61 Invoices

Purpose: Use the Invoices page to review the invoices for an order. This page lists the invoices and credits the system has generated for the order you are reviewing and provides access to the details of each invoice.

The system creates a separate invoice for each shipment made against an order. In addition, the system creates a credit invoice each time a return, cancellation, or overpayment is made against the order.

Invoice creation for ship-for-pickup orders: If the Invoice for Ship For Pickup Order Once Intransit system control value is selected, the invoice is created for an item on a ship-for-pickup order once the system receives notification from Order Broker that the order line is in transit from the sourcing location to the pickup location, has been received at the pickup location, or has been fulfilled. See that system control value for more information.

How to display: Select the Invoices option on the Order Summary, Order Activity, Messages, or Returns/Refunds page.

Invoices first display on this page in descending invoice date, ascending invoice number sequence.

In this topic:

For more information:

  • Invoices Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Invoices page.
  • Fields on Invoices for a description of the fields on the Invoices page.

Consolidated Invoice?

The Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value indicates whether to consolidate multiple shipments for an order on the same system date under the same Invoice Header number.

The Invoice Consolidation Method (E29) controls whether the system consolidates invoices for each separate ship-to for an order, or for the order as a whole:

  • ORDER = Consolidate shipments on the same system date for all order ship-to addresses onto the same invoice.
  • ORDER SHIP = Consolidate shipments on the same system date onto the same invoice only if the shipments are for the same order ship-to address.

Invoice consolidation does not apply when you express-bill an order or create a credit invoice.

Also, if a billing or shipping address changes between shipments and the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected, this can prevent the invoice from consolidating. Even if the invoice is consolidated, there is a separate entry at this page for each unique billing address/shipping address combination if the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is selected.


In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.

Invoices Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Invoices page.

Invoice Actions:

Order Actions:

For more information:

Print an Order Receipt

The order receipt provides a single view of the shipments that have taken place for an order ship-to. The receipt does not list any activities that have reduced order totals, such as a return, an item entered with a negative quantity, or a credit applied after shipment; however, the current order totals listed on the receipt reflect these activities if they have occurred.

Select Print Order Receipt. The system displays a message indicating the order receipt has been printed. The Order Receipt is available to review and print on the Document Management (My Docs) screen in the Classic View of Order Administration.

  • This option is available only if the Order Receipt Print Program (L46) system control value specifies a program and there are debit invoices currently displayed on the screen. The standard graphical program for printing order receipts is ORDERRECG. The standard non-graphical program for printing order receipts is ORDERREC.
  • Selecting this option for a multi-recipient order generates a receipt for each ship-to that has had any shipments.

Select an Invoice for Review

Select an Invoice link to advance to the Invoice page.


You can have an Invoice page open for each invoice associated with an order.

Sort Invoices

You can sort on any column in the Invoices table by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Invoices first display on this page in descending invoice date, ascending invoice number sequence.

Filter Invoices

The Invoices page displays the first 15 invoice records for the order.

The page provides an entry field below the Invoices panel with the message Type to filter. You can further refine the invoices displayed in the Invoices Table by entering one or more search terms found in any of the fields displayed in that table.

Example: Enter credit. The displayed invoices include only those with a Type of credit. Next, enter the description of a payment method. Displayed results are now further restricted to invoices that are both credit invoices and that used the entered payment method.

Matching records need to contain the search term, but do not need to start with the search term. For example, both 123.45 and 23.45 are matches for a search term of 23.

Filtering is across all results: The filtering is not restricted to the invoices displayed on the first page of results. For example, if the only invoice matching your entry is on the second page of results, this invoice is displayed.

Additional information on filtering:

  • Only fields displayed at the Invoices Table are available for filtering. For example, you cannot filter based on the item number that was billed.
  • Filtering is not case-sensitive. For example, you can enter credit or CREDIT to display credit invoices.
  • To filter based on invoice date, include the date delimiters. For example, enter 8/27 rather than 827 to filter for an invoice that billed on August 27.
  • You can filter based on numeric fields to display partial matches. For example, if you enter 123, all invoices that include 123 in the invoice number, invoice total, or last four positions of the payment method are included in the search results.

Removing a search term: Optionally, click the X next to a search term to remove it from the filter criteria.

Perform a New Search

In the page title banner, select the New Search option to advance to the Search for Orders or Customers page. The system clears all of the fields on this page so that you can enter new search criteria and perform a new search.

Review Order Summary

Select Order Summary at the top of the page to advance to the Order Summary page for the current order.

Review Order Activity

Select Order Activity at the top of the page to advance to the Order Activity page for the current order.

Review or Work with Order Messages or Order Notes

Select Message at the top of the page to advance to the Messages page for the current order.

Review Refunds and Returns for the Order

Select Returns/Refunds at the top of the page to advance to Returns/Refunds page.

Unlock the Order

Select Unlock Order or press CTRL + ALT + u to process any remaining order updates and unlock the order so that it available for maintenance by another user.


This option displays only if you have locked the order in the current session; it does not display if another user has locked the order. In this case, you can use the Unlock Order option if you have the required authority.

For more information: See Maintaining an Order for more information about locking and unlocking an order.

Fields on Invoices

Purpose: The following information displays on the Invoices page.

For more information:

  • Invoices for an overview of the Invoices page.
  • Invoices Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Invoices page.

Invoices Page Title

  • Order (Order Number): This is the order number whose invoices you are reviewing.

Invoices Table

The Invoices table lists the first 500 invoices associated with the order.

Invoices first display in this table in descending invoice date, ascending invoice number sequence.

  • Invoice Number: Select the Invoice Number link to advance to the Invoice page.
  • Invoice Date
  • Ship-To: This is the order ship-to number associated with the invoice. If an invoice is associated with more than one ship-to number, each ship to number displays, separated by a comma. For example: 1, 3.
  • Items: This is the total number of order lines for the invoice, across all order ship-tos associated with the invoice.
  • Type (Invoice Type):

    • Credit displays if the invoice was created as a result of a return, cancellation, or overpayment is made against the order.

    • Invoice displays if the invoice was created as a result of a shipment made against the order.

    • (Net) displays after the invoice type if the invoice is currently pending Credit Card Net Exchange Billing; for example: Invoice (Net) or Credit (Net). The system considers an invoice pending for credit card net exchange billing if the Invoice Payment Method record contains the EXC flexible payment option code in the IPM FPO Payment Code and the invoice has not yet been deposited (the IPM Deposit created date is blank).

If the payment method is a card, the last four digits of the card displays after the payment type description; for example: VISA (1111).

If the payment method is check, the check number displays after the payment type description; for example: CHECK (12345).

Multiple Payment Methods displays if the invoice is associated with multiple payment methods.