13 Search for Orders or Customers

Overview: Use the Search for Orders or Customers page to search for orders or customers.

These search options are also available at the Home page; also, the customer search options are available at the Order Entry search page.

The page is split into two separate panels:

It is common to enter information in several fields when searching for a specific order. For example, you might enter values in the Item ID, Order Status, and Order Date fields.

It is common to enter information in several fields when search for a specific customer. For example, you might enter values in the Last Name and Postal Code fields.

Search results: If your search results are:

  • Multiple orders: The matching orders are displayed on this page.
  • Multiple customers: The matching customers are displayed on this page.
  • A single order: You advance to the Order Summary page for the order.
  • A single customer: You advance to the Customer Order List page for the customer.

How to display: Select Search from a menu.

From Home page: You also advance to this page when you perform a customer or order search from the Home page if there are multiple matching customers or orders. If there is a single match, you advance directly to the Order Summary or Customer Order List page, as described above.

In this topic:

For more information:

Search for Orders or Customers: Initial Field Display

When you first advance to the Search for Orders or Customers page, the system uses the configuration settings defined in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option in Classic View to determine which fields to display on the page for the currently selected company.

  • The Contact Center Field Display screen in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option controls which fields display on the Search for Orders or Customers page for the specified company. You can define whether the Sales Representative Number and Phone Number display on this page. See Fields on Search for Orders or Customers for a complete list of the fields that can display for this page.
  • The Contact Center Order Search Field Sequence screen in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option controls the sequence of the fields that display in the Search for Orders Panel and Search for Customers Panel for the specified company. In addition, this page also controls which fields initially display in each panel before you need to select the > Additional Order Search Fields link or the > Additional Customer Search Fields link to display the remaining fields in the panel.

Delivered Order Search Field Sequence Settings

The delivered sort order for the Search for Orders panel is:

The delivered number of Order Quick Search fields is 1. When using the default sort order, only the Order Number field initially displays before you need to select the > Additional Order Search Fields link to display the remaining fields.

The delivered sort order for the Search for Customers panel is:

The delivered number of Customer Quick Search fields is 6. When using the default sort order, the Email Address, Phone Number, Last Name, Company Name, Postal Code, and Customer Number fields initially display before you need to select the > Additional Customer Search Fields link to display the remaining fields.


Once a user uses the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option to change the delivered order search field sequence settings, there is no way to reset to the default settings unless you manually update the configuration to match the default settings as defined above.

Search for Orders or Customers Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Search for Orders or Customers page.

For more information:

Display Additional Search for Orders Fields

In the Search for Orders Panel, select > Additional Order Search Fields to display the additional order fields that are available for an order search.


The Contact Center Order Search Field Sequence screen in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option controls which fields to initially display in the Search for Orders panel. If the Search for Orders panel is configured to display all fields, the > Additional Order Search Fields option does not display.

Search for an Order

  1. Complete one or more of the order fields in the Search for Orders Panel; see Order Search Field Validation for the validation that occurs for each field.
  2. Select the Search Orders option. The system validates your entries and searches for orders that meet all of your search criteria.

    • If the system finds a single order that meets your search criteria, you advance to the Order Summary page for the order.

    • If the system finds more than one order that meets your search criteria, the results are displayed in the Order Search Results Fields. Note: If the number of orders found is greater than the maximum search results of 500 records, the system displays an error message. In this situation, the system retains your search criteria so that you can refine your search and try again.

    • If no orders meet your search criteria, the system displays an error message. In this situation, the system retains your search criteria so that you can review and modify your search.


In order to perform an order search by pressing Enter, your cursor must be in one of the order fields. Searching by pressing Enter is available only for fields that are not associated with a drop down list of values.

Order Search Field Validation

Order Number Search: Enter a complete and valid Order Number to find an order that matches your entry.


If you search by order number, the system ignores any other search criteria that you enter.

Order Date Search: Enter a complete and valid Order Date in user date format, or select a date from the calendar, to find orders whose order header date matches your entry.

  • You can enter a date that is earlier, equal to, or later than the current date.
  • Enter the date in the date format defined for your user ID. For example, if the date format for your user ID is set to YY/MM/DD and you enter 12/12/12, the system recognizes this date as 2012, December 12 and searches for orders that were created on that date.
  • If you enter a 4-digit number in a date field, your entry is interpreted as the year, and the current day and month are filled in. For example, if you enter 2022 and the current date is April 1, the date is filled in as 4/1/2022, depending on the date format for your locale.

Invoice Number Search: Enter a complete and valid Invoice number to find orders whose invoice number matches your entry.

Alternate Order Number Search: Enter a full or partial Alternate Order Number to find orders whose Alternate order number starts with your entry.

Orders from Order Broker: To review orders from Order Orchestration whose originating system is Order Administration, enter ORIG#: in this field and select the Search Orders option to have the Search for Orders or Customers page display order results where all orders whose Alternate Order Number in the Order Header Extended table begin with ORIG#: display.

Last 4 Digits of Payment Card Search: Enter the Last 4 Digits of Payment Card to find orders that contain a payment card whose last four digits match your entry.

Item ID and SKU Search:

  • Enter a valid Item ID to find orders that contain an item ID that matches your entry, regardless of SKU.
  • Enter a valid Item ID and SKU to find orders that contain an item ID and SKU combination that matches your entry.
  • Enter a valid Item ID and select the Populate SKU Options icon to retrieve the valid SKU’s for the item. Once the SKU’s are retrieved:

    • Select the SKU field to display the SKU drop down list.

    • Enter a full or partial SKU in the drop down list search field to find SKU’s that contain your entry.

    • Select a SKU from the drop down list to populate the SKU field.

    Note: The SKU is made up of three four position fields. If you search on more than one SKU element, you must enter the full four positions for each field. For example:

    • If you search for RED SML, you must type RED SML, where the space between RED and SML is two blank spaces. You need to enter one space to represent the forth position of the RED SKU element and the other space represents the space between the SKU elements.

    • If you search for BLUE SML, you must type BLUE SML, where the space between BLUE and SML is one blank space to represent the space between the SKU elements.

Order Status Search: Select a valid Order Status from the list to find orders whose order header status matches your entry.

You can search for an order in a Canceled, Error,Held, Open, Quote, Suspended, or Closed status.

Origin Search: Select a valid Origin (Order Type) from the list to find orders whose origin matches your entry.

Pick Control Number Search: Enter a valid Pick Control Number that is associated with an invoice to find an order whose pick control number matches your entry.

Pick Control Numbers associated with an invoice only: The system includes only pick control numbers associated with an invoice when you search for orders by pick control number (the pick control number has been billed and is assigned to an invoice in the Invoice Detail table). If you enter a pick control number that has not yet been billed and perform an order search, the system displays an error message indicating no orders were found, even if this pick control number is associated with an order.


If you search for orders using order search criteria other than pick control number, the system will return orders that meet your search criteria, regardless of whether any picks for the order have been billed.

User ID Search: Select a User ID and User Name to find orders whose entered by user ID matches your selection.

User Suggestions: If you enter any characters in this field, the system displays any user IDs or user name that contain your entry.

User ID Lookup: Select the prompt arrow next to the User ID field to advance display a list of user IDs.

Sales Representative Number Search: Enter a valid and active sales representative number to find orders whose sales representative number matches your entry, or select the prompt arrow next to the Sales Representative Number field to display a list of active sales representatives.

Active Sales Representatives only: The system includes only active sales representatives when you search for orders by sales representative (the Active field for the sales representative is selected in the Work with Sales Representative (WSLS) menu option). If you enter an inactive sales representative and perform an order search, the system displays an error message indicating the sales representative number was not found, even if this inactive sales representative is associated with an order.


If you search for orders using order search criteria other than sales representative, the system will return orders that meet your search criteria, regardless of the active status of the sales representative associated with the order.

Batch Number Search: Enter a valid Batch Number associated to an order to display a list of all orders with that specific batch number. Orders in an error batch can be searched by a specific batch number.

Clear the Fields in the Search for Orders Panel

Select the Clear option next to the Search Orders button. The system removes all of your entries in the fields associated with the Search for Orders panel.

Display Additional Search for Customers Fields

In the Search for Customers Panel, select > Additional Customer Search Fields to display the additional customer fields that are available for a customer search.


The Contact Center Order Search Field Sequence screen in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option controls which fields initially display in the Search for Customers panel before you need to select the > Additional Customer Search Fields link to display the remaining fields in the panel. If the Search for Customers panel is configured to display all fields, the > Additional Customer Search Fields option does not display.

Search for a Customer

  1. Complete one or more of the customer fields in the Search for Customers Panel. See Customer Search Field Validation for the validation that occurs for each field.
  2. Select the Search Customers option or press Enter. The system validates your entries and searches for customers that meet all of your search criteria.

    • If the system finds a single customer that meets your search criteria, you advance to the Customer Order List page.

    • If the system finds more than one customer that meets your search criteria, the matching customers are listed in the Customer Search Results Fields. Note: If the number of customers found is greater than the maximum search results of 500 records, the system displays an error message. In this situation, the system retains your search criteria so that you can refine your search and try again.

    • If no customers meet your search criteria, the system displays an error message. In this situation, the system retains your search criteria so that you can review and modify your search.


  • If you search by customer number, the system ignores any other search criteria that you enter.
  • In order to perform a customer search by pressing Enter, your cursor must be in one of the customer fields. Searching by pressing Enter is available only for fields that do not have a defined drop down list of values.
  • The system does not include Ghost Customers in the customer search results. You can identify a ghost customer by the setting of the Ghost flag.

Search in Customer Engagement? If the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT:

  • Customer(s) found in Customer Engagement? If Customer Engagement returns any customer records, they are displayed in the customer search results:

    • If a customer returned in the response is selected, and the customer did not previously exist in Order Administration, the customer record is created, and an Order Administration customer number is assigned.

    • If the customer returned in the response and selected did previously exist in Order Administration but was not assigned a Customer Engagement ID, the customer record in Order Administration is updated with the ID passed from Customer Engagement, as well as the name and address information from Customer Engagement.
    • If a customer returned in the response is selected and previously existed in Order Administration with a Customer Engagement ID assignment, the customer’s name and address information are updated with the information from Customer Engagement.
  • Customer not found in Customer Engagement? If there are no matches returned from Customer Engagement, any matching records in the Order Administration Customer Sold To table are displayed. If there is only one matching record, Order Administration sends the customer information to Customer Engagement. Customer Engagement creates a record for the customer and sends the new Customer Engagement ID to Order Administration, and Order Administration updates the customer record with the ID.

The page indicates whether the search results were found in Customer Engagement or in Order Administration.

Customer Search Field Validation

Email Address Search: Enter a valid Email Address to find customers whose email address matches your entry. The email address you enter can be the customer’s primary email address or a secondary email address.

In order to search on email address, the system verifies that:

  • There is an @ sign and a period (.).
  • There is some text before the @ sign, between the @ sign and the period, and after the period.

Phone Number Search: Enter a full or partial Phone Number to find customers whose home, business, or mobile (fax) phone numbers match your entry.

First Name Search: Enter a full or partial First Name to find customers whose first names start with your entry.

Last Name Search: Enter a full or partial Last Name to find customers whose last names start with your entry.

Company Name Search: Enter a full or partial Company Name to find customers whose company names start with your entry.

Postal Code Search: Enter a full or partial Postal Code to find customers whose postal codes start with your entry. When searching for a customer based on postal code, your entry should not exceed the number of positions indicated in the Postal Code Scan Length (F61) system control value.

Customer Number Search: Enter a valid Customer Number to search for customers whose sold to customer number matches your entry.

Search based on Customer Engagement ID? If the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT and the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number in Search flag is selected in Work with Contact Center (WWCC) and your entry is a valid ORCE Customer ID, the matching customer is displayed.

Search based on Order Administration customer number? If:

    • The ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is not set to INTERACT, or if

    • The Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number in Search flag is not selected in Work with Contact Center (WWCC), and your entry is a valid Order Administration customer number, then

    • The matching customer is displayed.
  • Otherwise, no results are displayed.


If you search by customer number, the system ignores any other search criteria that you enter.

Match Code Search: Enter a full or partial Match Code to find customers whose match code starts with your entry.

Clear the Fields in the Search for Customers Panel

Select the Clear option next to the Search Customers button. The system removes all of your entries in the fields associated with the Search for Customers panel.

Customer Search Result Options

If you searched based on customer information, you have the following options.

Select a customer for review or new order: Click a displayed customer name to open the Customer Order List page for the customer, where you can review the customer’s orders and optionally enter a new order for the customer.

Review a customer’s most recent order: Click a customer’s most recent order number to advance to the Order Summary page for the order.

Call a customer: Select the Phone Number link to advance to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer’s phone number.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Phone field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option. In addition, the Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Email a customer: Select the Email Address link for a customer to advance to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.


This option is available only if hyperlink configuration is selected for the Email field in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.

Filter the search results: The customer search results include the first 15 customer records matching your search criteria. Optionally, you can further filter the search results by using the Filter results field above the list of customers to enter one or more terms to search across any of the displayed information.

For example, if you enter 1200 in the Filter results field, the search results might be restricted to customers who live at a street address of 1200, have a phone number that includes 1200, or whose last order number included 1200. If you enter Spring, the result results might be restricted to customers whose last name is Spring, or who live on Spring Street.


  • Only fields displayed in the customer search results are available for filtering. For example, you can filter based on the first line of the customer’s street address, because it is displayed, but you cannot filter based on the apartment number.
  • You can remove a search filter by clicking the X next to the filter term.
  • The filtering is not restricted to the customers displayed on the first page of results. For example, if the only customer matching your entry is on the third page of results, this customer is displayed.

