5 Home

Purpose: The Home page is the default page that opens when you advance to Modern View, providing:

Summary tiles displaying summaries of:

  • Sales Summary: Sales for the current date, including the total merchandise value sold for the current day and month.
  • Operations Summary: Entered orders for the current date, as well as the average order line merchandise value.
  • Held Order Summary: Current held orders, including merchandise value and number of held orders.

Each tile provides a link to the related report page. For example, highlight the Operations Summary tile and click View Report to open the Operations Summary page.

Illustration of summary data is displayed below when you highlight each tile. For example, when you highlight the Sales Summary tile, an illustration of Sales Today by Order Type is displayed.

Additional information and options at this page includes:

  • Announcements in the upper right, if defined for the company.
  • Quick links below the summary data, if defined for the user’s user class.
  • History of recent activity, with links.
  • Company logo in the upper right.
  • Customer and order search fields.
  • Option to check gift card balance.

Some of the data displayed on this page does not update dynamically. Click Refresh in the upper right to update the displayed sales and held order totals.

How to display: The Home page opens by default, and remains open while you are working in Modern View.

For more information:

Home Page Options

Purpose: The following options are available on the Home page.

For more information:


Click Refresh at the upper right corner to refresh the totals displayed at the Home page.

The totals do not refresh automatically when you advance to this page.


It is not necessary to click Refresh to update quick links.

Sales Summary Options

The Sales Summary tile is highlighted by default when you advance to the Home page.

ALLOW authority to Sales Summary (DSSS) is required to display this tile.

The following options are available when the Sales Summary tile is highlighted:

Display Sales Summary Bar Chart

When the Sales Summary tile is highlighted, the Sales Summary bar chart is displayed.

The bar charts illustrates the percentage of merchandise value shipped for each order type. Only order types that have had sales activity on the current date are illustrated.

If a particular order type made up less than 1% of the merchandise value shipped, it is not displayed in a bar chart.

The percentage each order type represents in the total merchandise value of sales for current date is displayed. Percentages listed are rounded to whole numbers.

Advance to the Sales Summary Page

With the Sales Summary tile highlighted, click View Report to open the Sales Summary page in a new window.

Operations Summary Options

ALLOW authority to Display Order Control Summary (FLSH) is required to display this tile.

The following options are available when the Operations Summary tile is highlighted:

Display Operations Summary Bar Charts

When the Operations Summary tile is highlighted, the Operations Summary bar charts are displayed.

The bar charts illustrates the Unit Count, Order Count, and Merchandise Value of each order activity that has taken place for the current day.

Optionally, position your cursor over a segment of a bar chart to display the percentage that the activity represents for the day’s total. For example, position your cursor over the Entered activity in the Unit Count bar chart to display the percentage of the day’s activity represented by entry of order lines. Percentages are rounded to one decimal position (for example, 28.3).

Advance to the Operations Summary Page

With the Operations Summary tile highlighted, click View Report to open the Operations Summary page in a new window.

Held Order Summary Options

ALLOW authority to Display Held Order Summary (DHOS) is required to display this tile.

The following options are available when the Held Order Summary tile is highlighted:

Display Held Order Summary Bar Charts

When the Held Order Summary tile is highlighted, the Held Order Summary bar charts are displayed.

About the Y (Vertical) Axis: The Y axis displays a scale to illustrate the total number of held orders by hold reason. The scale is proportional to the largest number of orders held for each reason. For example, if the hold reason with the largest number of orders includes 83 orders, the Orders scale goes from 0 to 100 by tens.

For each hold reason:

  • The hold reasons are listed in alphabetical order based on the Hold Reason descriptions, and the descriptions are displayed vertically if there is not enough space to display them horizontally; in this case, the descriptions may be truncated.
  • Bar indicating total number of orders: The height of the bar displayed for the hold reason is proportional based on the number of orders currently held for that reason.

Hold reasons displayed: Only system holds assigned at the header level are displayed. If an order is on a ship-to hold (such as ship-to fraud) or a pay type hold, then there is also a system hold assigned at the header level, so only these hold reasons are displayed in order to overstate assigned holds.

