37 Select Variable Set Items

Purpose: Use the Select Variable Set Items window to select the items from a variable set to add to an order. Variable sets consist of several component items that the customer can select to make up the desired set. A variable set, for example, may be a special promotion such as, “...Choose any 2 slacks, 1 jacket, and 1 belt from this page.”

About variable sets: A variable set item enables the customer to select a set number of components from one or more groups. For example, a variable set may include a group for slacks, another for jackets, and a third for belts.

The customer must select the specific item(s) desired from each group at the Select Variable Set Items page to satisfy the requirements of the variable set (such as, 2 slacks, 1 jacket, and 1 belt). The system ensures that the customer orders the correct quantity from each variable set group by maintaining a counter of the number of items allowed as compared to the number of items ordered.

When you complete the Select Variable Set Items page by selecting the correct number of component items for each group, the system adds the lines to the order for each component item selected. The variable set item itself is not retained on the order.

The system assigns the next available line number to the item you are adding to the order. The system performs the same item updates and validations as in order entry, such as:

  • Reserving the item (if using immediate reservation).
  • Updating order totals.
  • Performing credit checking to ensure the order has valid customer and payment information.

How to display: Complete the Add Item page for a variable set item.

In order to add a variable set and its components:

  • The order cannot be currently locked by another user, the system, or another session.
  • The order cannot be a store pickup order, based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • The order cannot be from Order Orchestration (delivery, retail pickup, or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type.
  • The variable set item must be configured with its component items.

For more information:

Select Variable Set Items Options

Purpose: Use the Select Variable Set Items window to select the required number of component items for each component group defined for the variable set, such as, 2 slacks, 1 jacket, and 1 belt. The system ensures that the customer orders the correct quantity from each variable set group by maintaining a counter of the number of items allowed as compared to the number of items ordered.

For more information:

Select the Variable Set Components to Add to the Order

  1. Select the quantity of each component item in the group that you wish to add to the order in the Order Line Quantity Ordered (unlabeled) field. An error message displays if:

    • A number greater than 0 is not defined in the Quantity field, the number is negative, or the number is greater than 99,999.

    • The number in the Quantity field is greater than the number in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value and you do not have authority to the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature.

    • The Items Selected quantity exceeds the Items Required quantity. Reduce the quantity of one or more items until the Items Required is no longer exceeded.

    If an item requires a ship via override, select a Ship Via.

    As you add each item or increase the quantity, the Items Selected increases.

  2. To proceed after selecting variable set components:

    • Select Next when the Items Selected is equal to the Items Required for the group if there is one or more additional groups in the variable set and you have completed selection for the displayed group.

    • Select Previous if you would like to change the selections in the previous group.

    • Select Cancel if you would like to cancel adding the variable set items to the order.

    • Select Add to Order when the Items Selected is equal to the Items Required for all variable set groups. The system validates your entries.

  3. If you select Add to Order and your entries pass validation, the system:

    • Reserves the item if you use immediate reservation.

    • Updates the order totals.

    • Returns you to the Order Summary page and displays the newly added items in the Order Lines Panel.

  4. When you unlock the order, if the order’s status was previously Closed or Canceled, it resets to Open status.

Fields on Select Variable Set Items

Purpose: The following information displays on the Select Variable Set Items window.

  • Item Description of the variable set item.
  • Number and description of each variable set Group. There can be multiple groups for a variable set, each containing various component items. The customer must select a defined number of items from each group.
  • Items Required: The number of items the customer must select from the group; for example, Group 1 is Ties, and the customer selects 3 ties.
  • Items Selected: The number of items that have been selected from the group. Incremented each time an item is selected.

For each component item of the selected variable set item in the group:

A note below the item description indicates if the item is eligible for personalization.

  • Override or Shipping Override (Ship Via): Displays only if the ship via defined for the order is not valid for the component item. In this case, you need to select a different ship via to add the component to the order.

For more information: