38 Cancel Order Line

Purpose: Use the Cancel Order Line window to cancel an order line on an order.

You can cancel the open (unshipped) quantity of the item. If the quantity you cancel is reserved, it will now be available for other orders.

How to display: Select the Cancel option from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for an order line on the Order Lines Panel of the Order Summary page.

To cancel an order line:

  • The order line must be in an open or held status, and not locked by another user.
  • The item on the order line cannot have a printed pick slip; in this situation, you must first void the pick slip before you can cancel the item.
  • If the order line contains a set component item, you must have authority to the Set Component Maintenance (J01) secured feature.
  • The order cannot be a store pickup order or received from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type, if you do not have authority to the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature.
  • The order cannot be received from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), based on the Broker Delivery Type, if you do not have authority to the Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (B20) secured feature.

In this topic:

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Order Orchestration and Item Cancellation

The Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature controls the ability to cancel backordered lines that are assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorders), store pickup orders, and orders received from the Order Broker (delivery or pickup).


This secured feature does not control authority to ship-for-pickup orders.

Canceling a Brokered Backorder Order Line

When you cancel an order line that is currently assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment, the system cancels both the brokered backorder request and the order line itself to prevent the order line from shipping to the customer. If you cancel part of the order line, any remaining uncanceled quantity returns to standard backorder and warehouse processing in Order Administration.

In addition:

  • If the order has not yet been sent to the Order Broker (the status of the Order Broker request is R (ready), the status of the Order Broker request changes to C (closed). No further updates take place.
  • If the order has been sent to the Order Broker (the status of the Order Broker request is W (waiting), K (acknowledged), P (polled), or A (accepted): the status of the Order Broker request changes to Y (pending cancel). Once the BROKER job receives confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker, it changes the status of the Order Broker request to Z (canceled), and writes an Order Transaction History message (for example, Ln#: 2 Cancel Acknowledged by Broker).
  • Before canceling a brokered backorder request, it is important to confirm that the assigned fulfilling location is not in the process of shipping it. Even if the current status in Classic View (Order Administration) and Contact Center indicates that the order is not in the process of fulfillment, depending on the setting of the Order Broker Status Update Interval (K10) system control value, this information could be out of date.
  • A brokered backorder request is eligible for cancellation only if its status is:

    • A - Accepted = The assigned fulfilling location has accepted the order.

    • K - Acknowledged = The Order Broker has received the order request, assigned a request ID, selected a fulfilling location, and created the order in its database.

    • P - Polled = The assigned fulfilling the location has polled the Order Broker for new orders and been notified of this order.

    • R - Ready = The request is ready to be sent to the Order Broker, but the BROKER process has not yet generated the request message.

    • W - Waiting = The order request message has been sent to the Order Broker, but Order Administration has not yet received the response.

  • If the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected you can cancel the delivery order that was created to fulfill the originating broker backorder. In this situation, the system changes the Order Broker record’s status to Canceled and sends a status inquiry request to the Order Broker.
  • If you broker ship-for-pickup orders for fulfillment assignment (the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS and the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is selected), when you cancel a ship-for-pickup order, the system sends an update to Order Orchestration so that the order can be updated to canceled. In addition, if a pickup order was created in Order Administration to fulfill the ship-for-pickup order, when you run pick slip generation for the pickup order, the system does not generate a pick slip and assigns the hold reason defined in the Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel) (L02) system control value to the order. The system also writes an order transaction history message for the pickup order indicating to order is held due to lines canceled in Order Orchestration.

Canceling an Order Line on an Order Received from Order Orchestration

If you cancel an item on an order received from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup), the system changes the Order Orchestration record’s status to Canceled and sends a status inquiry request to the Order Broker. If the order’s status in Order Orchestration is:

  • Canceled: the system does not send a status update to Order Orchestration; otherwise,
  • If the order’s status in Order Orchestration is anything but Canceled, the system sends a status update to Order Orchestration indicating the status is Rejected. In this situation, the Order Broker then changes the order status to New_order.

If Order Orchestration is configured to “reshop” (the Search retries setting at the Preferences screen is not set to 0), then in this situation the Order Broker attempts to assign the order to another location for fulfillment.


Although the system does not prevent you from canceling an order from Order Orchestration, some business processes require that only the originating location can cancel an order. In this situation, if the customer contacts the contact center to cancel the order, the operator notifies the originating store location and requests that the store perform the cancellation and trigger the status update to Order Orchestration. Using this process, the system receives notification of the cancellation the next time it sends a periodic status inquiry on the order to Order Orchestration, and then holds the entire order (even if only one line was canceled) using the hold reason code defined in the Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel) (L02) system control value.

Canceling Membership Items

If you cancel a membership item, the system also cancels the customer membership if possible.

When is Customer Membership Eligible for Cancellation?

In order for the system to cancel the customer membership created by the membership item:

  • The membership item must be eligible for cancellation; that is, it cannot yet be billed.
  • The customer membership must be in an Active or Inactive status.

Also, the customer membership must be a standard (non-loyalty) membership. You cannot cancel loyalty memberships through order maintenance, because you do not create these memberships by selling a membership item; instead, the system creates loyalty memberships based on the customer’s order or sales activity. Only customer memberships you sell in order to generate orders or provide a discount are eligible for cancellation through cancellation of the related membership item.

What if the Customer Membership has Already been Canceled?

If you have already canceled the customer membership through the Work with Customer Memberships (WWCM) menu option and you then cancel the membership item, the system simply cancels the membership item on the order like any other item.