Position your cursor over the bar for the hold reason to display:

  • The Hold Reason description.
  • The total number of orders assigned that hold reason. Orders with multiple ship-tos increase the total by 1, not by the number of ship-tos. User-assigned holds, identified by (User Hold), are listed separately from system-assigned hold if the hold has been applied both by the system and by a user.

If multiple hold reasons applied to an order: An order can have multiple hold reasons applied, and in this case it is included in the total order count and merchandise value for each hold reason. For example, an order is on a time hold, and a user hold has also been applied. The order is included in the totals for both hold reasons.

Advance to the Held Order Summary Page

With the Held Order Summary tile highlighted, click View Report to open the Held Order Summary page in a new window.

Search for Orders or Customers

The options to search for existing orders or customers are displayed only if you have authority to Order Inquiry/Maintenance (OIOM).

See Search for Orders or Customers for more information.

Use Quick Links

Quick links for menu options are available on the Home page, if:

  • They are included in the Modern View Quick Link Menu defined for your user class, if any, and
  • The menu options are available in Modern View. Menu options that are available only in Classic View are not displayed. Also, sub-menus are not displayed.

Select a quick link for a menu option to open the option in a new tab.

If there are one to three quick link menu options, they are all displayed. If there are more than three quick link menu options, additional options besides the first two are available by selecting Additional Shortcuts.

Illustrates quick link options with additional shortcuts available.

Links to recent activity in your current session, described below, are also available from the quick link menu.

Illustrates the quick link menu with recent activity displayed.

If there are no quick links defined for your user class, then just the Recent Activity is displayed.

View Recent Activity

Links to the five most recent activities in your current session are available on the Home page. You can click on a displayed recent activity to open the related page in a new tab. This option is available at the far right end of the bar where any Quick Links are displayed, as described above.

Only the following types of activity are tracked under Recent Activity:

The recent activity links for the last five activities of your current session update dynamically. It is not necessary to use the Refresh option.


If you change companies or advance to Classic View, the recent activity history is cleared.

Icons in the displayed list indicate the type of activity:

Illustrates icon assigned to viewing or updating a customer.: Viewing or updating a customer.

Illustrates icon assigned to entering, viewing, or working with an order.: Entering, viewing, or working with an order.

Illustrates icon assigned to Sales Summary and Batch Job Statistics.: Sales Summary or Batch Job Statistics.

Illustrates icon assigned to various system management menu options.: Manage Held Orders, Held Order Summary, Unlock Order, Manage External Application Access, Narvar Order Export Errors, Enterprise Data Import History, and Payment Configurations.

Check Gift Card Balance

Use this option to check the current balance on a gift card. This option is available only if you have authority to the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB) menu option. See Check Gift Card Balance for more information.

Fields on the Home Page

Purpose: The following fields display on the Home page.


The information displayed on this page does not update automatically. Click Refresh on the upper right to update the displayed information.

For more information:

  • Home for an overview of the Home page.
  • Home Page Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Home page.


The HomeLogo.jpg is displayed in the upper right. If there is an override logo for the company you are currently working in, the company-specific image is displayed instead. In this case, the image name is HomeLogo006.jpg, where 6 is the current company number.

See Image Setup for the Home Page for more information.


Announcements, set up through the Work with Announcements (WANN) menu option in Classic View, are displayed in the upper right, below the logo. Up to three announcement lines are displayed, without line breaks.

Summary Tiles

Required authority: Each of the summary tiles is displayed only if you have ALLOW authority to the related menu option:

  • Sales Summary tile: Requires ALLOW authority to the Sales Summary (DSSS) option.
  • Operations Summary tile: Requires ALLOW authority to the Display Order Control Summary (FLSH) option.
  • Held Order Summary tile: Requires ALLOW authority to the Display Held Order Summary (DHOS) option.

If you do not have the required authority:

  • If you do not have the required authority to one or two of the menu options, the related tiles are not displayed at the Home page. Only the tile(s) that you have authority to will be displayed.
  • If you do not have the required authority to any of the tiles, then the Summary Charts is displayed instead.

Sales Summary Tile

  • Merchandise Value: The total merchandise value for the current date. See the Sales Summary Calculations for a discussion on how the total merchandise value is calculated.
  • Currency: Set to the Local Currency (A55). All merchandise values are displayed in this currency. See this system control value in the Classic View online help for more information on currency, and how orders amounts in different currencies are converted to the local currency.
  • This month: The total merchandise value for the current month to date. See the Sales Summary Calculations for a discussion on how the total merchandise value is calculated.

Operations Summary Tile

  • Entered Value: The merchandise value of order lines that were entered or created on the current date.

    • This total includes the value of each order line entered on the current date, regardless of the original order date.

    • This total also includes items added to the order as part of an exchange.

    • This total also includes units added to an existing order line that was originally created on a prior date.

    • This total is also decreased when you apply a post-shipment discount.

    • Cancellations that take place using a cancel reason flagged to Reduce demand are subtracted from the Entered totals. For example, you might use a cancel reason flagged to reduce demand if the order line was created through an error, and the customer did not actually want to order the item.

  • Currency: Set to the Local Currency (A55). See this system control value in the Classic View online help for more information on currency, and how orders amounts in different currencies are converted to the local currency.
  • Average Value: The total Merchandise Value divided by the total number of units related to the activity on the current date. For example, if the total Merchandise Value entered so far today is 5,000 for a total of 200 units, the Average Value is 25.00.

Held Order Summary Tile

  • Merchandise Value: The total current merchandise value for all currently held orders. This total is the same as the total displayed in the All tile at the Manage Held Orders page when no filters are applied.
  • Currency: Set to the Local Currency (A55). See this system control value in the Classic View online help for more information on currency, and how orders amounts in different currencies are converted to the local currency.
  • Orders: The total number of held orders. Orders with multiple ship-tos increase the count by just one.

Summary Charts

Each of the summary charts described below are displayed when you highlight the related summary tile, and only if you have authority to the related menu options, as described above under Summary Tiles.

Sales Today by Order Type (Percentage of Sales)

The bar charts illustrates the percentage of merchandise value shipped for each order type. Only order types that have had sales activity on the current date are illustrated.

If a particular order type made up less than 1% of the merchandise value shipped, it is not displayed in a bar chart.

The percentage each order type represents in the total merchandise value of sales for current date is displayed. Percentages listed are rounded to whole numbers.

Operations Summary

The bar charts illustrate the following totals:

  • Unit Count: Indicates the percentage represented by each tracked activity in the total number of units for all tracked activities (entered, canceled, sold out, shipped, exchanged, or returned).

For example, there has been a total of 300 units involved in activities so far today, including:

  • 150 units entered on order lines

  • 20 units canceled on order lines

  • 10 units sold out on order lines

  • 100 units shipped on order lines

  • 20 units returned on order lines

    For a total of 300 units.

    The 150 units entered represent 50% of the unit count so far for the current date. When you position your cursor over the Entered portion of the bar chart, a window displays:

    • Status: Entered

    • Percent of Activity: 50

    The percentage is rounded to the nearest tenth. For example, 42.857 is rounded to 42.9, and 57.142 is rounded to 57.1.

  • Order Count: Indicates the percentage represented by each tracked activity in the total number of orders for all tracked activities. Only activities that affect the entire order are tracked in the order count, regardless of whether other activities have taken place related to the lines on the order. However, based on the setting of the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55), activities that create invoice records (shipments and returns) can also be included in the order count, regardless of whether the status of the order itself has changed.

    For example, so far today:

    • 130 orders were entered

    • 50 orders had shipments, including partial shipments

    • 30 orders had returns, including partial returns

    For a total of 210 orders entered.

    The orders entered represent approximately 61.9% of the total. When you position your cursor over the Entered portion of the bar chart, a window displays:

    • Status: Entered

    • Percent of Activity: 61.9

    The percentage is rounded to the nearest tenth. For example, 42.857 is rounded to 42.9, and 57.142 is rounded to 57.1.