Sort the search results: You can sort on any column in the displayed customer search results by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Customer search results first display on this page in ascending company name, ascending customer last name sequence.

Order Search Result Options

If you searched based on order information, you have the following options.

Select an order: Select the Order Number link for a record in the search results to advance to the Order Summary page for the order.

If there is a batch number associated with the order, each order in Error status can be worked through in an attempt to resolve the error.

A link is not available if the order’s status is Error and no batch number is associated with the order. This can happen when the browser is closed in Modern View whilst creating an order), the order is display-only, and no edits are allowed.

Batch Number: Orders in error that are received from an external system are assigned to an error batch. Searching on Batch Number (maximum 5 numbers) and clicking Search returns all orders that are in that specific batch.

Filter the search results: The customer search results include the first 15 orders matching your search criteria. Optionally, you can further filter the search results by using the Filter results field above the list of orders to enter one or more terms to search across any of the displayed information.

For example, if you enter 1234 in the Filter results field, the search results might be restricted to orders with a street address number or postal code of 1200. If you enter Spring, the result results might be restricted to orders for customers whose last name is Spring, or with a street address of Spring Street.


  • Only fields displayed in the order search results are available for filtering. For example, you can filter based on the first line of the customer’s street address, because it is displayed, but you cannot filter based on the apartment number.
  • You can remove a search filter by clicking the X next to the filter term.
  • The filtering is not restricted to the customers displayed on the first page of results. For example, if the only customer matching your entry is on the third page of results, this customer is displayed.

Sort the search results: You can sort on any column in the displayed order search results clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Order search results first display on this page in descending order date, ascending order number sequence.

Start a New Search

After performing a search, select New Search from the search field at the top of the page to clear the currently displayed orders or customers and restore the Search for Orders and Search for Customers fields, with each of these fields now empty.

Fields on Search for Orders or Customers

Purpose: The following information displays on the Search for Orders or Customers page.

For more information:

Search for Orders Panel

The Contact Center Order Search Field Sequence screen in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option controls the order in which the fields in the Search for Orders panel display. In addition, this screen also controls which fields initially display in the Search for Orders panel before you need to select the > Additional Order Search Fields link to display the remaining fields in the panel.

New Search Fields

The fields you use to perform an order or customer search are described below.

Search for Customers Panel

The Contact Center Order Search Field Sequence screen in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option in the Classic View of Order Administration controls the order in which the fields in the Search for Customers panel of the Search for Orders or Customers page display. In addition, this screen also controls which fields initially display in the Search for Customers Fields panel before you need to select the > Additional Customer Search Fields link to display the remaining fields in the panel.

Order Search Results Fields

This table displays the first 15 orders that matched your order search criteria. Select the Order Number link for a record in the search results to advance to the Order Summary page for the order. For each order record, the system displays the following fields:

  • Order Date
  • Order Number.
  • Order Status
  • Order Total
  • Sold To Customer Name in last name, first name format, with the company also displayed if specified.
  • Sold To Customer Address: The system does not display address lines 2, 3, or 4 or the apartment/suite number.
  • Recipient: The ship-to customer name displays in last name, first name display. If a company name is defined without a ship-to customer name, the company name displays in place of the ship-to customer name. If the only recipient on the order is the sold-to customer, the sold-to customer name or company name displays.

If the order contains multiple ship-to customers, up to five ship-to customers display on separate lines. If there are more than five ship-to customers on the order, + # Additional Recipients displays, where # is the total number of ship-to customers - 5.

If you use the Order Broker integration, the recipient customer for a store pickup or ship-for-pickup order is the store code and store name of the store location where the customer will pickup the order.

Customer Search Results Fields

This table lists the first 15 customers that matched the search criteria you entered on the Search for Orders or Customers page to search for a customer. For each customer record, the following fields display:

  • Customer # (Customer Number):
  • Customer Name: The customer name displays in last name, first name sequence.

    If a company name is also defined, the company name displays below the customer name.

    If a company name is defined without a customer name, the company name displays in place of the customer name.

  • Customer Address: The customer address that displays here does not display address lines 2, 3, or 4 or the apartment/suite number.
  • Phone (Phone Number): The Phone field displays in Contact Center only if it is selected for display in the Work with Contact Center (WWCC) menu option.
  • Email Address: If more than one email address is defined for the customer, up to five email addresses display on separate lines, with the primary email address first, followed by secondary email addresses in the order in which they were entered in the system. If there are more than five email addresses defined for the customer, + # Additional Email Addresses displays, where # is the total number of email addresses for the customer minus 5.
  • Last Order date and number, regardless of the current status of the order. Listed below the customer name.