39 Discount Order Line

Purpose: Use the Discount Order Line window to apply a discount dollar amount or a discount percentage to a shipped item. You can also select to price the item at no charge.

How to display: In the Order Lines Panel on the Order Summary page, select the Discount option from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a closed (shipped), unreturned order line.


  • The Discount option is available only for unreturned order lines in a closed status if the order is not locked by a user and you have authority to discount an order line.
  • The Discount option is not available for ship-for-pickup orders if the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value is selected.
  • For set items, the Discount option displays for the main set item and not the set component items.
  • To ensure the background async jobs update order related tables correctly, do not use this option against a shipped, unreturned order line in the same session that you add a new order line.

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Price Override Limit Percent

Purpose: The Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value defines the percentage of the price override limit you can enter for items. The system uses the price defined in the item/offer to determine whether the price override exceeds the percentage. The override limit applies only to prices that are lower than the item/offer price.

If you do not have authority to the Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature, and:

  • The price override exceeds the Price Override Limit Percent (E55), the system displays an error message if the entered price is less than the percentage allowed. The system processes the order line if an operator enters a price that is greater than the percentage allowed and writes a W order transaction history record for the price override.
  • The price override does not exceed the Price Override Limit Percent (E55), the system processes the order line if an operator enters a price that does not exceed the percentage.

If you have authority to the Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature, and:

  • The price override exceeds the Price Override Limit Percent (E55), the system processes the order line and writes a W order transaction history record for the price override. The W transaction history record shows you the line on the order where a price override occurred, the price override amount and the user ID of the person who performed the price override.
  • The price override does not exceed the Price Override Limit Percent (E55), the system processes the order line.

Price Override Example

The system uses this calculation to determine the percentage of the price override:

(offer price - price override entered) / offer price * 100 = price override percentage 
price override percentage = 10%
offer price = $40.00
price override = $35.00
(40.00 - 35.00) = 5.00
5.00/40.00 = .125
.125 * 100 = 12.50 (12.50 exceeds the 10% price override) 

Display Order Line Discount Message (F01)

If the Display Order Line Discount Message (F01) system control value is selected and the offer price is greater than the unit price, the system displays the offer price with a strikethrough before the Unit Price for an item on the Order Summary page and Order Line Details page, allowing you to be able to tell when a discount has been applied to the item. If system control value F01 = N, then just the unit price would show.

What Qualifies as a Discount?

Any price that is less than the single-unit offer price for the item is considered a discounted price. For example:

  • manual price overrides
  • quantity break by item
  • special pricing by source code
  • associate pricing
  • price table pricing

If you use tax-inclusive pricing, the system compares the actual price with the tax-inclusive offer price to determine if the item is discounted.

The system does not display an offer price with a strikethrough when you override the price on the order line, and:

  • No item/SKU offer price exists, or
  • The price override reason code’s Override item offer price is selected.

You can review how the price was calculated for the item and other information related to the order line on the Order Line Details page.

Discount Order Line Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Discount Order Line window.

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Discount an Order Line

  1. Select a price discount method from the Price Discount Method drop-down box. Valid values are Discount Price, Discount% Off Price, and No Charge.
  2. Define the discount:

  3. Select Update Order Line. The system validates your entries. An error message displays if:

    • You do not select a price override reason from the Price Override Reason field.

    • The price in the Discount Price field is greater than the original price on the order line.

    • The price in the Discount Price field is less than the percentage discount allowed by the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value and you do not have authority to the Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature.

    • The discount percentage entered in the Discount% Off Price field is greater than the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value and you do not have authority to the Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature.

  4. If the update is successful, the system:

    • Returns you to the previous page and displays a message indicating the order line was updated.

    • If you entered a Discount Price, updates the Unit Price of the order line to this price.

    • If you entered a Discount % Off Price, applies the discount percentage to the dollar amount in the Unit Price field.

    • If you selected No Charge, updates the Unit Price to zero.

    • If the discount resulted in a reduction in freight charges, updates the order with the reduced freight amount and includes the reduction when processing the credit invoice for the discount. For example, the freight total might be reduced if the freight calculation is based on the merchandise total, which has now decreased below a specified level.

    • Reduces the tax amount on the order based on the discount amount.

    • Creates an order transaction history message indicating the item has been discounted.

    • To the left of the unit price, is the offer price with a strikethrough. The offer price with strikethrough only appears if the offer price is greater than the unit price and Display Order Line Discount Message (F01) is selected for an item on the Order Summary page and Order Line Details page. If F01 is not selected or the offer price is less than unit price, then only the unit price is shown. When F01 is selected and an offer price with strikethrough is shown, this is meant to represent the customer received a discount on this item.

    • Generates a refund for the discounted amount plus any reduction in freight or tax.

Fields on Discount Order Line

Purpose: The following information displays on the Discount Order Line window.

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