33 Item SKU Information

Purpose: Use the Item SKU Information window to review any comments and status messages defined for the item or SKU.

How to display: This window automatically opens when you add an item to an order if:

  • There are any item/SKU comments associated with the item or SKU whose Print Code is set to W Window.
  • An item/SKU status message is defined for the status code associated with the item or SKU.

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Item SKU Information Options

Purpose: No additional actions are available on the Item SKU Information window.

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Fields on Item SKU Information

Purpose: The following information displays on the Item SKU Information window.


This section displays only if there are any item/SKU comments associated with the item or SKU whose Print Code is set to W Window.

  • Item/SKU Comment: Unlabeled field below the Comments title. A separate row displays for each comment. Comments defined at the SKU level display; if there are no comments defined at the SKU level, comments defined at the item level display.

Status Messages

This section displays only if an item/SKU status message is defined for the status code associated with the item or SKU.

  • Item/SKU Status Message: Unlabeled field below the Status Messages title. A separate row displays for each status message. Status messages defined at the SKU level display; if there are no status messages defined at the SKU level, status messages defined at the item level display.

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