    Multi-recipient orders: Each ship-to on a multi-recipient order increases the total order count by one. For example, when you create an order that includes two additional recipients, it increases the total by three.

  • Merchandise Value: Indicates the percentage represented by each tracked activity in total merchandise value. For example, the total merchandise value across all activities so far today is $2300, including:

    • $800 entered

    • $200 canceled

    • $100 sold out

    • $1000 shipped

    • $200 returned

    The merchandise value of orders entered represents 34.87% of the total. When you position your cursor over the Entered portion of the bar chart, a window displays:
    • Status: Entered

    • Percent of Activity: 34.9

    The percentage is rounded to the nearest tenth. For example, 42.857 is rounded to 42.9, and 57.142 is rounded to 57.1.

    The percentage of each of the following activities are displayed in a different color. Position your cursor over each activity to display the percentage that the activity represents of the total count or value, broken out to 2 decimal positions.

Possible activities are:

  • Entered: Order lines that were entered or created on the current date.

    This total increases for each order line entered on the current date, regardless of the original order date.

    This total also includes items added to the order as part of an exchange.

    Cancellations that take place using a cancel reason flagged to Reduce demand are subtracted from the Entered totals. For example, you might use a cancel reason flagged to reduce demand if the order line was created through an error, and the customer did not actually want to order the item.

  • Cancelled: Order lines that were canceled on the current date. A cancellation increases this total, rather than decreasing the Entered total, when the cancellation reason used is not flagged to Reduce demand.
  • Exchanged: Order lines that were exchanged on the current date.
  • Soldout: Tracks the merchandise value of order lines that were sold out on the current date.
  • Shipped: Order lines that were shipped and billed on the current date.


The Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) system control value defines how to update the Shipped totals.
  • Returned: Order lines that were returned on the current date.

Activity date vs. order date: The totals are based on activities that took place on the current date, regardless of when the order was created. For example, an order was created on April 1, and an order line was added today, April 9. The order line’s merchandise total is included in today’s totals.

If a particular activity has not taken place for the current date, it is not included in the bar chart.

Held Order Summary

About the Y (Vertical) Axis: The Y axis displays a scale to illustrate the total number of held orders by hold reason. The scale is proportional to the largest number of orders held for each reason. For example, if the hold reason with the largest number of orders includes 83 orders, the Orders scale goes from 0 to 100 by tens.

For each hold reason:

  • The hold reasons are listed in alphabetical order based on the Hold Reason descriptions, and the descriptions are displayed vertically if there is not enough space to display them horizontally; in this case, the descriptions may be truncated.
  • Bar indicating total number of orders: The height of the bar displayed for the hold reason is proportional based on the number of orders currently held for that reason.

Hold reasons not displayed: The following types of hold reasons are not displayed:

  • Ship-to hold reasons, such as ship-to fraud. These orders are included under the ship-to only hold reason.

  • Pay type holds applied by the system, including the waiting credit-card authorization hold (CW hold).

Position your cursor over the bar for the hold reason to display:

  • The Hold Reason description.
  • The total number of orders assigned that hold reason. Orders with multiple ship-tos increase the total by 1, not by the number of ship-tos. User-assigned holds, identified by (User Hold), are listed separately from system-assigned hold if the hold has been applied both by the system and by a user.

If multiple hold reasons applied to an order: An order can have multiple hold reasons applied, and in this case it is included in the total order count and merchandise value for each hold reason. For example, an order is on a time hold, and a user hold has also been applied. The order is included in the totals for both hold reasons.

Search for Orders and Customers

See Search for Orders or Customers for more information.

Quick Link Menu

Menu options are available at the bottom of the Home page if:

  • They are included in the Modern View Quick Link Menu defined for your user class, if any.
  • The menu options are available in Modern View. Menu options that are available only in Classic View are not displayed. Also, sub-menus are not displayed.

Click any of the menu option links to open the related page.

See Use Quick Links for more information.

Recent Activity

Links to the five most recent activities in your current session are available. See View Recent Activity.

Gift Card Balance

See Fields on Check Gift Card Balance.