Canceling a Single Membership on an Order that Created Multiple Customer Memberships

It is possible to create more than one customer membership on an order by adding multiple membership items. If the system cannot determine which customer membership was created as the result of the membership item being canceled, the Membership Program field displays so you can select the correct membership to cancel. This situation can occur if you use a generic membership item to create different types of customer memberships, or if the customer has ordered two of the same membership item (for example, one for himself and one for a friend). You can use the Membership Program field to select the correct customer membership to cancel.

What if you have Already Generated Orders for the Customer Membership?

You can still cancel the membership item and prevent the customer membership from generating any subsequent orders, even if you have already used the Generate Membership Orders (EGMO) menu option to generate an order for the membership. In this situation, the system displays a message indicating that you need to cancel the generated membership order(s) if the customer does not want to receive shipments.

If the membership generation is currently in process, or if the customer membership is in In process status because the generated order is suspended in batch, the system displays a message indicating that you need to cancel the customer membership through the Work with Customer Memberships (WWCM) menu option.

Does the System Cancel Customer Memberships Automatically in any Other Situations?

When you use the Void/Cancel option in Reprint and Void Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP), the system also cancels the related customer membership if the order includes a membership item. In this situation, the system uses the same logic as in order maintenance to determine whether to display a window.

The system does not automatically cancel customer memberships through any other screen or process. For example, if you cancel an order or membership item through the e-commerce interface, you need to use the Work with Customer Memberships (WWCM) menu option to cancel the related customer membership.

No Membership Cancellation Email Generated

When you cancel the membership item in order maintenance, the system does not generate the membership cancellation confirmation email regardless of the setting of the Membership Cancellation Email Program (K77) system control value.

Cancellation Email

The system generates an order or order line cancellation email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) to the customer if:

  • You have specified an Order Line Cancellation Email Program (K79), if there is still at least one open line on the order or if there have been any shipments, or Order Cancellation Email Program (K78), if you are canceling the last open line on the order and there have not been any shipments, and
  • The cancel reason code you use does not match the Cancel Reason Code to Suppress Email (L08), and
  • The customer is eligible to receive email notifications.

If you generate the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut), the cancel reason code indicated is the last one used to cancel a quantity of the order line.

Cancel Order Line Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Cancel Order Line window.

For more information:

Cancel Order Line

  1. If multiple membership programs are included on the order and the system cannot determine which membership program to cancel, select the membership program you wish to cancel from the Membership Program field. This situation might occur if, for example, you the same membership item to the order twice to create two different membership programs for the customer.
  2. Select a cancel reason from the Cancel Reason field. The Quantity to Cancel, displayed above, is the total quantity for the order line that has not been shipped, canceled, or sold out.
  3. Select Submit Cancellation. The system validates your entry. An error message displays if:

    • There are multiple membership programs on the order and you do not select a membership program from the Membership Program field.

    • A cancel reason has not been defined in the Cancel Reason field.

  4. If the update passes validation, the system:

    • Performs the cancellation of the displayed Quantity to Cancel; see Item Cancellation Updates.

    • Performs additional updates if the item is a brokered backorder; see Canceling a Brokered Backorder Order Line.

    • Performs additional updates if the item is on an order received from Order Orchestration (delivery or pickup); see Canceling an Order Line on an Order Received from Order Orchestration.

    • Performs additional updates if the item is a membership item; see Canceling Membership Items. In addition:

      • If membership orders have already been generated for the membership, the system displays a message indicating that you need to cancel the generated membership order(s) if the customer does not want to receive shipments.

      • If the membership generation is currently in process, or if the customer membership is in In process status because the generated order is suspended in batch, the system displays a message indicating that you need to cancel the customer membership through the Work with Customer Memberships (WWCM) menu option.

      • If the order is eligible, generates an order or order line cancellation email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) to the customer; see Cancellation Email.

    • Returns you to the previous page, and displays a message indicating the order line has been canceled.

  5. Unlock the order when you are done. The system does not automatically unlock the order.


If you use price table pricing, canceling an item may affect pricing and premium items.

Item Cancellation Updates

The effect of canceling an item depends on whether you reduce demand.

You reduce demand if you use a cancel reason code with the Reduce Demand field selected. One reason to reduce demand is if the quantity ordered was keyed incorrectly (10 units instead of 1).

  • If you reduce demand: The line status is closed and the quantity ordered is reduced to zero.
  • If you do not reduce demand: The line status is canceled, the quantity ordered is not affected, and the canceled quantity is increased by the entire quantity ordered.

In addition, the system looks at the setting of the Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value.

  • If the Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value is selected, the system recalculates the shipping charges on the order and refunds the shipping amount for the canceled item.
  • If the Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value is unselected, the system does not recalculate or refund shipping charges.


Regardless of the setting of the Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value, the system recalculates the tax amount on the order.

Fields on Cancel Order Line

Purpose: The following information displays on the Cancel Order Line window.

  • Brokered Warning Message: The system displays a message at the top of the window if the order line contains an item brokered to Order Orchestration for fulfillment. If you cancel the item, the system sends the cancellation to Order Orchestration; see Order Orchestration and Item Cancellation for more information.
  • Item Description (unlabeled field below the Cancel Order Line window title)
  • Item ID (unlabeled field to the right of the Item Description)
  • SKU Description (unlabeled field below the Item Description)
  • Membership Program: The Membership Program field displays only if multiple membership programs are included on the order and the system cannot determine which membership program to cancel.
  • Quantity to Cancel: The quantity that will be canceled when you submit the cancellation. Display-only.
  • Cancel Reason

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