Broker, you should select this system control value.

How to display from the Order Summary page: Select Coordinate from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) in the Order Lines Panel for an order line of the Order Summary page.

In order to add a coordinate item:

  • The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • The order cannot be a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • The order cannot be from Order Orchestration (delivery, retail pickup, or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • The item must have coordinate items associated with it. For example, if the item is a hat, there might be gloves or a scarf associated with it as coordinates.
  • The order type cannot have the Promo windows flag set to None.


The window is blank if Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is selected and there are no available coordinates.

How to display in Order Entry:

  • The window opens automatically in Order Entry when you add an item to the order if it has one or more coordinate items associated with it, provided the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is selected and the Promo flag for the order type defined in the Default Order Type (B28) system control value is set to Promo Price.
  • You can also open this window by selecting Coordinates from the action menu for the item in the Order Summary panel, as described above; however, the window does not open automatically if you add an item that has one or more coordinate items associated with it to an existing order.


The window does not open and is not available in order entry if Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is selected and there are no available coordinates.

The window does not open automatically in Order Entry when you copy an item to the order within a multiple ship-to order.

In order to add a coordinate item:

  • When you are maintaining an existing order, the order cannot be a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • The item must have coordinate items associated with it. For example, if the item is a hat, there might be gloves or a scarf associated with it as coordinates.

For more information:

Select Coordinate Items Options

Purpose: You can add one item at a time to the order on the Select Coordinate Items window.

For more information:

Add a Coordinate Item to the Order

  1. Identify the coordinate item to add. If multiple SKU’s for the item are available for selection, select the SKU (unlabeled) field to display the SKU drop down list, and enter a full or partial SKU in the drop down list search field to find SKU’s that contain your entry.


    See Fields on Select Coordinate Items for information on which coordinates are available for selection based on system configuration options and item settings.
  2. If required for the item, select a Ship Via Override. This is required if one or more ship via overrides are defined for the item.
  3. Enter the quantity of the item you wish to add to the order in the Order Line Quantity Ordered (unlabeled) field.
  4. Select the Add to Order option. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

    • A number is not defined in the Quantity field, the number is negative, or the number is greater than 99,999.

    • The number in the Quantity field is greater than the number in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature.

    • The item is flagged as Restricted, indicating that it cannot be ordered.

  5. If your entries pass validation, the system:

    • Reserves the item if you use immediate reservation.

    • Updates the order totals.

    • Returns you to the Order Summary page or to your current step in order entry, and displays the newly added item in the Order Lines Panel, or to the Order Summary Panel if you are in order entry.

  6. When you unlock the order, if the order’s status was previously Closed or Canceled, it resets to Open status.

Adding additional coordinates: Select + Coordinate from the Order Lines Panel, or Coordinates for the item in the Order Summary panel in order entry, and repeat the above steps for each component you would like to add to the order.

Fields on Select Coordinate Items

Purpose: The following information displays on the Select Coordinate Items window.

  • Item Image: Displays only if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected.
  • Item Description and Item ID: The item on the order that is associated with the displayed coordinate items. Unlabeled, in parentheses.
  • SKU Description. Unlabeled.

For each coordinate item that is available for selection:

  • Item Image: Displays only if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected.
  • Item Description and Item ID (unlabeled, in parentheses)
  • Item coordinate message: A message specified to display information about the coordinate item in this window. Unlabeled.
  • Item Description
  • Unit Price (Order Line Price). In Order Entry, shows the price from the default Current Offer (A33); however, when you advance to the Review Order and Verify Order Information step, the price is updated to the price from the offer associated with the source code specified at the Enter or Verify Customer Information. The price displayed may also be updated when you select a different SKU, depending on which SKUs have prices that are different than the price at the item level.
  • Item Image. If no image is defined for the item, a message indicates Image Not Available.
  • Available (Warehouse Available). Not displayed in order entry.
  • SKU. Required to add a SKU of the coordinate item to the order and available for selection only if multiple SKU’s are coordinated with the selected item. For example, you can configure item coordinate selection to display only blue SKU’s of the coordinates if the selected item is blue. See Working with Item Coordinates (WCIO) in the Classic View online help for a discussion on setting up item and SKU coordinates.
  • Ship Via Override (Ship Via): Displayed only if the ship via defined for the order is not valid for the coordinate item. In this case, you need to select a different ship via to add the coordinate to the order.
  • Quantity (Order Line Quantity Ordered)

Which coordinates are listed?

  • Display backordered coordinates? The Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value controls whether to display coordinate items if they are backordered or have zero available. If all coordinate items are backordered and this system control value is unselected, no coordinate items are displayed in this window when you open it from Order Lines Panel of the Order Summary page, and the window does not open automatically and is not available in Order Entry.
  • Items must be included in offer: Items are included in the Select Coordinate Items window only if they are included in the offer associated with the order, based on the source code on the order header.
  • Restricted items: Restricted items are listed in the window if they are defined as coordinates, but they cannot be ordered.
  • Soldout items: Soldout items are listed in the window if they are defined as coordinates, and you can add them to the order; however, the price of a soldout item is not included in the merchandise total on the order.

Display sequence: Coordinates are displayed in sequence based on the Sequence number, if any, assigned to each item coordinate. If one or more coordinates have the same sequence number assignment, they are displayed in alphanumeric order by item ID.

For more information: